Kamala is on record saying she'd use executive actions. And since we know Sleepy Joe will be wheeled off to Sunset Acres to stare at the ducks, she's the one to watch now. Unless something major happens in the next few months to put them all in orange jumpsuits anyway.
I would think that taxation might be one route, but that "Shall Not Be Infringed" thing might get in the way of anything being done.
Anyone who wants to point to the 2a as some sort of magic cloak of protection needs to wake up. There are rules on the books now that provide backdoors to restricting your rights, mental health being a big one. Everyone kept saying we don't have a gun problem we have a mental health problem, well congrats they decided racism was a mental health issue. Get ready for that fight. Hope you got deep pockets because it costs a LOT to take a case to the supreme court.
If Joe makes it 3 months I’d be shocked. In fact he may not make it to inauguration then Camel-a can choose Nancy the pig as her VP
Pretty clear that fix is in this morning as PA and GA both turned blue in the wee hours of the morning.
Votes have been counted and recounted to ensure a Biden victory Georgia is counting and recounting once settled Senate races to ensure flipping the Senate The first three methods will be used shortly after Biden is worn in and the USSC gets packed from 9 to 13 (like FDR wanted). As soon as Sleepy Joe has outlived his usefulness he will step down. Harris, like Joe is an order taker. There is a possibility that before a VP is confirmed that Harris will slip in her bathtub making Pelosi president. 2021 will make 2020 look like a beach vacation with palm trees and umbrella drinks and it will get worse from there.
bidumb won't attack 2A, insufficient huevos. But he will give (probably verbal, no point to written) orders to his staffies to do something, even if it's wrong. (Which whatever they do will be.) Watch the federal and state court dockets for clues.
All four. Besides free health care and free college...free...free...free...stuff. Taking our guns is very high priority. Because we can't go up against a liberal goon army with pitchforks and baseball bats. But we're not going to let that happen. Right folks?
So then: is it time to bury our weapons or start to use them? Seriously - Will they subpoena all the bound books of FFL holders to find who owns what? Utterly illegal and unconstitutional, but at this point our Constitution is awaiting last rites.
All of the above, take your pick at the order, it will all happen with in the first 100 days in office! Expect to see beta Beto running around with his dick in one hand and a broken AR-14 in the others screaming i'm coming, coming, coming for your guns muthatruckas! We will be at war soon enough, prolly before any of the anti gun stuff comes down anyway, so............ we will be keeping most of our guns, just going to have a hard time finding ammo to feed them! Looks like we will be eating Chinese for a while!
He ain't doing shit. He will give the ATF rabies so any dealings with them will suck. The blue wave turned out to be a blue hole. The dems thought they were going to gain 10 seats in the house and take the senate. Well they didn't get any senate seats and probably will lose 1. They lost at least 5 house seats and all the house creatures that understand self preservation are scared because they lost at least 1 untouchable seat and they spent a lot of money, out spending republicans 4 or 5 to 1 just to lose various races that were supposed to be in the bag by a large margin.