Clyde and Mountain man.... Just what goal do you two have with making personal attacks ? I'm just curious...
Now you know ! I could share my opinion of WHY, but it would take a very long time and lots of thought. Would it, could it be possible to prevent more of the same, by observing those around us and offering a kind word or deed, going out of our way to help someone, even before they ask ? I recall a former neighbor who told me of assistance she had received and said "Ya know what the best part is ?, I didn't even have to ask !" Truth be known, such an incident does (or should) make us all feel a bit vulnerable, to either the frustration and anger or as a victim, simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I am not pointing fingers, but is the posturing, to some degree a knee jerk reaction ? A product of our own fears and vulnerabilities ? I really like the people of this community, even when they get agitated beyond reason. Peace to one and all.
Great words of wisdom OGM, will always remember that and it's to bad that most people do not even understand what you are talking about.
fair enough; yes the complimentary half of the job; we formed the TSCM teams and ran TSCM (technical surveilance counter measures sweeps) on secure areas, scifs and comm centers. TDR needs a baseline sweep , on a clean line to show up any differences, and won't pick up certain techniques.otherwise you are chasing down every connection in the line, looks cool though.. Spread-spectrum rocks its a beeoyotch to find... (now I m just showin off. bad tango no biscuit..)
Too funny! But really; No, I don't. The honesty in me says that I should just say what I really feel, which is: Unless it's a picture of hartage leaving.
I already have my baseline fingerprint on all my lines. Heck I can tell if it rained the night before. Always makes me think if someone can stick something on line that just looks like wet line. Hmm I wonder if a coil that spans several feet of cable would look like wet line...... Spread spectrum is a bear. So many cordless phones and cell phones using SS around here hard to tell which is which. I imagine a low power directional ant would be quite a challenge to detect. Before you ask, I use tdr and rf analysis to diagnose sources of interferance in my customer's cableing. Not for the reasons of signal sweeping. I just dabble in that personaly has a hobby. I'm sure I'd be jealous if I knew how sensitive the toys you work with are. Just got me thinking.... you sneaky bastard ! You didn't mean SS rf open air you meant SS wirebound going down the power lines. If there was SS but using common local radio station frequencies going down the power line it would look like just increased induced rf and be very hard to find. Sneaky, sneaky.....
I did mean ssfreespace rf , but you are talking about "cc" (carrier current) sending rf carriers down the phoneline. military doesn't use tdr for tscm, "every phone is just considered tapped.because a real tap is performed by the central office and undetectable, no extra connection to your cabling,co just sends your line to "our" office. I'm years out of the field, we did stuff with vidicon tube cameras. 2"x3"x10"+ a 6" long pinhole lens.I look in walmart I see security stuff on the shelves we would have killed for.
Yeah, well aware that an "official" tap would just occour at the telco's equiptment. But still can't be too cautious. Plenty of non-offical homegrown snoopin going around. I'm aware of one business going to considerable efforts to have access to information on another business. I have nothing that would be worth going after with that much effort. But it is nice to be aware and expand my horizons with different things.
Its usually easier to just to buy somebody inside then do a "blackbag op", set up an lp/ op and maintain it...
Hmm since you have a background in all this intel gathering stuff...... I wonder who is still interested in keeping tabs on you ? Meaning if they keep tabs on you I bet they see everybody else that is in contact with you. My tin-foil hat is getting itchy, that must mean something.
Who me? they have nothing to fear from me (born on the fourth of july). I'm more worried about the various boards I fearlessly(foolishly?) wade through...Now you got me worried.. man has this thread gone to havanna!.
