Not a fan of Malcom X by a long shot but he was right on with this quote “The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” ― Malcolm X We are seeing that on a daily basis by the Left and it is getting worse by the minute
The movie "Wag the Dog" wasn't satire - it is a lesson in media manipulation. Made by experts in the trade. (Wag the Dog (1997) - IMDb) Quotes Stanley Motss: I'm in show business, yes? Why come to me? Conrad 'Connie' Brean: Well I'll tell you why, Mr Motss. '54-40-Or Fight', what does that mean? Stanley Motss: It's a slogan, it's from the, uh... Conrad 'Connie' Brean: 'Remember the Maine'! Stanley Motss: Oh yeah, that's from - that's gotta be from the, uh... Conrad 'Connie' Brean: 'Tippecanoe and Tyler Too'! Stanley Motss: No, that's not, uh... Conrad 'Connie' Brean: They're war slogans, Mr. Motss. We remember the slogans, we can't even remember the fucking wars. You know why? That's show business. That's why we're here. Naked girl covered in Napalm. 'V for Victory'. Five Marines raising ... So spot on as to be scary. If you haven't seen the move, it is instructive.
So hard to find any news as its all being censored but it appears that Trump IS going the way of Abraham Lincoln. Is THIS the start of the civil war and how do you fight when there's no North v South? TRUMP SIGNS INSURRECTION ACT - GENERAL FLYNN TO BE APPOINTED VICE PRESIDENT TRUMP SIGNS INSURRECTION ACT - GENERAL FLYNN TO BE APPOINTED VICE PRESIDENT
Dunno 'bout anyone else, but giving bitchute credibility as a real journal covering news stretches my credibility. That said, reliable news is hard to find, and "social media" never was a source worth a subscription.
Yeah, if that were true, this would be the end of the old republic. We'd be doing 2.0 some number of years after that. Start procreating now, there is going to be lots of causalities.
Give it time when the gang of three Bidum/Shitmer/Piglosi start ramming their socialist agenda down the American people throats it will add gas to the fire.
2 years of investigation and millions of dollars of taxpayer money wasted and not one shred of evidence that Trump had any connection to the Russians end of story-- sorry if you refuse to believe the court outcome. Hillary on the other hand paid for a phony dossier which was taken to the FISA court which started the whole bogus investigation.
Lighten up a little bit. I don't really believe that the Russians are there for Trump, but the Chinese are be there for Biden!
Remember the last "insurrection" that was in 2018 when hundreds of democrat protesters stormed the Capital, interrupted the Kavanaugh hearings, were yelling, screaming and threatening lawmakers in the halls of Congress? Cornering our congressmen and women in elevators, even in their offices? Remember Nancy Pelosi defended the protesters because it was "The Peoples House"? Chuck Schumer took a similar stance. Many legislators and their staff were frightened and intimidated by the mob, fearing bodily injury or worse. I don't remember a media outrage or meltdown, do you? How many were arrested and charged?
We have a bunch of spineless Republicans that never attack the hypocrisy of the left or hold them accountable for the double standard they practice. The demoRATS are like rotten children who lie and are never held accountable for their actions so they keep right on doing it getting bolder by the minute
Watching her husband really got to me and now reading his texts about he can't lose her breaks my heart. Damm
Well it happened again. "Climate activists" aka useful idiot losers stormed the department of interior office in Washington DC. And the DoJ is pretending like it never even happened. Garland was being grilled by Ted Cruz a week after it happened and said "this is the first time I have heard about it". So he is either a liar or asleep at the wheel, possibly both. Climate change activists storm and take over Department of Interior building