I Now Better Understand the 'Good German'

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OldDude49, Jan 5, 2021.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    Interesting article by Dennis Prager...

    As my listeners and readers can hopefully attest, I have been on a lifelong quest to understand human nature and human behavior. I am sad to report that I have learned more in the last few years, particularly in 2020, than in any equivalent period of time.

    One of the biggest revelations concerns a question that has always plagued me: How does one explain the "good German," the term used to describe the average, presumably decent German, who did nothing to hurt Jews but also did nothing to help them and did nothing to undermine the Nazi regime? The same question could be asked about the average Frenchman during the Vichy era, the average Russian under Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Leonid Brezhnev and their successors, and the millions of others who did nothing to help their fellow citizens under oppressive dictatorships.

    These past few years have taught me not to so quickly judge the quiet German, Russian, etc. Of course, I still judge Germans who helped the Nazis and Germans who in any way hurt Jews. But the Germans who did nothing? Not so fast.

    What has changed my thinking has been watching what is happening in America (and Canada and Australia and elsewhere, for that matter).

    The ease with which tens of millions of Americans have accepted irrational, unconstitutional and unprecedented police state-type restrictions on their freedoms, including even the freedom to make a living, has been, to understate the case, sobering.
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    The same holds true for the acceptance by most Americans of the rampant censorship on Twitter and all other major social media platforms. Even physicians and other scientists are deprived of freedom of speech if, for example, they offer scientific support for hydroxychloroquine along with zinc to treat COVID-19 in the early stages. Board-certified physician Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, who has saved hundreds of COVID-19 patients from suffering and/or death, has been banned from Twitter for publicizing his lifesaving hydroxychloroquine and zinc protocol.

    Half of America, the non-left half, is afraid to speak their minds at virtually every university, movie studio and large corporation -- indeed, at virtually every place of work. Professors who say anything that offends the left fear being ostracized if they have tenure and being fired if they do not. People are socially ostracized, publicly shamed and/or fired for differing with Black Lives Matter, as America-hating and white-hating a group as has ever existed. And few Americans speak up. On the contrary, when BLM protestors demand that diners outside of restaurants raise their fists to show their support of BLM, nearly every diner does.

    So, then, who are we to condemn the average German who faced the Gestapo if he didn't salute Hitler or the average Russian who faced the NKVD (the secret police and intelligence agency that preceded the KGB) if he didn't demonstrate sufficient enthusiasm for Stalin? Americans face the left's cancel culture, but not left-wing secret police or reeducation camps. (At least not yet -- I have little doubt the left would send outspoken conservatives to reeducation camps if they could.)

    I Now Better Understand the 'Good German'
  2. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    Sheep. Nothing more, nothing less. Far too many of us have lost the “independent” spirit that made this country great. The work ethic of “you want something, you work for it” has gone the way of the Dodo, our faith in God has been replaced with “I am just as good as God, what do I need Him for?” The love of Jesus Christ has given way to the love of money and the more “stuff” you have equates to your social standing. Our toes are hanging over the edge of the cliff and many, like Wyle coyote, are standing on thin air not aware of the long drop below. It will be interesting to see what this new year brings
    Gator 45/70 and Mountainman like this.
  3. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I have often asked; how did so many Jews willingly board those trains and trucks?
    I have also asked; why did no one stand up to the Nazi machine gunners and beat them to death and then turn those machine guns on the Nazis? Fear is a powerful ally, those who control fear control the people!

    Look at all the folks rushing to stand in line for hours in those long lines to get the Rona shots, do you think those people are scared of the Rona, do you think they have been manupliated, led to believe something that simply isn't true? Why are people not standing up to those in control ( those in power) and doing something to stop it? Why are our police doing nothing at best, helping those in power at worse? Where are the courts to rule all of this illegal? FEAR!!!!

    I have also often said, people will do nothing to stop their own destruction because they don't understand one simple truth ( fear again here) that to do nothing is to willingly let things happen, while to actually risk one's life actually gives one a chance to live, or at least die fighting, ether way, it's a choice few choose to make, instead, they accept their fate as if it's already been determined for them and out of their control! FEAR!!!

