Have a Winchester 1300 that handles the short shells just fine. Get one for someone that needs the low recoil ammo.
Yeah I have a 1300 too and it runs mini shells great. I saw over on the high road dot org (they suck they're not cool like we are) someone posted about trying reloading fired 5.56 blanks into live ammo. Like some madmax shit going on. I have turned 30-06 brass into 8x57js so I have no room to make fun of them. I had 5.56 blanks on my mind so I went over to a milsurp site (cdvs dot us) and they're sold out of 5.56 blanks.
Saw a u-tubber vid where some mad-max dudes glued a .22 blank into a 12 gauge slug. The impact was devastating to say the least !!!
Found a company from Georgia selling new primed 357 brass on gun broker for less than what some people are willing to pay for primers. One order of 250 shells plus spark plugs run 32 cents each. Since I'm running real low on full power 357 ammo after selling all my full boxes of factory 357 ammo I figured I better git some. But I have plenty of 38/357 bullets and lots of powder appropriate for a 3 inch 357. So I'm able to resell 100 factory rounds (38 and 357 both were going for about the same money) and replace it with 250 new brass reloads. I sold a lot more than 250, probably more like 550ish 357 mags. Also sold around 400 38spls. Since I only have one 357 mag 250 actual 357s plus I don't even know how many 38spl+p+ reloads seems sufficient. I definitely have an ammo addiction.
Just be careful OP. You don’t want to end up like this guy. Mesa ammo dealer charged with making bullets he sold to Las Vegas shooter | khou.com
I'm reselling factory ammo. Not reloads. Making around $20 to $30 per box of 50 I resell. Back in obama's "it's technically not a recession" economy I found that for each ebay auction to make it worth my time I needed to clear at least $20 per item, after shipping, fees, packaging, ect. So far the worst I have done was clear $30 on 150 rounds of 380acp cheap blazer plated range ammo, which I only wanted to break even on. This is giving me a chance to unload all the rando stuff I bough and that I inherited from my dad and allows me to reorganize, standardize and grow. For 12ga dad had bought a lot of cheap PMC buckshot, a lot of the shotgun ammo is already well over $1 per shot with a few days left and 10 to 30 people watching the auctions. I only wanted to break even on the shotgun ammo. "A surprise, but a welcome one indeed". For 9mm I had a lot of factory ammo, i just got my first 9mm in late 2016. What I really want is 147gr subsonic hollow points and those are usually expensive and so I never bought them. But I bought a bunch of 115 and 124gr stuff and I have been selling that. Bought a thousand "mostly federal" once fired 9mm brass to replace the factory ammo with. For 357 my dad just bought lots of ammo for it. I guess he bought a box or 2 of self defense ammo any time he saw something different, had everything from 110gr to 180gr. I'm going to say several hundred rounds with the ability to load a lot more should be enough for handguns that I only have 1 of. For 44mag I'm not selling any ammo because I have so little factory ammo I couldn't even put together a lot worth selling/shipping. Been reloading it the longest, it's always been expensive to buy but cheap to reload and the revolver and rifle dont throw my brass where I can't find it, so brass recovery is about 100%. 45 is both, I bought a lot and reloaded a lot, I standardized what I reload on 45acp a long time ago. Still had a bunch of cheap range ammo to off load. Going forward when I buy factory ammo I won't buy anything smaller than a case of self defense ammo at a time. I have used some of the funds to correct an error on my part. I have 50 cal ammo cans full of 45acp reloads that I can't sell, but only one 45acp gun, with probably 20 mags. Nearly all gun prices have been crazy. The only stuff that isn't crazy are cretin kind of rare forgotten about things like the marlin camp carbine(which takes 1911 mags). They were $800 to $1,200 before the plandemic and they still are around $1,000 unless you find a new in box one. So I picked one up for $900 shipped with 2 stocks (I'll sell the one I don't want, the cheaper of the 2 is worth at least $100) and a late 1990s early 2000 optic that's still worth at least $80 but is comparable to some new $200 to $300 new red dot optics today. I'll probably put the optic on a 22lr. For 22LR I'm just off loading 20 year old ammo, I bought plenty after the last shortage and I discovered I really like subsonics lately for how discreet they are in a suppressed rifle. I have sold so much ammo my wife is like do you have enough ammo if shit hits the fan, I gave her a smug laugh. She really doesn't understand how well and how long I hid my addiction.
I have plenty of .44mag thank goodness. .44 mag is over $1.00 a rd if you can find it. I bought most of mine when Walmart went out of the ammo business. I either gave $20.00 or $25.00 a box.
Found these at a local flea market for 10 buckollas I could have Po mouthed the old boy for probably 8 buckollas...But I payed up.... Mostly small pistol...........