I’ll summarize this thread: 1. Started out normal and then got screwed up by someone posting over and over again about basically the same thing. Suicide to take on someone that has a rifle with a pistol. Then got a little braver as the posts went along. Would take a shot at the guy if the circumstances were perfect. Maybe a Marine squad with you backing them for the final shot??? 2. Shooter started shooting and since there were signs on the entrances that CC was not allowed in the mall, that makes it illegal in NE to carry there, no one could defend themselves. 3. If CC was allowed there, that someone could have got a shot if they were on the third floor when the shooting started or shortly thereafter, either by shooting him right away or sneaking up to him during the confusion while his attention was on the floors below him. 4. People on the second and first floor could have returned fire while behind cover to stop him from coming over the rail and shooting, better yet kill him or give someone a better chance at sneaking up on him. No need to worry about innocent people getting hit, missed shots go into the ceiling. 5. It is definitely agreed that no one is going to try a frontal assault on a gunman that is behind cover with a rifle and on high ground, with a pistol. 6. No one here really knows what they REALLY would have done since they were not there, but there were a lot of good intentions here. To the person mentioned in #1, don’t reply to this post, it will not be replied to!!! Remember your first post about “I would have run like a screaming baby”. Yes I can believe that and probably pissing your pants on the way out too.
I have 2+ years of ipsc experience, have been invited to and trained with sdpd swat in cqb. I'm drawing from the knowledge of people that have been there and done that. I know enough to BE afraid. Rambo does not work out in the real world. Notice I'm still not using personal attacks....... but I do support my points.
AsI've said (privately) you've some how acquired access to a world of TRAINING...carefully choreagraphed exercises.please don't don the uniform of men like E.L's texas ranger buddy who's favorite weapon was a lever gun,and probably fails miserably in the battle of the specs.(fewer rounds/ fewer rounds/minute) Don't try and tell the ranger he;'s under gunned because you have 2 years shooting under a timer. we'd all be afraid...I believe if it wasn't outright stated it was implied or generally accepted.Nobody is going to go "hey diddle diddle right up the middle"and assault a defended position with a drinking straw. I sincerely doubt any would find a way out to get their rifle and go back in unless family were tied down. The difference is your swat buddies are supposed to go back in for complete strangers and thats not paint ball; that's years of dedication honor and integrity. "Simunitions" my fury butt, putting the projectile into a moving target is only 10%of the job.grrr. quote:"Notice I'm still not using personal attacks....... but I do support my points." <hr style="color: rgb(209, 209, 225);" size="1"> No your idea of"supporting your points"is: Well I've got two years shooting ipsc and I drink beer and shoot with the San Diego pd swat.. Andrew Carnegie advises to "respect the other man's opinion" Some thing I see severely lacking on both sides here (guilty). Somebody lock this sucker..I seem to be incapable of sitting on my hands .
this has become a "carbon copy" of the paintball thread...and should be moved behind closed doors before we embarrass the landlord. The first key to wisdom is understanding,knowing and BELIEVING you don't know everything; and accepting there are possibly things outside your experience of the world. I don't have any idea who said that(who the hell am I to preach?); but here's a secret:,a little humility goes a long way with folks.
I don't want every discussion with opposing opinions to have to be moved to the inferno. I expect that everyone can discuss, agree, disagree, and explain without resorting to anything that will "embarrass the landlord" (well put T3). I think that most of our members will agree. And guys, please remember that the mods are here for fun and info also - we really don't went to have to "work".
I don't quite understand your issue here bud. Someone took a pot shot at me and you chime in on my response. My statement was to suggest that I have ingrained in me NOT TO BE SOME KIND OF RAMBO. I don't know why you think I'm trying to be some sort of hero, my point is exactly the opposite. Training with my swat friends means you don't go "hero" or "lone wolf" you go in as a team and as a team only. People here are suggesting go in alone. It has been made clear to me that will just get you killed. You wait for your team and go in as a team. Me stating what I have done and where I get the knowledge from was to show I'm not yanking this out of my a$$ but from the combined knowledge of people that did this every day. Where the hell did you get that I put down anybody with a lever gun ? Or rangers ? or E.L. for that matter ? You are putting words in my mouth that I have never said.
Living in Rural America, Not going to Malls Being trained in the service to shoot expert pistol and rifle Being shot twice I shop mom and pop stores here, and you would be hard pressed to find a shop without CC people here. I have better luck being stuck by lightening than meeting an armed mall shooter. But I will keep training to shoot just in case. I will engage a shooter given the chance. There are two types of people, those who would and those who wouldn’t. If I could save one life of a child shopper, then it would be worth it to me.