What is going to happen now after the DC thing? Our second amendment will be under attack in no time. Do you think that ammo will be hard to get the next four years? Dopey Biden more than likely will go after ammo as the way to get your guns . You had better buy more ammo no matter the cost if you need more. Boys hold on to your guns and ammo you are going to need them soon. You can still get ammo on line,it’s costly and there is a limit to how much.
Any infringement against our natural rights should not stand, so the real question should be: When will enough patriots dig them up and put them too use taking back our freedoms?
@oldman11 I hope you are right...but I am doubtful. As far as the 2A, nothing will happen. 1. They are careful not to push too hard and scraping the 2A would send us over the edge, they are way too smart for that, definitely more so than our empty suits Republican leadership. 2. Why push us over the edge when they can do everything necessary to make obtaining or using firearms almost impossible. 3. Scrapping the 2A is much more difficult than it sounds...too hard. Having said that, the real Wild Card is Harris. I think there is no doubt in anyone's mind that Harris is aggressive and arrogant so when she attains the mantle of authority anything is possible. For me, I now hope and pray for all the things I used to fear. I hope the Democrats take the House and Senate. I hope Harris becomes president sooner rather than later. I hope Biden has another senile moment and pushes too hard and causes the Right to finally explode in their faces. But, it will NOT happen with Republican leadership of that I am completely convinced they are truly at the bottom of the Right's problem and derail every effort to achieve any of our goals. They are the enemy as much as the Democrats - worse - because they are traitor having either sold out to the Dems or foreign country or their own greed.
Biden and his stooges will not go after the 2nd amendment directly -- maybe --again maybe-- they are smart enough to know the Supreme Court (if they do their job)would shoot them down (wish that was literally). What they will do is go after our domestic gun and ammo manufactures with regulations so insane it will put them out of business. They will impose high tariffs on all non US manufactured guns and ammo. Taxes on what ammo is available will be so high you won't be able to afford it along with all the tracking paper work they will require. Biden will ban all assault weapons and high cap magazines (lord only knows what they will define as assault weapons). High taxes will be imposed on each gun you currently own (that they know about ) or you can sell them to the government, not much of a choice pay or forced sale (I believe the Ho has floated this idea). Reloading supplies(primers, powder, bullets and cartridge cases) will be taxed along with a paper trail of what, how much you reloaded and if you sold it-- who what where and when. Just thinking out loud as to what may be coming--hope I am wrong but nothing would surprise me.
abolishing liability protections on firearms manufacturers and dealers would do it.... I'd also expect some pro 2A states to indemnify mftrs within their states as a form of nullification.
If they manage to sue the big manufacturers out of business, prices will rise. But lots of small manufacturers will pop up right and left. They won’t have deep pockets either so not attractive to the trial lawyers, only the agenda lawyers working for gun control groups with targets on them. Flexible CNC machining has changed gun manufacturing drastically and its getting cheaper and cheaper. So, barriers to entry are much lower. Set up shop with a leased building and used CNC flex machining etc., incorporate as an LLC for personal liability protection, make and sell an existing design. Less than a quarter mil can get you going. Then rake in a few million, pay self and several employees a good salary but keep value of business low and if sued, liquidate, give remaining assets to the lawyers and start all over in new location wit a different product. It will become whack-a-mole. Various designs may “standardize“ like the AR15 has, so everybody and their brother can provide parts and new copies of old models. R&D costs are low if just making the industry standard stuff. We may have less new innovation, unfortunately. Patent enforcement also drops so any good, easy to make designs could be copied by the little guys who currently can’t compete with the current manufacturer who amortized all the development and tooling costs long ago. Instead of just the AR15 and 1911 stuff being made by a thousand small firms, image the same thing for 4-5 dozen popular firearms. To make larger mags and the semi-auto guns that use them go away, the leftists probably need to try and ban them. We may be safe a few years with current SCOTUS and Trump appellate court judges but if the leftists start packing courts or stay in power with Senate and WH beyond the next 2 or even 4 years then we may be in for some real trouble. We got very lucky RBG died when she did. Remember, we were just one vote, count em, ONE justice vote away with Heller vs DC from effectively losing the 2A completely.
IMHO. The powers will wait until there is a "Lame Duck" in the White house, then attack.. Or, orchestrate violence using "agents provocateurs" as justification for enactment of draconian measures. I just hope we're not being lined up for hair cuts and tattoos. How come Chell hasn't weighed in yet. I don't always agree with him but I like to hear what others have to say.
I look for gun laws hidden in the stimulus package's then will now put forward. As to how soon the push come I dont think it will be until summer, they have to try and undo all of the Trump stuff like putting a tax back on not having medical for Obummer care.
Yeah...that is going to hurt anyone that has a bit of disposable income because I could easily buy a second home with what they want for medical insurance. I am wondering if I can by medical insurance out of the country, like Canada, to get around it...
Noticed today that even the Black Powder firearms have all by vanished from the stores, along with all the Black Powder, Caps, Ball, and bullets, and molds! God Damn, that was fast! I guess folks are really getting desperate when the only pistols they can get their hands on are Pietta and Uberti Cap and Ball Revolvers! Glad I got all mine back 40+ years ago, so i'm not worried! I also bet a bunch of folks who are not allowed to own firearms have now turned to the B.P. arms to get by the regulations baring them from owning weapons, which is actually kinda smart!
The pawn shop this morning had one 9 mm auto pistol and one .40 auto pistol and that was all. They had a box of ammo to go with each gun. One .22 ruger auto rifle and about 6 or 7 center fire rifles left. No 30-30,30-06,270,7mm mag,one box .357 sig,4 box’s 38 auto,no .22 ammo,nothing except a few box’s of weird calibers nobody wants. You had better hold on to what you have and no more target practice. Were is all the ammo going? You don’t think the gov has anything to do with the shortage?
No I think people buy it as soon as it hits the shelves. Ever been by the sporting goods store when the ammo supply is due to come in? It is like sharks circling and disappears as soon as it hits the shelf. Good thing I sold all my guns so I don’t have to worry about all that!
Just took inventory of my ammo and rifles/pistols ---my years of stock piling and reloading has paid off --I won't have to pay inflated prices for years to come and will pass it down to my kids.
130 looks fun. Basically I can just call and say so and so leaves his Glock lying on the kitchen counter, and so and so gets "investigated".
Ya need to be a canuk or border hopper , were paying for so many border hoppers and they can't speak english / french .. Were as screwed as you folks .
I fear our healthcare in the US is going to take a nose dive as far as quality and cost increases once Bidum gets through with his government run system. But of course the politicians exempt themselves from laws/regulations they impose on us serfs so it won't effect them.