Don't recall what the actual name of that NAZI group was... but IIRC Hitler and his crew used them to threaten, beat, up and terrorize his enemies... also seem to recall many of the members of the Brown Shirts had a criminal record... and some were considered to be basically... thugs... and when the time came and their usefulness was at an end they were all... assassinated... in one night... seem to recall Mao and Stalin doing similar things... it SEEMS like it was felt that they were considered to have become a danger to their masters... So... hmmm... thinkin the same for BLM and Antifa?
Not yet, anyway. The SS had central direction. So far these anti social mobs are essentially leaderless, tho' there is evidence that small groups are organized.
Actually Krystallnacht and Night of the Long Knives were two different events in Nazi History. Krystallnacht was carried out by the SA (Brown Shirts) and the Kristall (Crystal) refers to the broken glass from the windows and storefronts of Jewish-owned businesses. Kind of draws a parallel to the riots that have been going on in some US cities of late, except recently it seems to affect all businesses. Personally that tells me that the perpetrators have a problem with capitalism, as opposed to race, since a number of those businesses were owned by black people. But interpret it however you like. Night of the Long Knives, a series of executions and assassinations, occurred because Hitler and his loyal became concerned that the SA, or Brown Shirts, had actually become too successful and powerful and might provide competition for their quest of absolute power. That could not stand. So far Antifa and BLM have not grown so powerful as to pose a threat to the Democrat Party, so they're both still doing the Democrat's bidding and safe for the moment. That's my $.02 worth.
Mao used the Red Guard. Mostly teenagers and college students. They terrorized the urban areas, humiliated and beat intellectuals and professionals, renamed streets, targeted anything or anyone old or traditional for destruction. Eventually they became unmanageable so Mao sent the military in to deal with them. The ones that were left afterwards were basically banished to the countryside to live out their lives as peasants. I saw a Chinese film a few years back that was set during the cultural revolution, following a group of students who were not part of this who were desperately trying not to get sent to the camps. One night in an effort to lift the spirits of the others, one retrieved his violin (he was western educated) and played some famous piece by Bach or Beethoven, I forget now. He was overheard and reported, and authorities came to demand what song he was playing. In a panic he lied and claimed he'd written it himself as an ode to Mao, and rattled off some lines praising the leader. It saved him, barely. Watching a recent video of antifa/blm surrounding a man's vehicle and screaming at him to raise the fist and say he supported BLM, then destroying his car anyway after he did it, reminds me very much of the Red Guard in it's infancy.
Yup. you are 100% correct, I should have pit an "AND" between the events! History is full of such groups, basically the political militant arm of the party playing for power who use these "Useful Idiots" to muscle their way to what ever agenda they wish! Russia has long been known to employ such things within, even the defeat of the Czars and the rise of power of the non Gentry!
I believe they have central organization which provides funding, training, guidelines and objectives. However, I further believe how the groups/cells achieve those objectives are entirely up to the groups/cell which are totally separate from each other, don't even know each other, much like terrorist cells. I believe this is how they are organizing and it's not as simple as to chop off the leader's head to rid oneself from them. Think about it, not much organization is needed to cause chaos. Frankly, I am to the point that I wouldn't mind seeing a UK type of solution which was/is basically killing them in their homes, beds, on the street, where ever they are found. Kill off a few and the rest will melt away and quickly. Yeah, I know, a dangerous precedent in a supposedly 'free' country but we do it to terrorists and that is exactly what they are - the homegrown domestic variety. One would think the FBI could find out where the funding and etc. is coming from but, given the revelations of the past few years, it could be the FBI itself. Sadly we no longer can trust a damn thing in this country.
