Not much is coming. We had our “huge virus surge” and are coming out of it now. Hospitals never got overwhelmed. 1% fatality rate (for officially diagnosed people). Keep it out of the old aged homes and you will be fine. Take a crap load of vitamin D. Get vitamin c , zinc, quercitin, melatonin. Get some pepcid ac just in case. MATH+ Protocol & Translations | FLCCC | Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance why is our news media hiding the vitamin D research from us?
Then take a look at the Kills in Alaska We now have 1400 confirmed cases and 20 deaths, 200 active cases and some 50 in the Hosp and that is just a rural county in Texas.
Cases Total United States Alaska Cases 28,708 +580 Deaths 110 +13 Location Cases Deaths Anchorage 15,305 +373 65 +2 Fairbanks North Star 3,250 +19 17 +0 Matanuska-Susitna
COVID-19 updates: Dallas, Tarrant counties both report more than 1,700 new cases Hospitalizations have been spiking for weeks across Texas, including parts of Dallas-Fort Worth. COVID-19 updates: Dallas, Tarrant counties both report more than 1,700 new cases |
@HK_User I know that for 'at risk' populations COVID is a killer. Just like every other flu it can be deadly for some people. My issue is in the reporting. The hospitals and testing centers report 'inconclusive' test results as COVID. So the 'pandemic' has been deescalated to epidemic. Did masking help keep the spread down? yes i will agree that people wearing masks and not coughing and sneezing all of the place kept the count down for a highly contagious version of the flu. I just dont buy the 'pandemic' Sorry just one issue we have to agree to disagree on. I read the article, its the ONLY federal quarantine facility? and its located in Nebraska? My spidey senses are tingling
What a sack of LIES these f'ers are trying to peddle. I don't buy it. Where's the reports of the 60,000+ FLU deaths that happen every FLU season?????????? Don't hear a peep about any of that anymore now, DO YOU????? Oh, never mind. The grand scheme has been improved. They're all cacavirus19 deaths now with a 98% recovery rate. ...Not to mention, HOSPITALS KNOW EXACTLY WHAT'S COMING!!!!! THEY'RE MAKING BANK from these lies. $30,000 for each caca19 patient. NOTHIN' GOING ON HERE, FOLKS. LOOK THE OTHER WAY, IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU...
Not a problem, just be sure to find out how many folks you might have lost after this is all over, if you're still here. This is not the flu this is a Military attack by CHINA. Keep that in mind.
Well, I don't believe it. First and foremost is the reporting is completely skewed to reinforce their point and not reality. What has been reported certainly doesn't match what is being seen - no where - and most certainly not here in North Idaho. Yes, people get it, about as much as normal flu, and yes, people get well or they die but mostly they were dying anyway and any flu virus would have put them over the edge. So, I am not buying it and neither is anybody around here. I believe it had one purpose to ensure they could rig America's presidential election and in that regard it was highly deadly and felt around the world, a pandemic.
Repeat. 30 deaths in a nursing home in Washington State to start this Covid-19 was a straight up lie. This I know 100 percent, trust me. After that I’m assuming some truth some lies.
Lies, Damn Lies, and Politics! Fact, the CDC fucked up and released the actual numbers of dead exclusively from Covid as under 10,000 total, as of the date of that release! The "Claims" made of 250,000+ deaths due to covid are a god damn lie, and The proof is easy enough to find if you bother to look for it! The Old sad joke of car accident deaths being listed as Covid death's because some one's corps tested positive for the rona is a flat out lie, and yet, they are listed as part of the totals! Hospitals make YUGE profits for every "Case" of rona they claim, all that stimulating money we were supposed to get went to hospitals ( among other places who didn't need it) and then we have the lock downs! Yes, COvid is a real thing, and yes, it can kill just like the flu and other viruses can! This WAS an attack by China on the world, make it easier to take over when there are fewer to kill later with bombs and bullets! Don't think for a min. that they will not try again! The report in the O.P. went off the deep end in blaming Trump for not acting, when we all know that's a flat out lie! When you ask a demobot what they would have done differently, they get the deer in the head lights look, and then word for word, copy exactly what Trump actually did! Trump put the responsibilities in the States hands, and when the states refused to act, Trump tried to step in and get them to comply, and it was the States who gave him the finger and told him to stay out of state business! This is all well known, but they keep spewing their lies so that when they think they can take over, they can swoop in with "The Cure" which will actually only be reporting the actual truthful numbers instead of the current hyper inflated/made up lies! It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see the truth through all these lies, but until we can get the factual numbers and fair/honest reporting ( don't hold your breath) we will be forced to do our own home work to find the truth for ourselves!
As if it was never reported on the radio or tv a hundred times back around June. It was something like: $13,000 if a person came in with the commievirus19. $19,000 if they were admitted to the facility and $33,000 if they were put on a ventilator!!!!! I've got the stats written down a somewheres, but I'm not going to bother looking for it, as the point is moot. Just another INCONVENIENT TRUTH that will be brushed under the rug!!!!!