I follow a local gun/pawn shop online. They just advertised 500rd bricks of .22LR for $59.95 Aguilera brand. Is it wrong that I find that funny? Might be b/c I most likely have more .22LR stored than they have in stock to sell! An it was bought at $14-18 a brick! Though at the time I built my ammo supplies to the level they are now, I was happy to find you could buy desiccant packs on Amazon rather than slowly collecting & saving them over time from other purchases.
Aguilera is shit. It only gouges for about 6 or 7 cents a round on gun broker. Domestic ammo goes for about that much.
Im glad I learned to reload 40+ years ago. My plan has been a minimum of 1000rds per gun and it has served me well.
I think it depends on what that caliber of ammo does for you. Say your only 410 gun is a bond arms Derringer, probably don't need 1,000 rounds for that. Say you have a suppressed semiautomatic 22LR rifle and pistol, probably should have at least a few thousand per gun. Say you have a 264 win mag, the barrel won't last a thousand rounds, so really no point in having a thousand for one of those and you need to change your seating depth as your free bore erodes, every 50 or so shots. (That's why I won't own a 264 win mag or any other barrel eater chambering).
Only 1,000??? I think the only caliber I'm near that low on rounds is for my Marlin 30-30 Leveraction Rifle!
30-30 doesn't make sense for me to have a ton of, unless it's Hornady FTX bullets and loaded with lever evolution powder. Typical flat tip, flat base, BC of about 2 or less just don't have the reach. But for densely forested area, cheap walmart 30-30 ammo is fine.
Does everybody have enough ammo. If not it’s too late to buy now. 9 mm-$45.00+ .38 special$50.00+ .357 mag$60.00+ .44 mag$70.00+ 30-00$60.00+ Some mom and pop pawn shop still have some ammo such as .32-20,44special,.32 swl and other calibers that are not as popular. We had better keep trump in office. What will be the price be with a tax on each cartridge if Biden has his say so? Do not let them get control of our lives.
Walmart had six boxes .22 mag,two boxes .222 very little 410,one box 20 ga and a lot of 12 ga target ammo, There’s nothing out there to buy unless you order online and wait a long time. The days of buying ammo when you want it are gone for now.
Yeah I bought a bunch of 147gr 9mm ammo for a guy for $30 per 50. I want 147gr 9mm but I don't want factory ammo, I want plus pee to 9alla-ackbar level. Basically he bought the ammo, paid for all the shipping, plus a little kickback, which paid for part of the little stuff I wanted from that online retailer. It will be at least a year and up to 3 before stuff kind of returns to normal.
The poor continually chronic every year unprepared shooter's and some cases hunters have been making pleas for months down here on a local forum. One guy just today wants to trade a Remington Viper 22 for 1K small rifle primers We talk about some of these pleas and we laugh,we laugh,we laugh I took these pictures down in the big city I was passing thru last Friday Why can't these pity party cry baby's get out and look for themselves?
If there's any small primers there I'll pay you double and cover shipping, as it looks now I'll run out of smalls first. For large primers, meh. Now that I picked up a few more kegs I might run low on large primers by the time I'm out of powder. I'm good on 209s, for shotgun I'll run out of 209s last. I'll run out of wads first and I got a sht ton of wads, buy more wads I'll run out of shot assuming I don't cast more buckshot.
I think this is the one time ammo will not return to normal. It will depend on who is in control. I’m not selling to no one, my kids and grand kids will need what’s left when I die.
Look up Lafayette shooters,Lafayette La,Give them a call,Buy from them direct,I for 1 prefer to not be in the middle....
If you live in a retarded state like new mexico where they are limiting the number of people inside and have created lines outside of walmart in the cold it's keeping the casual ammo horders away. I found an easy, relatively cheap way to replace my messed up 223 ammo that will only now fit my mini14. My choices were: Buy more ammo.... Disassemble, resize and reassemble, which is a lot of work. Buy brass new or used but that uses up my limited small primer stash. The best option seems to be buy primed brass. Ever glades ammo dot com has primed new brass for 60 cents a shell. I have seen new unprimed brass going for 50 to 65 cents a peice, so new and primed for 60 isn't horrible but it still sucks. But that's what happens when you screw up it costs you something to fix it. The middle man makes all the money and doesn't produce anything.
That's right,I did the leg-work and provided a name and location/w pictures ...Get..Ya..Some..Cowboy !