They are funded heavily through Gofundme, Venmo, and CashApp. Some fund with bitcoin. And when I say heavily I mean they can rake in tens of thousands in 24 hours. Several accounts have been shut down but they just make more. Given the number of spoilt white trust fund babies getting arrested for larping with molotovs, I'd bet a lot of their funding comes from wealthy, clueless teens and college kids who fantasize about being out there with them, but chasing down all the funding would be like trying catch feral cats in the dark. There's also a photo circulating of some German Antifa posing with ISIS in what is reported to be Syria, which opens a whole new can of questions. Most of the ones in the street are just chaos junkies but there is certainly a core group that is working together and you see proof of this in the arrest reports Andy Ngo posts, where occasionally someone pops up as being arrested in multiple cities within a matter of weeks. You'll also start to recognize individuals that appear in riot footage from different parts of the country. They have people who scour social media, particularly FB, looking for places they can light a match. This is how they can be white on rice in 60 seconds whenever an appropriately colored criminal gets wasted or there's a MAGA event on the calendar. Recently this worked against them when they practically wet their panties to form a counter "protest" at what was supposed to be a huge Proud Boys event, only to discover they'd been played. The overly dramatic posters they made to call comrades to action had them all whipped into a frothy frenzy, but without the perceived racists to vent their impotent rage on, they turned on each other and the independent media that was there to cover the event. Their main weakness is their anarchist nature, which results in them being adamantly opposed to any sort of leadership. Anyone who attempts to organize is often overrun by 20 other voices. One amusing exchange amongst the Portland loonies was a planned "protest" that went south because no one could agree on anything and half of them went off to do their own thing without telling anyone. Finally the remainder of the group gave up and ordered a pizza.... which never arrived because apparently the pizza place found out who placed the order and said FU. As stupid and braindead as many of them are though, only a fool would discount what they can be capable of. They may hate authority but the bulk of them are weak people just waiting for their Manson or Jones or Koresh, and I'm unconvinced they'll be handled before that person arises.
In my humble opinion, what we are seeing in the streets (BLM, antifa, etc.) are just the cannon foder for the opening rounds. The small unit tactics used by some of these groups is based on sound doctrine and is evolving as the time passed. Those in the leadership positions seemed to be well trained and competent. I have lived this long by never underestimating my enemy.
There are several groups larping about ATM. The Boogaloo, or Bujahideen as they seem to prefer, bill themselves as libertarian muscle providing backup to Antifa/BLM. This one might be disarming himself soon... BLM is mostly loudmouth white college girls while Antifa are the hyenas. On the fringe is NFAC, a black militia mainly known for one of its members shooting 3 others at a rally. Still, never underestimate well funded morons in large groups. Not all of them are stupid, and all of them are learning and adapting.
The night of long knives is a perfect example of what happens to useful idiots who are no longer useful and become a liability.
Make no mistake these people are dangerous. Watch enough videos of them and you'll see the shot callers, like tall boy and backpack girl in the Kenosha shooting vids. Look for the others that throw the first brick and immediately fall back and disappear. They seem to send out small units that work the crowd into a frenzy and then just step back.
Reminds me of this little turd in grade school. He'd pick someone "just because" and start harassing them. As his little "gang" (different connotation back then) got riled up (mob mentality) he'd drop back into the cheering section. The poor victim would suffer harassment until they got tired and moved on. That is until some kid (ahem) made friends with the turd, got invited over to the spoiled rich kid's yard, and gave him a bloody lip and nose. Turd's Dad had to pull me, I mean that "some kid", off him. Turd's Dad took me, I mean that "some kid", back to my house to confront my father. Epic fail. My Dad was Marine through and through. Sorta gives ya ideas about how to handle these thug/terrorists/anarchists doesn't it? Well in a perfect world that is. sigh
Main thing I've learned is don't let them catch you alone, and don't let the obvious loudmouth draw all of your attention. They are opportunistic predators, eager to take advantage of your blind side, and definitely work in packs. This is my favorite "not today" video.
Antifa isn’t funded by anyone. It’s a shortening of anti fascist. There’s no grand scheme other than defense of minority rights
I've noticed exactly that Sir Temp ,,, it seems 1 or 2 start the damage and fall back and the crowd continues the stupidity.
Yep, it is an abbreviation applied to a disorganized mob that is, indeed, spasticaly funded. The money is being followed. Minority rights are completely unrelated to "peaceful protests" that are indeed riots, not protests, not "demonstrations" or any other form of civil behavior and airing of grievences. @LadyJ85 Suggest you go to the new members subforum and introduce yourself.