    One must learn to conquer Fear, give those in power the middle finger, take up arms, and fight back how ever they can, if enough people would do that, we wouldn't end up like the Jews, the Russians, the Slovak's and all the others who let a few powerful people decide their fate!
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    As of late, I have thought of this also. As a young man, I went to Germany asking the same question, it fascinated me then and it still does, and we are seeing, if not a repeat of history then certain parts that rhyme (Mark Twain). Think about it for a second... What is scary is the outcome of those days, a rise in nationalism that went beyond healthy. Are we seeing that now? Yes, I think we are but I would be the first to say we are left with no choice - sort of the 'Join or Die' paradigm.

    And, remember, everything Hitler did was perfectly legal. He came to power legally, passed laws legally... Germany in those days: corruption was the common theme throughout government, the majority of the media was controlled (Jewish sector), unemployment was the norm, riots between the Left (Communists) and Right (national socialists - Nazis) for control, Berlin was a pit of decadence of such infamy that in comparison places like Amsterdam, Paris or even Bangkok looked like Sunday Schools, and, of course, the economic drain of the Treaty of Versailles and a lost generation to another pointless war. So, one can certainly see there are common points of comparison of then and now, not all but many...too many for my liking.
  5. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    So many did not know, not really. They didn't have the luxury we do now, instant access to global events at a glance of the phone. They were fed lies upon lies about where those trains led, and the Nazi used hope and faith as a weapon against them to encourage compliance. What stories trickled back to them about the horrors of the camps were often dismissed as hysterical nonsense. After all, the neighbor's cousin's children frequently sent back encouraging letters.

    "We saw thousand of people go in each day. And not one ever came out. We were so close to this crematorium that we became friends with the Sonderkommandos, the young boys who worked inside the gas chambers. A few of them were from my hometown in Galicia. They gave us detailed reports: "Today we burned ten thousand Jews. Yesterday, we disposed of eight thousand." And every day they warned us. "You will be next. Dr. Mengele has decides you will be reunited with your parents. We believed them. We were sure that tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, Dr. Mengele would send all of the twins into the flames.

    But even as we expected to die, we continued to obey Dr. Mengele. He made us write cheerful postcards. Everything is fine, we wrote to other Jews. We are working." - Zvi the Sailor, Children of the Flames
  6. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    It is shocking to think about it...just think if 5000 armed citizens showed up at City Hall demanding address of a grievance. Obviously, the politicians would deescalate the scenario, at least the smart ones would, and afterwards...have the leaders arrested, prosecuted, imprisoned and ruined. So, the outcome of the grievance remains the same.

    However, what if the same 5000 armed people, took the governor or mayor or etc., tarred and feather him/her, made them sit on a 4x4 rail while they were carried out of town and told not to return. What would be the government's reaction to such a scenario? Call out the National Guard, turn the State Police loose, bring in the Feds? Would the outcome of the grievance change?

    How about if those 5000 people simply said "No!"...I would suggest that the machine would go into motion to wreak havoc and ruin upon those 5000, financially and legally.

    So, what has to be done to get the correct answer to the grievance? The answer is simply, change the government that was responsible for the grievance and until recently we could do this in a manner that ensured the consent of people, the majority, was given and followed - the vote.

    The REAL problem as I see it is that we have been taught to obey and respect law and order, some simply call this being 'sheep' or 'sheeple' but I disagree as there is a big difference. The difference is sheep obey because their intellect cannot understand the future consequence of being fatten up for the slaughter. In comparison, people do understand, but they still obey because they have been taught respect and learned by experiencing the benefits of a society that lives by those laws. People have learned to trust in the laws that govern them and if they didn't like them, they changed them - until now. Now, they're awaking to the realization that they have been mislead, they no longer can change government to suit their needs, wants, their desires. They are in shock and most simply are holding their breath in disbelief, waiting for the other shoe to drop - and - unfortunately; it will but ONLY when the opposition is ready.

    The other REAL problem as I see it is leadership. We have no real leaders. Hell, the Republicans are constantly in the 'reaction' mode instead of taking the incentive and forcing the opposition to react. Besides, the Republicans are as much of the problem as the Democrats - and as guilty. There is no longer any doubt they helped corrupt the election of 2020, at least a large majority of them did. Their job is simply to provide smoke and mirrors to occupy the masses, keep them under control by letting them think there is a solution through legal arbitration or something is definitely being done by ranting and raving. Lies. Lies and propaganda.

