Chatter is about the NSA data hub (or the CIA trying to cover up their shenanigans) Witness is the daughter of a high placed 33 member…closed airspace over it is a bit suspect as well.
Now there's a video showing a missile smoke trail right before the big boom...The Patsy was across the street from the explosion...
Let's see. They have his DNA matched in 1 day Traced the VIN of the motorhome back to him as the registered owner. In less than a day. Very convenient. Next thing you know they will say the found bomb making supplies found in his house. You know, wire, batteries, household chemicals, and rubber cleaning gloves. And that they suspect he built the bomb in the RV because they couldn't find any bulk chemicals at the house raided.
NOPE! Watch it again, that streak is going the wrong direction! Likely the top of the charge getting blown ballistically ahead of the main blast sphere!
Getting the timing just right for the optimal air/fuel ratio to cause a blast versus a big ass fire ball is tricky. I'm going to go with ANFO. If he was the bomber and was hoping to walk away before the blast, his initiator was probably TATP and he contaminated the fuse. Otherwise, it was probably HMTD if he was just the patsy body to take the fall.
They will find it was someone furnished with an explosive furnished to them by the FBI in a sting operation. or someone who decided not to experience the Biden administration. Maybe some snowflake found out that Trump will stay in office! I'm curious if anyone takes credit and leaves an explanation. that Las Vegas nut didn't tell anyone anything, that we know of.
I disagree , Building had 3 foot walls with glass outside to blend in , they needed to be hit from on top !!! Sloth , hence no more pictures from air etc.. Look at the fiber optical hub coming in there !! Comms out first !! They Missed with the incommoding Missile , RV was the goat !! Watch the zones of hit.. RV blew after due to the sensors to blow after the vibration .. View the footage of strike S
He was probably dead before the rv was ever parked there. No way that guy built and executed this crap by himself.
This is how little they think of us now. They can't even be bothered to make up a good story. He didn't like 5G so he rigged his RV to blow and blew himself to smithereens? With no video, no note, no "Goodbye Cruel World and your little 5G dog too!" sign? In early morning, with no audience to witness his final and dramatic exit? Yeah sure, sounds totally legit.
Somewhere in an underground federal facility, there sits a guy in an ill fitted suit, drinking cheap coffee and reading this thread. Under his breath he's muttering, "Told them! Told them they needed to set up social media accounts with a manifesto to sell it, but nooo! That was too much effort! No one listens to me. No one listens to Basement Brian. Well they'll see. When the world refuses to believe the story because they were too lazy to write a manifesto, THEY'LL ALL SEE!"