NRA has filed for bankruptcy

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by Cruisin Sloth, Jan 18, 2021.

  1. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — The National Rifle Association announced Friday it has filed for bankruptcy and will seek to incorporate the nation’s most politically influential gun-rights group in Texas instead of New York.

    The announcement made on the NRA's website comes months after New York’s attorney general sued the organization over claims that top executives illegally diverted tens of millions of dollars for lavish personal trips, no-show contracts for associates and other questionable expenditures.

    The coronavirus pandemic has also upended the NRA, which last year laid off dozens of employees, canceled its national convention and scuttled fundraising. Still, the NRA claimed in announcing the move that the organization was “in its strongest financial condition in years.”

    The NRA said it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in a Dallas federal court.

    “The move will enable long-term, sustainable growth and ensure the NRA’s continued success as the nation’s leading advocate for constitutional freedom – free from the toxic political environment of New York,” the NRA said in a statement.

    The gun-rights group boasts about 5 million members. Though headquartered in Virginia, the NRA was chartered as a nonprofit in New York in 1871 and is incorporated in the state.
  2. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Bankrupt but they can still afford a call center to constantly harass me for more $$ or to renew the membership I just renewed two months prior. :rolleyes:
    Alf60 and TXKajun like this.
  3. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Was the bankruptcy filing some legal move so they could get out of New Yuck. Knowing the rabid antigun position of New Yuck IMO the charges were probably bogus. Been a long time member of the NRA, yea I get the renewal requests all the time,
  4. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    it's a responsibility dodge more than anything else - I do think their membership $$$$ has suffered considering the number of new gunowners and the upcoming challenges ....

    the NRA hasn't been the most vocal supporting Prez Trump and the entire conservative package >>> if they re-organize in TX with the same bunch and message - not gaining all that much ....
    DKR and Alf60 like this.
  5. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    I get the American Rifle magazine and there ha been many articles supporting Trump over the last 4 years -- please explain responsibility dodging don't know what you mean
  6. Merkun

    Merkun furious dreamer

    Certainly HAS supported conservative values, and no doubt will continue to do so. Providing a list of names headed by trump or any other would have no particular value, or so it seems to me. Honor the office, if not the man in it, which they do.
  7. TXKajun

    TXKajun Monkey+++

    Homer Simpson likes this.
  8. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I dropped the NRA when they canned Neal Knox... It went all down hill from there, with a level spot when Chuck (Cold dead Hands) was Pres....
  9. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    There is a 1-800 number out there you can call and be taken off the dun list
    techsar likes this.
  10. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    they don't call me anymore got taken off the list long time ago... and they have honered that so far...

    not sure any 2nd amendment org is going to be of much use soon...
  11. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    We will need 2nd Amendment organizations to take cases to the Supreme Court. That is our "only" line of defense against the gun grabbing SOB Bidumb administration
    techsar likes this.
  12. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    Best defense is a good offense...;)
  13. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    really? you see this? mean anything to you?

    "Democratic Congressman Ritchie Torres introduced a bill to construct a “fence around the perimeter of the United States Capitol.”

    The bill – H.R.339 – seeks to “direct the Architect of the Capitol to design and install an appropriate fence around the perimeter of the United States Capitol, including the East Front and the West Front.”

    It was introduced by the New York Congressman on January 15th, 2021, and referred to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on the same day. Torres introducer another bill – H.R. 338 which seeks “to clarify the counting of electoral votes in Congress to be a National Special Security Event” – also on the 15th.

    While the specifics of the fence remain unclear, the bill follows years of Democrats insisting “walls don’t work” regarding President Trump’s efforts to erect a similar structure on the Southern border."

    Dems Demand Public Locked Out of Capitol Grounds Forever – Publish Bill to Install Fence Despite Claiming Walls Don’t Work - The National Pulse
    sdr, ditch witch and Gator 45/70 like this.
  14. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Aside the endless demands for money, the pubs are becoming more of a sales pitch for new stuff than real evaluations. Regardless, I'll keep my membership alive for the limited good they do. It would be nice if they stopped begging and offering "incentives" for renewal, save a pile of frns for the political wars.
    wideym and Cruisin Sloth like this.
  15. wideym

    wideym Monkey+++

    From what the guntubers have been reporting lately is that the NRA's bankruptcy and move was intended to dismiss the New York State lawsuit and that the judge involved didn't fall for it. For years members asked, begged, and demanded that the NRA move away from New York to a more gun friendly state, even if it was on the east coast.

    Wayne LaPierre's wiki page describes him as a "gun rights activist" which is about as far from the truth as you can get. He found an organization that he could turn into a cash making racket for himself and his cronies. It's like the mafia founding a 501c charity and expecting it to be "legit".

    The largest part of my anger is directed towards the shills who would not let you engage in shooting events unless it was NRA sanctioned, endorsed, and of course that the NRA gets a cut of. I have an exceptional dislike for Tom Gresham (Gun Talk Radio host), who was the keynote speaker at a Friends of the NRA dinner (donation event). His speech on gun rights and it's erosion was on point, but he specifically crapped on all other gun rights organizations saying that any dollar not going to the NRA was money wasted since the NRA was the only organization that congressmen recognized. He coyly mocked any notion of the GOA or similar organization being effective and said that "smarter heads that you or me (he really meant just me) know what they are doing at the NRA headquarters".

