The gov is broke

Discussion in 'Politics' started by oldman11, Jan 26, 2021.

  1. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    What will happen when our gov is broke? No food stamps,no social security,no medi care,no charity hospitals,no police,no upkeep on our roads,politicians will not run for office as there won’t be any money to steal.the armed forces on a down hill slide with no money to protect our airports or airplanes flying,no anything period.people will be killing each other,stealing,starving to death,just poor hell.SHTF in a big way. These people that are causing all this should be done away with NOW. Let’s get our country back from politicians you don’t care for nothing but what money they can steal. In the mean time prepare to be able to live and protect your family. Put back cash,food,ammo,pay cash for everything,do not charge anything,it’s going to be rough and a lot of people will die. The main thing is to get right with god ,everything else will fall into place. Prepare for Rough times Ahead soon.
    prepare. No more U.S.A. The United States of China. It’s better to loose some politicians than loose our country
    SB21, Gator 45/70 and duane like this.
  2. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    When the government is financially broke all hell will break loose. In the last 20+ years the government has promoted and pushed cultural diversity rather than promoting we are all Americans. IMO the glue that has kept society semi civil has been economic prosperity and we had a common American culture --as we have seen during the pandemic the economy took a nose dive and riots followed. When things really get bad food shortages, unemployment we will see each of these "diverse groups " pitted against each other. I agree with you they will be coming for whatever you have not asking - taking. How many times have we read someone murdered over a pair of Nikes. Bidumb is well on his way to destroying this Republic. Prepare --protect yourself, your family.
  3. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Well the Roman's did well for hundreds of years, then the politicians figured out that they could get the votes they needed to win if they controlled the poor and the army. Bread and circus for the poor, you don't have to work any more, the government has to feed you etc, and hire the army from the savages at the gate. Course that all ended well, the money ran out for the people, minimum income for all lead to inflation, and the savages didn't get paid and took over. A couple hundred years later there were sheep grazing in the former monuments in Rome.
    I think our downfall is going to be race, free sh** for everyone, and hire immigrants to do all the dirty work, while the "poor" live on their covid payments, live in free housing, kill time with their meaningless free education, get free medical care, and on it goes. Been a good run, a lot shorter than the Roman's but we have all the modern tools to speed things up, but looks like time to get a few sheep to graze in the ruins of Washington, etc.

    Agree, be gray, be self sufficient, stay away from crowds, associate with others that believe in God and haven't bought into the new gimmee life style, get ready to protect what you have, and hang on, it looks like it is going to a rough ride in the near future.

    The new world, brother is dead at 65, kids were educated in urban woke school 40 years ago, had 3 children, they have never amounted to much, two sons in and out of jail, daughter never married, has about 6 or so woke grandchildren that are well down the same road, one of the great grand daughters has just had her second black baby, well hooked on any drug she can get, semi pro hooker for which ever sugar daddy is supplying the dope, and his widow is taking care of the babies as it is either that or foster care as none of the daddies is paying a dime or taking any interest in the kids. The grand daughter is 20 now, always going to turn her life around, and than a new sugar daddy and more dope takes care of that, waiting for the e-mail that she was either murdered or OD. A little bitter as at soon to be 83 still working, still paying taxes, but all of the world's problems are due to my belief in God and white privilege. My kids have done a little bit better, but the latest generation is standing around the kettle drinking the kool aide and I am an old fart who is just so out of it. Yep at times as with the recent mock election, I get a little bit discouraged and a little bit dismayed by the way the world is going.

    Don't know what happened, we had a generation that won WW2, built the interstates, took us from 300 mph prop planes to 1200 mph jet fighters in 10 years, put a man on the moon, built the suburbs, built a whole new world based on electronics and technology, a whole new medical system with tech and new medicines, made an advanced education available to all, and then somewhere along the line we turned into a nation that borrows for everything, agrees on nothing, and depends on the rest of the world to supply us with our needs. The dollar is toast, no inflation, but $100 buys almost no groceries, a 15,000 house from 30 years ago now sells for 250,000. the cost of filling the fuel tank in my plow truck is up 30% in last 6 months or so, and replacing a 15 year old 4 wheel drive F350 snow plow would cost 3 times what I paid for it new. So hunker down, patch things up, sit up on the hill and watch the flat landers kill each other off an fight over the scraps still left.

    And the attitude is that I am just a bitter old racist biggot and that if I only would see how it is all my fault the system is failing and drink the kool aide and share what I have accumulated in the last 70 years of working, everything would be fine.[sheep]
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2021
    oldawg, Mountainman, TnAndy and 5 others like this.
  4. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    I never took you guys as self pitying culture wars victims, yearning for a 'golden age' when things were oh so much better. :rolleyes:

    Such despair, and desperate yearning to relive their nation's past glories is particularly sad....

