Some of you may remember when I was in Belize City several years ago and they had a General Strike to make a point to .gov there. I was staying in a five star hotel with their own back-up generators so we had internet and I was able to send messages. They began by dumping truck loads of dirt on the bridges into town, Belize city is basically an island. They shut down the water supply and utilities everywhere. Trucks could not run for delivery, stores all closed. I was a bit nervous because I couldn't leave town and get to the airport but it worked out ok. The first time I ventured outside the walls of the hotel, I was immediately dragged along with a crowd of peaceful folks intent on having a bonfire and a party. The entire evening was free from violence, it was just a giant street party with fires and music, and food, and some of the friendliest people I have ever known. They made their point without firing a shot. If we shut the trucks down here, in less than two days, Karens will kill you to feed their progeny.
I truly like the idea and think it would have impact - maybe - however, I will play devil's advocate here... Since it would be limited in duration then it truly plays into the hands of opposition, especially since they have the HUGE propaganda machine. They will point out how these radicals put lives in jeopardy at hospitals and delaying EMS services and caused children to go hungry by delaying food deliveries. Police would be effected and all criminal activity would be laid at the feet of the strikers. It would also give them the opportunity to directly pinpoint individuals who are leading this strike...later destroying their finances, character and possibly their freedom. And, in some cases the military could be called in to continue services just like Reagan during the Air Traffic Controller strike years ago. Those are a couple of the things that immediately come to mind. I think a Strike must be held only to achieve a specific goal and then held for an undetermined time frame to obtain that goal or until either the opposition or the Strikers caves-in. The key is winning the first Strike so it must be complete and as thorough as possible. Just my 2 cents...
Trucks move everything in this country. Nation wide trucker strike for a week would bring these liberal cities to their knees.
Bandit has it right, the left controls every aspect of information, so no matter what gets done, it will get spun to benefit "THEM" and remove any of our motion! Several years ago, a bunch of Truckers shut down I-5 in Cali. protesting the YUGE increase in fuel prices and taxes, Cali went and arrested a bunch of them, moved the trucks, and got I-5 opened up again! The media was brutal to those truckers and destroyed their message! So..................the trucking companies instated fuel surcharges which got passed on to the consumer, something we are still suffering under! There was also a big fight between the truckers and the Rail system, the rail network claimed they would be able to move the freight cheaper and faster, only thing every one forgot was that it still takes trucks to move the product from the rail head to the final destination!
You know, there is a good reason that the first thing sized by "Rebels' in 3rd world crapholes is the local radio / TV stations. Control the message, control the popular masses. Near as I can tell we lost mass media in this Nation around the mid-80s....
If I may venture. Turn your backs on the SOBs. NO $$ to any charity, no volunteering for any 'cause', take care of you and yours only until these dimwits find out just exactly who is hauling the freight on making a society work.... Might be harsh, but is certainly plenty 'peaceful'.
If I was still truckin' ,,, I'd be happy to deny a load to Kalifornistan ,,,, and any other commie city ,,,
If it ONLY was that easy. LOL! But, in truth, I cannot believe how many people here in North Idaho are from California, I would venture to guess at least 75%, and I think that figure is too low. And, these people really are good people, their government just got away from them, mainly because there is so much wealth in California and wealth gives power. Like a few others, California is more and more being referred to as a 'Nation State' and is the reason why they simply don't have to listen to the Federal government - not until they go bankrupt - so they do as they please, whatever advances their agenda. And, we ALL are now living the result of these nation states agendas... Short answer - if power remains off for a year >90% of urban population will be dead from disease, dehydration, malnutrition, or violence.
Yep, doing as one pleases feels good, especially as long as the federal milk dispensing device keeps dispensing. I think they should follow thru and leave the union.
Grind them up and make "soylent green" and feed it to the 10% of liberal left so they don't eat our food.
Point of order How long was the power out in New Orleans? (Entergy learns Katrina lessons, but damage prevention still in question) More than a month is most places.
Not to get in an argument with you, but .gov stats indicate 90 percent of ALL people would die within the first year. Urban and rural.
N.B. liked the post not because that is an outcome I'd like to see, but acknowledging that it is an outcome that is more likely to occur than just simply an urban/suburban die-off. Although a greater proportion of self sufficient rural folk are likely to survive than their urban self sufficient counterparts, the 'golden horde' of hungry and desperate urbanites will simply try to predate on rural folk by pillaging until attrition eventually destroys most raiders. If it comes to that, Mad Max will seem like a Disney feel good movie.