how many here follow the Alone show on history channel?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by benine, Nov 13, 2020.

  1. benine

    benine On Hiatus Banned

    what would be your ten gear picks and why? here's the gear list. The win now pays a million $ if you make it to 100 days out there.

    alone season 6 gear list - Google Search
  2. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Ha, what a joke!
    Drop me anywhere on the planet with some para cord and a dull pocket knife and nothing else, and you will find me 100 days later on a beach in some tropical paradise sipping fancy rum drinks!
    I don't need no gear! LOL
  3. Merkun

    Merkun furious dreamer

    Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but the point is well taken. @benine there's a lot of speculative scenarios presented here on SM. Might be worth some reading time ---
    Dunerunner and Ura-Ki like this.
  4. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    My husband watches the show. I am not very fond of it since they are not allowed to move to greener pastures.
    Dunerunner, Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  5. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    All of the "survival" shows are a crock when it comes to actual survival...they are merely for what is loosely considered entertainment.

    Tried watching a couple...friggin' idiots.

    Remember: the key to survival is to not put yourself in survival situations!
    Dark Wolf, Dunerunner, DKR and 8 others like this.
  6. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    And the deal is, You're affiliated with the show and looking for....?
  7. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    There is NOTHING even close to “Reality” in a Reality Tv Show... Take it from someone who knows... The Prime Directive is and always will be, “ But it makes for Good Television...”
  8. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

  9. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    I've watched it a few times, but there was too much drama for me...everything was a matter of life or death. I have looked over the equipment list and wondered what I would take. I did like the tough guy that tapped-out before sundown...afraid that he was going to get eaten!:LOL:
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  10. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    The last season was definitely fake, that I can promise you. Before that I’m not sure. I for one won’t waste another second watching. My own show would be a smash I’m positive, at least Mom would tune in.
  11. benine

    benine On Hiatus Banned

    the prize money is real. I want a 2 million $, 200 day version, $10,000 entry fee and if you dont make it 200 days, you get nothing. that will keep out the riffraff. Their suffering is real and caused by ignorance of what to take and do. If they took the 12x12 tarp as 1/2 reflectorized material and half clear material, they'd not need a sleeping bag nor a warming fire. that would save them a month's calories and time. The 4x4x7 ft, double-walled, debris stuffed kochanski supershelter suffices down to 0F without a fire. By then, you'll have the 2 inches of snow needed to make an igloo. the igloo suffices down to -40F without a fire. This is if you know to make a poncho, hood, mittens, booties, leggings and breechclout out of the reflectorized tarp and the duct tape, with dry debris under same, tied around you. The 10x10 tarp gets folded in half, stuffed with debris, folded in half again and tied around you and all of your clohing. That's how you dont need the sleeping bag. Both shelters are warmer if you dig a 2x2x4 ft sinkhole for cold air, half in and half outside of your doorway, with a double walled tarp door flap hanging down in the trench. With you up on a raised bed and the cold air displaced down in the trench, you're in a bubble of body-warmed air. You do NOT want a fire inside of your shelter. Nor do you want to have to haul and process the 20+ cords of wood needed to keep a fire burning 100 days. If you only use fire to boil your drinking water and cook, you''ll need at most 3 cords of wood. Thats' a lot of calories saved. This simple change would have given dozens of them the win, even if they diidn't know to use the saved time to make 2000 sq ft of netting out of the 2 person rope hammock and the 3/4 of the 20x20 tarp not needed for anything else.
  12. benine

    benine On Hiatus Banned

    you want a Cold Steel shovel, one side modified to have 8" of real-deal saw edge. Modify it to be taken down without tools, make other longer, different shaped handles for it, which greatly add to its utility. Take highly modified Leatherman Crunch multitool. It's based upon a visegrip. Take the 12x12 tarp, the big roll of extra sticky duct tape (lowe's) the fishing kit (as 24 big hooks and one sewing needle, bent in a hook shape. straighten it out later. Fowler did this. Fowler also cleared it with the producers to take a slingbow, since it's many times more useful than a bow. Take the snarewire, with a foot of it being copper electrical wire. use the battery from the head lamp to light your first fire, then keep the coals and some charcoal buried in the ashes, with a shelter over the pit and a trench around the pit, vs rain and snow melt. Then you need not waste a pick on a ferrorod. Take one ration of pemmican, as bait, for the trotlines. Cut the 24 big hooks in half and reforge the ends, resulting in 48 trotline hooks. Take the 3 lb block of Sea salt, also useful as bait (when you're not on the sea). Take the 2 person rope hammock, cause it can be broken down into 5x as much netting and cordage as you're allowed to take. When you dont make a debris shelter and dont need the warming fire, you also dont have to waste 3 picks on the axe, shovel and belt knife. Use the tarp and tape to line some vine baskets, so as to make buckets. Use these buckets to refine workable clay out of shoreline mud. Make twice as many 1 gallon cookpots (with lids) and baked clay balls (ammo for the slingbow, for shots not worthy of an arrow) as you'll need, cause some will break in the drying or the firing process.
  13. benine

    benine On Hiatus Banned

    you'll freeze to death before you get even 10% of that stuff from that book done. They drop you in late September and it's freezing weather in a week or less. on the shores of Great slave lake.
  14. benine

    benine On Hiatus Banned

    yes, they are stuck in a 1.2 mile radius of their drop off points, which is ridiculous. You need 10x that much area to roam in, if you are limited to the stuff that the show lets you take. It would be easy, tho, with lots of netting, steel traps, cable snares, the right rifle, baits, etc.
  15. benine

    benine On Hiatus Banned

    the requirement to film everything that you do, at least 8 hours per day, is a ruinous handicap to bow hunting, so I'd not bother, other than to always carry the take down arrows, baked clay balls and the slingbow. I might make a baited tree blind and sit in it as I spun cordage, made netting, trap triggers, and ice fishing tip up devices.
  16. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    and say, @benine , are you one of the producers?

    It is TV, not real life. You know - make believe?

    I really do write this shi... eerrr, stuff. Been pinged several time to go play. I've been polite in my refusal. They never want to option any of my, pppppffffftttt.
    Dunerunner and Gator 45/70 like this.
  17. benine

    benine On Hiatus Banned

    right, you have no use for a clear half a million $ anyway, eh? No I am not affiliated with the show. I want ON a 2 million $, 200 day variant of the show, That will not be won by being fat and/or lucky as all of the other seasons have been.
  18. benine

    benine On Hiatus Banned

    more likely you'd be crying for your mommy in less than a month.
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