60 miles here and still too close, but.... Small towns and rural areas will be the first to experience shortages of everything.
Depends on how you define "Major metro area." I think of tall buildings and lots of government. That'd put us 60 miles away from the outside of the nearest and twice that from the next nearest. It's an hour drive to get to an expressway from here. I don't feel like we're missing anything.
Depends on how you define "Major area." drive = 1.5 hr for 10k folks , 3 k folks 20 min drive All at 60 mph or 100 kph 1.5 k is around here on farms ,mostly not farmers . Targets they might be .. We have hungry cats around ,, "Mountain Lions have eaten many folks pets this winter. " S
Not too much of a necro When the "Great Toilet Paper Drought" hit SLC, the little towns, even two hours drive away were cleaned out within the week. Pissed off the locals to no end. Example is my DW old home town. Local store imposed strict limits for non-locals. This led to several discussions with owners - who then called the local Sheriff. End result - the out-of-towner were escorted to the edge to town. You know, to ensure their safety. So yes, even small towns - quite some distance from a Metro area, can and will get cleaned out very quickly unless the store owner opens for 'locals only'. I mention this owing to the current vibe and rumors of a truckers strike.
The truck strike in 73 didn't last long, 3 or 4 days, but the disruption was tremendous. Today's yammer was looking at 30 days. You are going to need more paper and other stuff. (My moving van was on the side of the road for nearly a week. There are, you betcha, some tales to be told about that.)
So while I'm totally down for a month long trucker strike, what's to stop the major companies from just bringing in new drivers to keep things moving?
With the truckers I've met during my time in a truck, I can't imagine very many working together to strike. Most are only interested in the next paycheck they get and don't care what it does to anyone else. Maybe someone can organize them, but I don't see it.
Whats large ? my village is 5G 8 miles away ,, next is 50 mile away called little smoke 20G and then the bottom of the rock is 150G and 100Mile away . I have been squirrelling my nuts for years .
Ok this whole thing looks like a nothing burger. There's a Fakebook page called Trucker Strike 2020. It's some guy wanting to organize a strike for better pay and hours. Mostly it's just him bitching. Supposedly someone else did a TikTok about a politically motivated trucker strike for a month but no one knows who it is. I texted five truck drivers that I know, three local haulers and two long haul. They had no clue what I was talking about.