    It is no understatement to say that America is severely damaged, and it has to be said, that the immediately previous incumbent, his collaborators, and enablers have contributed signally to this sate of affairs: but America is not yet broke, nor broken, by any means...unless like a concentration camp 'muselmann', those who ought give a damn about their nation, simply give up and retreat into their post apocalyptic bolt holes.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2021
  5. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    I will be 78 in March,quit school in the ninth grade,all ways worked and had a job,drove trucks,heavy equipment,mechanic and went on to be the public works director for my small town of 6000,also had six water systems to operate. Don’t owe anybody,never been arrested for anything,not even a speeding ticket the last thirty years,and have never used unlawful drugs, I guess what I’m trying to say is I think everybody should have to pay their way thru life if their health allows. Just think what a super great country we would have. Not that I have never pulled some dumb stunts,I have. At 17 I left Louisiana and drove th Washington state to work in the fields,after three months my car broke down and without enough money to fix it and without a job because of the car,I hitchhiked home. Boy was that a learning experience. We are in for hard times worst than the Great Depression. We need politicians to be held accountable for their deeds,term limits .long jail sentences for crooked politicians and the death penalty for the ones that do harm to our great country. Hard times ahead,prepare,prepare,prepare.
    Mountainman, arleigh, SB21 and 2 others like this.
  6. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    Chelloveck,there’s nothing sad about wanting your country to great like it once was. Australia is nothing without the USA helping is it not? Your gov tells you what to eat,wear and can say without being in trouble. You cannot even protect yourself when trouble comes calling,you always call on the great USA to protect you,that’s shameful in the first degree. But you come on here and bad mouth us and try to tell us how to live. Our last president Trump done more for us since Reagan. Biden has already done more damage since president Lincoln and will try to do more. Chelloveck I don’t dislike you one bit,I dislike you coming on this great forum and running our country down. Please talk about what the survival monkey forum was started for and leave the great USA mud slinging part out of it ,ok? [flag]
    3cyl, Mountainman, kitty and 5 others like this.
  7. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    The country turned from God in the 60’s and things started to go downhill from there. You want to fix it? Get back to God, stop listening to the news, politicians, tech titans, false prophets etc. Yes it will be a bumpy ride, yes there will be folks that don’t survive, but we are Americans and we can do this. It may take help from above, but we can do this. Put your own house in order and pray.
    arleigh, Yard Dart, Gafarmboy and 3 others like this.
  8. Merkun

    Merkun furious dreamer

    Not to forget the zero years of undermining customary ways of doing business and encouraging outgo greater than income. Chelly, you are almost right, the US isn't broken yet, but it is cracked due to willy nilly uncontrolled hammer and chisel work on the inside. Right now, we have a slew of expert chisel users whacking away, and it's my own personal fear that they will get the job done before we can turn it around.

    We are, in the financial sense, broke, or at least would be if printing the deficit were not going on. Value of goods is constant, the value of the medium of exchange isn't, and never will be. That gem isn't taught these days.

    We can sling enough mud at ourselves, thank you. It sticks, too.
  9. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Last edited: Jan 26, 2021
  10. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I read the title as Broken, but broke will do too! Sad days ahead, and with the Pedo and Hoe, it's going to get a hell of a lot worser! Watch out there Chelly, the good old U.S. of A. Might not be able to save your sorry ass this time, you guys are standing up to China in a big way, and that's going to have remifacations that America Inc. ain't going to be able to stop this time! Careful what you wish for there buddy, you might just get it biggly! No carrier battle group sailing off your coast protecting you from harm like was did way back in aught 42, no help this time, and the crown has abandoned you to your own fate!
  11. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Gator 45/70 and chelloveck like this.
  12. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I'm broke too. I was doing fine on Social Security and the additional income from my recording studio and live music performances but since the election infection, my studio is broke, and we haven't had hardly any paying gigs. The Live Music industry has been effectively shut down.
    Gator 45/70 and duane like this.
  13. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  14. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    For our resident Trump hater exactly what did he do to destroy the USA -----specifics please not left wing media regurgitation of unsubstantiated nonsense. As others have posted Bidumb in his first week has done more to bring down my country.
  15. Steverino

    Steverino #LEAVETHEGOP

    every survival forum I've ever been on has one token Aussie who literally embodies this Orwell quote with their comments..

    He hates our President, believes he's to blame for what ailed this country before he took office, and what ails the country now, even though he's no longer in office....