Oh man ballistic products dot com is beat up. I only wanted some #1 buckshot. I was going to grab some #4 or 00 and there wasn't any, unless you wanted to pay $15 per pound (it's normally $5 to $5.20). Then I poked around and they're out of all kinds of stuff. So I took my #1 and called it good.
Yesterday I bought another 15 rds 12 ga 3” slugs for $15.95 at Walmart mart,the last box. Still had a little 30-30,30-06,308 and 270.
Congratulations! I'm actually starting to find ammo a bit easier than I was a month ago. Either its luck or the ammo rush is starting to back down (if only just a little).
just got this in a email... Armscor 230 gr FMJ .45 ACP Ammunition 200 Round Rock Pack - 50093 says is $146.99 https://palmettostatearmory.com/armscor-230-gr-fmj-45-acp-ammunition-200-round-rock-pack-50093.html
I am truly sorry if this has been covered before but I DID NOT read this whole post. Being in the industry and having started and run the US national steel championships (Steel Challenge) for many years I have seen the cycles of ammo availability over the years and the impact it takes on new and old shooters and their ability to train, shoot matches and teach their young. There is a very predictable cycle, when there is fear, prices goes up and availability go down, period. People who know this cycle stock up on everything when the prices are low and and availability is good. January 2020 you could get 1000 rnds. of 9mm delivered for $159 for example, I stocked up until I bled (now you are looking at $600 if you can find it). People with money buy everything when it is cheap, ammo, primers, powder, bullets, what ever they think they need. I tell my friends to buy as much as they can afford during the good times to outlast the cycle of the bad times. Not everyone has a unlimited budget so you need a plan! My idea of a good plan is to figure what you shoot per year, add in how much you need for personal defense, in case things go bad. I look at the cycles which can last 2-6 years (bad cycle) verses 1-3 years good cycles. So I figure how many rounds per caliber I need to feel safe, then how many rounds I need to practice and shoot in matches (x4). This is the total I try to purchase in the good cycles so I can ride out the bad cycles. Do I obtain this number, well no due to the limits of money that I have to invest at the time. I do my best to get to that number but hey we all don't have the available cash that some folks have. I look at it this way, if I need 8k (for example) for 4-5 years. If I buy 4k at $159 ,when the world is great, I still buy 2k when it hits $250 (that's when I have money) and then 2k when it hits $350 as it is going up. People quit buying as the price is going up, you really need to thing about average cost of the rounds instead. The totals are: 4k at $159 =$636 2k at $250 =$500 2k at $350 =$700 Total cost is $1836 for 8K or $229.50 per/1000 (verses $600 right now) That is a lot cheaper than $500-650 per thousand and you have the ammo if needed and the peace of mind that you can continue on with your sport and your safety factor. Buying as the price goes up or down based on the funds available can work in the long run. Think of averages. Proper planning is the key. 1.) Determine your round count for a safety factor 2.) Determine your yearly need and multiply by the cycle you feel comfortable with 3.) Add these two together to get your targeted amount of rounds 4.) Set aside funds to implement your plan, Start buying when the cycle is right 5.) STICK TO YOUR PLAN Other things to consider: - You might want more than one caliber so you will need to prioritize as needed. - You might want to consider reloading to meet your needs verses your income - You might to get a group together to mitigate costs on reloading equipment and supplies (IE share resources) The key is to make a plan and be aware of the cycles. Many shooters would have been unable to shoot a couple of years in the 22 division in the nationals if it had not been for CCI to step up and arrange for me to buy a bunch of rounds to sell back to the competitors. It was a lot of work traveling to different bass pro shops that the ammo was shipped to but we were lucky to have such great help. We did not make a dime on any of it but it taught me a great lesson. This was during the Obama election cycles where people were rightfully afraid of their gun rights and safety. I have seen this happen at every election cycle so be warned and mostly, be prepared! You may be shitting bricks this year, well that sucks. Don't let it happen to you again! EDIT: This should be a sticky, if someone wants it as a sticky and thinks it should be rewritten in a different format then by all means steal this info and redo it. This is survial in the most fundamental form!
RMR Bullets has a few million M193 and M855 projectiles in stock. And bayou gun runner dot com has 147gr fmj 9mm ammo for 60 cents a shot and 357 for a $ and some change per shot.
Sold some 12ga 2.75 inch foster slugs for nearly $3 each. That's probably about how much I paid for each box of 5. I rounded up all of the partial boxes of 44 mag, 1.5 boxes of 44spl, 1 full lone box of 45 colt and a mix of 410 buckshot. Put them in their respective auctions. If the 44 ammo does what I think it will do then each round should buy up to 10 jacketed xtp .429'' projectiles. My only 45colt firing gun is the bondarms 410/45 Derringer and I would be good with zero 45colt in inventory.
Ballisticproducts dot com has 209 primers in stock, for about 3 more seconds. They charge $37 for a hazmat fee, which kind of sucks. To me it's only worth it if you buy at least a keg or nearly a case of primers.