About two weeks ago I was turning left on a green light (two lanes turn left there) and I started driving minding my own business when I hear a semi truck. I get nervous around semi trucks because I don’t drive a truck I drive a normal vehicle...so I watched him get up next to me and then with his cab parallel to me he started over LIKE HE DIDNT SEE ME IN THAT LANE. So I honked at him and he slowed down to merge behind. First time I have ever seen a semi truck be super aggressive. And I was super awake without coffee for the rest of that day.
I won’t react to jerks honking but it’s a good barometer of the anger out in the general public. Another example: The other morning I’m behind what I’m positive is an elderly lady. There’s nothing I can do but follow her out onto the freeway. An impatient prick gets behind me. As we finally get rolling up to 60 plus he goes past us in the left lane, swerves at her. Dude?! I guess my point is be careful out there. Peeps be crazy.
Yes. They’re not worth it to me. I try to be as anonymous as I can commuting. Right lane, 4 over, sitting low and looking good. Lol.
There's a spot along one of the roads I get on regularly, a 3 laner. Starts single lane southbound at 45 per, and while still single lane south, transitions to 55. Too often, a New Yawkuh is headed that way and the transition gets missed, so for the next mile and a half, the rolling choke dawdles along at 40 more or less. When the center lane suddenly become southbound, the impatients blast thru at 75 hitting their horns on the way past the NYer. I just wait them out, 'cause I know that there are some left turners in that bunch that will really light the night with brakes. Then I put it up to 60 where most of us natives like to be on that stretch.
Honk Honk is my middle name,I have a ragin blue veined......for texters lol when I see one I generally let them swerve ,bob,weave and get next to me then I lay on dat horn...Scares the crap out of most of em...but they never stop !
He was trying to communicate. People who are bad drivers in cars decide to drive trucks and drive trucks as bad as they drove cars.
Many years ago, travelling I65, a big rig on my right suddenly decided he wanted my spot in the Space/Time Continuum, RIGHT NOW! But somebody upstairs was looking out for me, providing a 35MPH offramp on the left (very rare!) , that my '71 Dodge Polara took at 70MPH, somehow managing to hang onto the diminishing radius turn! I had a tight crease in the center of my drivers seat, but luckily my underwear was unblemished. I expended every curse word I knew on that trucker, hope his ears burned! There was another time a couple years later when another idiot in the oncoming lane insisted on passing a car, forcing my valiant Polara to again do the impossible, staying upright despite, I kid you not, having not more than a three foot space to put that huge tank of a car through. I loved that overweight underpowered chunk of American steel. Sorry I ever traded it in.
Times like those is why growing up on scooters (real scooters, Cushman's Lead Sled) then motorcycles kept me alive for the new crop of idiots.
I'm thinking my next truck or car I'm going to have it sealed with Phil Swifts flex paste...I mean he makes boats with the stuff.. Well for that matter I might make my coffin using Flex Paste?
Out here in OryGun we have the most insane traffic engineers to have ever graduated with a degree on the entire planet! Who the Phuck puts both an on ramp AND an off ramp in the same span of road? And what's worse, 60 years later, they haven even tried to change that, except for adding two on ramp lanes with a stop and go light to help spread the on coming cars out some! It's insanely tricky to navigate some of the worst ones, like the I-5 south to I-84 east interchange, when you also have an on ramp right there, AND the I-5 goes from 3 lanes down to 2, and then sort of 1 for the through traffic south! People have no concept of accelerating to freeway speed when getting on the freeway, they expect the freeway traffic to ether slow down for them, or get over, there is ZERO curtesy with folks, every one is in their own little bubble and thinks everyone else must yield to them! All of I-84 between the I-5 and I-205 is a nightmare, I-205 ( the newest of of roads, at almost 50 years old) is a bad joke, and all of I-5 through Portland and the first 3 miles of Vancouver is a disaster! I couldn't tell you the number of folks that have been killed on those stretches, but it's got to be in the thousands! Now, Take all that, and add in OryGuns unique blend of drivers in their Subaru's, Honda's and Prius's combined with big over sized 4X4's, Semi Trucks, and all that, and you know what's going to happen! And then.................we have the goddam duel speed limit, trucks @55 MPH, and cars @65 which is exasperating to say the least, Nothing worse then two fucking semi-trucks trying to pass one another doing 1/2 mile per hour different, and blocking two lanes, and then you got the R/V'ers who get tangled up in that hot mess, and one wonders why it's so fucked up here! Finally, if it rains ( which is all the time) nobody seems to know how to drive in the wet, and Snow, fuggeddaboutit, might as well shut everything down, because the number of accidents will have everything shut down anyway! The City's and Counties charge a metric shit ton in taxes to maintain the roads ( which they DO NOT) but they do almost nothing to clear or maintain the roads when the snow/ice hits, and it turns into a skating rink! And................then we do road construction during day light hours, especially during the rush hours, instead of at night when traffic is at the lowest, but NOPE, gotta fuck things up as much as possible as often as possible! Thanks Kalipornya! Having driven all over this country, I find OryGuns roads to be some of the worst in the nation, and while states like New Jersey and New Youk, and around Chitcagostan, are much worse, they have much more traffic then we do! If you have ever driven through ( tried to) Seattle, then you understand how bad bad can get, hell, Manhattan is much easier then Seattle, and Los Angelis, Phuck me, what a nightmare, from Pasadena all the way to Riverside, nothing but bumper to bumper stop and go and honking and instant lane changes, Portland wanna be!