    The Aussies are a pretty hardy people.... there has to be an Aussie survival forum you can spew this nonsense in... or is it that they simply see through you and call you out for your bias, so here you are?
    Mountainman, Gator 45/70 and johnbb like this.
  16. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I think everyone is missing an important point. The USA is already broke. And, as soon as other countries stop loaning us money (won't buy our bonds) it is game over. Well, why haven't they done this already, stop loaning us money? The ripple affect around the world would be catastrophic. Hell, even China would probably implode on itself.

    As far as protecting Australia and other countries...Well, let's be fair. The USA has never done this out of altruism regardless of what we were taught. Hell, I want to believe them but they are just Fairy Tales. FDR more or less started WW2 for two reasons 1. The creation of a huge new Japanese empire in the Pacific was unacceptable (think Global Power) and threaten USA Pacific assets. 2. War is good for business and would FINALLY pull the USA out of a depression because he had tried every damn economic possibility already (that is a very interesting bit of history in itself).

    Now, before you start screaming at me that the Japanese attacked the USA first - yes - they did; however, look at their reasoning and even in FDR own words when he shut off the oil and other exports to Japan and got the Dutch, Brits and others to follow for a full embargo, "I may have started a war" or something very close to those words. The Japanese and China were knee deep in a war to the death and Japan only had 12-18 months reserves of oil or less and FDR plays God and shuts them off. What exactly did he think would happen especially given their history? "Oh! That's okay Mr. FDR, obviously you know what's best for our country." put the shoe on the other foot and what would have the USA done?

    By the way, most of those WW2 records are STILL not open to the public and I would bet never will be. Recently, the Brits released a batch (I think it was in 2014...or 2019) and in it was the REAL manifest for the Lusitania. Yep! She was loaded to the gills with ammunition and war material so she was a legimate target for the German submarine that sank her but that is NOT what the public were told , they were told another fairy tale (and are STILL taught), and that was the reason given for the USA to enter WW1...of course 116,000 KIA and about 300,000 wounded had to be justified so the fairy tale continues. So, the real cause? That's for another topic but...but my point is one must not take History at face value, it's never clear and certainly never clean. And, a country will always do what is in its self-interest or the interest of the powers of that country be them political or industry or etc.

    Being a lover of history, I have found Napoleon to be absolutely correct, " "What is history, but a fable agreed upon?" - meaning - "History is written by the victors.” (note: it is debated where this quote originally came from but personally I think it may date back to Caesar, others say Dan Brown or even Churchill but to me it really seems like something Caesar would say...and actually did and by doing so, made history.)
  17. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Have a neighbor who screams for his reparations for slavery,, was born in Haiti. parents came here with him after earth quake and never went b back, still not a citizen of USA, but has enjoyed the best the country has to offer. It would have solved some of our problems if we had used the model Haiti did about 1800, but being somewhat civilized we did not, any white that didn't get out in time was killed, babies and all.

    I haven't given up Chell, just not feasible at this time in my location to do anything but hide and do the best I can to ride out this period of craziness. The left totally controls the media and any one who doesn't tow the line is destroyed. Wish it was different, but it is the truth. The full faith and credit of the government allows them to use building codes, zoning codes, health regulations which under the covid lock down are not really defined, credit rules, etc to harass you and destroy you if that is their goal.

    I don't consider myself a pitiful loser in the culture wars, just an individual that does not and as much as possible will not fit into the new society and its morals. It would seem to be that the new goal is to be kept by the government as a serf for the rest of your life, get government check, government housing, health benefits, food, etc, stay drunk or high, show how superior you and your culture is, and transform this nation into the new Union of South Africa where the tribes fight over what is left of a once great nation. The golden age has never existed, the farmers who lost their farms, the people working in the sweat shops, the fishermen, the miners, all the little people have had it tough all my life, I just do not like to see our history presented as if we as a whole delibertley kept them, as a group down, and never show the problems the whites and others suffered at the same time.
  18. Steverino

    Steverino #LEAVETHEGOP

    War isn't good for business...

    It's basic econ knowledge that war uses resources to the detriment of a nation's economy.

    It's why there was a recession after WWII...

  19. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    I WISH the US Gov was merely broke instead of Trillions in debit, in reality over 100 Trillion. The only reason we can move forward is that without us the merry-go-round would stop and there is pain everywhere. We all stay blissfully in denial as it spins slower and slower, and with the mass of all that debt we just can't push it any faster.
    johnbb likes this.
  20. Gafarmboy

    Gafarmboy Monkey+++

    War has always been a business. And business is good.
    TnAndy likes this.
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