    The Republic is dead. The people are awakening but what happens next is anyone's guess. My guess is as long as the people are fed, they have a few pennies to rub together, and the government goons are not let completely off the leash - nothing - nothing will happen. And, future voting will simply be to inform us who is taking leadership and not asking our consent.

    So, what are you saying Bandit? I am saying that true government reform throughout history has only happened one way and sometimes it is very messy - ask the 'Good German.'
  7. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Word did get out but unfortunately due to normalcy bias it was not believed by most
    Gator 45/70 and ditch witch like this.
  8. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    It will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow, as far more than 5,000 show up in DC.

  9. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Wish I was able to get to Washington, this could be the beginning of the rebellion
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  10. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    I sure hope not. Peaceful protest to express anger over the election would be better for all.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  11. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe


    nobody wants to be this....
    Gator 45/70 and mysterymet like this.
  12. Lancer

    Lancer TANSTAFL! Site Supporter+++

    I have been watching events, and adding to my preps on the financial side, as well as searching for a property even further removed. But: as Bandit has noted - the Republic is dead. We are staring at a permanent Dim (Commie) majority. Our wants. needs, and desires will be utterly meaningless to our new masters.
    Along with the other nasty and expensive plans the "elite" have in store for us, I would expect a total replacement of the currency - all those nice large stashes of physical money will become useless unless traded in. And anyone trying to exchange large piles of cash will be asked where it came from, persecuted, and ruined. That's the first step to eliminating cash and forcing use of electronic payment only. And if they really don't like you theY can cut off your card & just let you starve.
    It's going to be a combination of the worst concepts from 1984 and Lord of the Flies combined.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  13. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I disagree. Nothing will change with peaceful protests and the Left expect us to do exactly that - be peaceful law biding citizens, now, tomorrow, until it is too late...which even though hard to believe is upon us. Also, look how far violence has gotten the Left!

    One of the things we must stop is following their playbook. They expect us to be the nice and quiet, peaceful, respectful, logical and law abiding citizens being lead around by the nose. That's our norm. That's what they expect. We must seize the initiative and make them react to us as opposed to constantly reacting to them...something the damn Republicans never want to do.

    Peaceful protests worked when we had a government that listened to us. Now, they refuse to even count our votes or falsify them.

    So, I ask this question...What will be more effective to make them consider to do a honest review of all the election fraud? A peaceful march with people singing patriotic songs, waving signs, and chanting or burning Washington DC to the ground?

    Am I advocating violence? No, not really, I am making a point that peaceful protesting will resolve nothing now since they stopped listening...except making us feel good. But, I don't want to feel good. I want to live in a Republic and for that I want - no - I NEED fair elections and my vote to count!

    And, if that takes burning Wash DC to the ground then I'm ok with that...just maybe they might listen to us or fear us, like we fear them, and, if they fear us, that means they're listening.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2021
  14. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Violence will just make the middle of the road people dislike the right as much as they dislike the left.
    chelloveck, Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  15. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    That's fine. If they cannot see the difference between us and them by now then they can simply put their heads back into the sand and stay the hell out of the way. Christian and moral values, love of country, strong belief in family, the rule of law and justice compared to what, them?

    So what, let them dislike us, what do we lose anyway, their vote? New game is votes don't count so... And, what the hell has it gain us playing nice? All we did is lose the Republic and our voice that made it so!

    So my opinion is this... as of 3 November, there is no 'middle of the road' - period. They can damn well chose because - frankly - we got nothing left to lose.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2021
    Gator 45/70, apache235 and Ura-Ki like this.
  16. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    Take names, dox them all and if things do go kinetic, just remember the press is not your friend
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  17. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    There is a difference between the center and the left. Don’t push the center to the left by behaving badly. There are a lot of us in the center.
    chelloveck, Dark Wolf and Gator 45/70 like this.
  18. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    from what I saw the protest today was not entirely peaceful???
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  19. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    They should have stuck to the capitol steps and not entered the building or broken anything.
  20. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Leaving the Capital Steps was a big mistake... and that is why I will never attend such a gather... I hold my own opinions, but I would never try to force my opinions on others, and resist strongly when any other humans triy to force their opinions on me, or mine...

    Way to easy for infiltrators to slip into such a gather, do dastardly things and actions, that get blamed on the whole gather, and then slip away, before the Law shows up, looking to bust heads...
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