Oh no doubt it was meant to be a military attack by China. However, i think it got out before they had the virus perfected.
We just went into the land of the contaminated yesterday. BWE had her 3rd gallbladder attack and said that's it. it's coming out. we scheduled for local hospital. Eroom / Esurgery separate from scheduled surgery/recovery. separate outpatient only entrance. 6 surgical suites only for outpatient. Covid test 1 week before and quarantine for until surgery for entire household and maintain quarantine for 2 weeks after surgery. Covid test 2 days before surgery for both patient and person going with her. PreOP 1 hr, OR 45 minutes, Recovery 2 hr, one person only allowed to wait for patient in building. BWE was poured into my car out the back door for me to take home. I kind of like their plan. no mixing of general hospital and eroom traffic with outpatient. and boy the nurses on staff were not letting anyone break their rules. Anyway, she's recovering at home and i get to make the turkey tomorrow. This is going to be interesting. BTW, she is a terrible patient. I predict torn stitches.
I'm sorry, but if you are not going to look for it and expect us to take it as fact then why make the statement at all? Please either provide evidence or it's just like every other FUD statement or biased propaganda that floods the interwebs. I have a hard time with those making 'a statement of fact' without a source. It becomes an opinion and we all know what someone's opinions smell like. I really try to provide verifiable evidence to actual source (not just left/right biased 'news' organizations) or say in my opinion. Hey, I'm sure there are times I fail at this though as well. But please try. I appreciate you view nonetheless.
I will look for it and post. SERIOUSLY? No one here has heard these reports on national news??? Pul - EESE!!!
Remembering facts reported anonymously isn't worth the effort. At SM, truth can be substantiated, not by repetition but by reputable sources, quoted. Like you, we hear the national news repeated ad infinitum. We have also learned that the "news" is more often than not quoted inaccurately OR taken out of context. Dig up the facts and let us know what the accurate numbers are. Add up all the incidental costs as well. An ER visit, followed by an immediate discharge is NOT 13K. Period. I hate to say it, @Freewheeler but your credibility hangs in the balance.
What does the pipeline look like for a cure for coronavirus? Reporters from the USA TODAY Network talk about America's most urgent questions. JUST THE FAQS, USA TODAY On April 19, he doubled down on his assertion via video on his Facebook page. Jensen said, "Hospital administrators might well want to see COVID-19 attached to a discharge summary or a death certificate. Why? Because if it's a straightforward, garden-variety pneumonia that a person is admitted to the hospital for – if they're Medicare – typically, the diagnosis-related group lump sum payment would be $5,000. But if it's COVID-19 pneumonia, then it's $13,000, and if that COVID-19 pneumonia patient ends up on a ventilator, it goes up to $39,000."
Every time I heard it live on the radio, the numbers weren't always consistently the same, but boy, they sure were mighty damned close. Does this qualify to save my sullied reputation, or is more proof required?
Fact check: Medicare pays hospitals more money for COVID-19 patients I think he means this article. Special Bulletin: Senate Passes the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act | AHA
That article is April. I dare say that times and "facts" have changed. @mysterymet At least the bulletin you cited is July, so we are getting closer.
Here is what I KNOW: Oct 11 my Mom was taken to hospital hospice and was tested upon admission and found to be covid free. She was tested again Oct 24 as they needed to send her back to the nursing home because of a need for the bed space. Again, negative. She passed away Oct 28. I have in my hand her death certificate which states cause of death as follows: Failure to thrive Dementia Covid-19 Her nurse at the home told me on the phone that the doctor puts that on every death certificate. I just have her word on that part. My best friend all through high school died in March from "Complications of Covid-19". He was tested as was his wife, two brothers and their spouses, and his dad. Everyone was negative. He really died of kidney failure from Diabetes. Now I'll add my thoughts. If masks worked it would be over. If the lockdown worked, it would be over. Since day one they have talked about a vaccine and now I'm starting to develop a real fear of the vaccine and what it contains. I'm thinking the hype is just to get folks to line up to take it. The percentages of deaths. going by the CDC release, does not support the response. Something else seems to be in play here.
Certainly "Something else seems to be in play here." and some of that is exactly what you think. The CCP has now caused more hate and discontent among the USA than ever before, as the lack of trust to any event XX 100 and just maybe that was the end all of the "escaped" virus. Lay it where it belongs China and the CCP. Move on and take the preps you think are needed but never forget how it all happened.
FWIW. Being the third stressor that is not unusual if the Docs believe depression (caused the Failure to thrive} just a few facts that most do not know about is the Docs are required to record all events leading to a death.
A guy at work’s father had brain cancer and was in hospice with weeks left. He died of that cancer having never tested positive or showing any covid symptoms. next thing they know the death certificate says he died of covid and now his cancer insurance policy won’t pay out. The only word they get from the hospice was they tested for covid after he died and he had it so that was the cause of death. Total bull poop.
Time to get an Attorney and charge the Hospice and Doc at the Nursing home. Hospice cannot declare the cause of death. Tell your friend at work, see if his story still stands! BTW you can get a copy of the Death Cert and check it yourself. Yes I once followed up on a DEADBEAT, all the way to his grave stone. According to the Dallas County Coroner I was not the only one making sure he was gone.
What figure will CJB accept as his own after he’s in the White House? (If) (Donny was at 225k during debate time I believe) My guess is close to zero, he inherited them. Trump should have used that. It would have made just as much sense. Lol.