    Right now I have a vision of Wayne riding the NRA into the ground like Slim Pickens riding the A bomb in Dr. Strangelove, but I expect Wayne to walk away in a new unsullied $5,000 suit and multimillion dollar golden parachute.
    Gator 45/70, oldawg and DKR like this.
  16. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Wayne be looking for for Wayne, the rest of us know.
  17. Gafarmboy

    Gafarmboy Monkey+++

    Screw the NRA. Left them years ago. Have been with, and extremely happy, GOA. Much better organized to join if you are serious about your 2 amendment gun rights.
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  18. Lone Gunman

    Lone Gunman Draw Varmint!

    I know the NRA very very well. I mean, why not? I have been a Life Member for almost 50 years, now; and as I have often warned fellow members and gun owners (frequently to their copious insults and disbelief): When the day finally arrives that you really need the NRA then I am certain you’ll find the NRA is NOT going to be there.

    Look, the NRA sold out to ‘big banking’ all the way back in the mid to late 1960’s. Back then the association was infiltrated by the most duplicitous and internecine of ‘corporate toads’. (One of them was a convicted murderer; but, still, that did not stop him from continuing to climb the NRA’s ranks.)

    These people were all self-serving administrators whose covert primary purpose was, and still is, to get their hands on the Association’s income stream and, then, spend the living hell out of it! To what overall effect, you might ask? So that the NRA could never really afford to do anything genuinely useful for the national community of American gun owners. THAT is ‘why’!

    I lived through the much too sordid ‘Cincinnati Revolt’ back in 1977, and what I came away from that experience with is the certain knowledge that American gun owners had been sold out! Sold out; and, unfortunately, the vast majority of the NRA’s general membership was just too straightforward, too anxious to believe, and too frigg’ in ingenuous to grasp what was really happening to them!

    As the NRA’s new management team found out: All ya gotta do is to occasionally make some high sounding noises, espouse a few ostensibly noble causes, and hand out a lot of spiffy looking ball caps. Then, shazam! The NRA’s always too preoccupied and blithely unaware rank and file membership would quite tractably follow their ‘Judas goat’ of an Association almost anywhere!

    However, the less than obvious bad news is that the historically highly overrated National Rifle Association had been successfully infiltrated by the most antithetical of cynical anti-Second Amendment clowns—Administrators who, in large part, realized that they could do far more damage to America’s gun owners by working against American gun ownership FROM THE INSIDE rather than from the out!

    Most (but certainly not all) of the NRA’s rank and file membership realize that it is the NRA’s executive board members who actually control ALL of the money and power at the Association; but, most members are blissfully unaware that senior board members routinely carve out a huge chunk of the association's assets for THEMSELVES.

    It’s been rumored for years now that top executives at the NRA reel in six figure incomes (and other perks) for themselves; and one of them, in particular, is presently being reported as cheating on his income taxes! (All I can say is, Wow! What sort of competent and committed leadership is that?)

    Does anyone know who stands to profit most from any fiscal remainder(s), or redistribution of the Association's assets?

    OK, here, if you don’t know the exact answer I’ll spell it out for ya: It’s the NRA’s senior (non-elected) board members who will inherit any monies and/or other assets that might escheat to the dissolved corporate entity. In other words, the big winners from a final (kerplunk) NRA bankruptcy are sure to be the very same people who originally caused it to happen!

    Want proof of how the NRA’s ‘big boys’ have historically pissed away, and redistributed donated NRA funds among themselves and their chosen cronies? OK, . . . how about the infamous Whittington Center! It is located in a remote corner of New Mexico's high desert—Smack dab in the middle of the difficult to reach Sangre de Cristo mountains.

    Originally, this isolated and difficult to access tract of property was largely useless unwanted land that the developer had been repeatedly unable to sell, and was using as a tax write-off until, voilà, along came the NRA’s new management team with ‘shit for brains’, and ‘stars in their eyes’!

    All of a sudden, the NRA’s controlling senior board members went head over heels ‘batshit crazy’ over a remote, formerly unsellable parcel of land that, somehow, the ‘big boys’ at the NRA mysteriously offered to purchase for (reportedly) as much as eight times—eight times—its previously advertised value!

    Even worse, once the NRA board decided to go through with this bizarre transaction, the board went and obligated the whole Association (and, of course, its entire membership) to pay a huge multimillion dollar mortgage on the place—An indentured expense that the NRA would have to struggle to pay for the next 30 YEARS!

    So what, some people might say! The Whittington Center has finally turned out to be a pretty nice place. Maybe yes, maybe no; but one thing is for certain: Only a fool would pay the price of a Mercedes Benz S-Class vehicle for a Ford Focus!

    Stop a moment to recognize that for the huge amounts of money the NRA spent on both the Whittington Center, and it’s grandiose Fairfax headquarters (which, for decades after its time of purchase, the Association absolutely positively did NOT need) could have been much more shrewdly, and much more wisely spent on (Ready?):


    But, hey, at least none of my fellow NRA members can say that I did not tell them so. I DID tell fellow gun owners what is really going on at the NRA. To my chagrin, back in 1977, the much over-vaunted ‘Cincinnati Revolt’ accomplished almost nothing! (Harlon Carter made sure of that!)

    Hell, having had Hollywood actor Charlton Heston for an Association president also accomplished absolutely nothing to improve the NRA! As usual, though, America’s gun owners simply don’t get it; and, as for myself, I’ve repeatedly done my best to ‘sound an alarm’, and my conscience is clear.

    What is more, I have finally reached that advanced age in life when I no longer care. Stupid is as stupid does; so, let the cards fall where they may. American gun owners and Second Amendment proponents are now in for some really rough political conniving, and it’s only a matter of time before the next cynically contrived and brilliantly orchestrated firearm-related national misadventure occurs.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
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