How is every bodies ammo holding out? Make it last because it’s getting hard to find and expensive.
The local soy boys are clamoring for 9mm and paying premium prices.... Easy to see whom was never a Boy Scout............
Still opening spam cans,and unloading old stripper clips and M1 ammo, will have to get into the new stuff some day. Never had problem with old ammo, cleaning the weapon however.
Some rigs have, some have less. the river that use to be the ammo supply is looking like a seasonal creek during a 24 month drought. good luck finding any loaded ammo, primers and mostly projectiles if you are not shooting cast. based on prices and supply and the forthcoming troubles, I don't expect there will be any warning shots given by any side. with hunting season coming up, i expect a number of wounded animals as annual sightin's could be and expensive proposition if you don't already have enough for the sight in and the hunt.
Sportsmans Guide advertises they have common calibers. Best deal there "was" their small ammo cans @ 7.95$, now listed at 35$ for two. Find a deal buy it or cry later.
I keep odd ball calibers that everybody does not shoot. I can almost aways find something I can shoot. Pawn shops almost always have .32swl,.22hornet,.22tcm,.32-20,.41mag and .44 special. There is no 9mm anywhere less than $.80 rd. Heck it’s hard to find a 9mm pistol.The pawn shop owner told me that you
Well you can never have too much but for years my favorite saying was “buy it cheap and stack it deep“ so I might have a few rounds still laying around. Too bad I used most of it up before I sold all my long guns on craigs list and lost my hand guns kayaking.
Yup that sand and rock around here makes a Kayak trip an iffy deal. You're sure to have at least one roll over.
SG Site for ammo cans. M19A1 .30 Caliber Ammo Can Now back at a reduced price of 7.64. Not junk, fresh off the shooting range to SG. Just proves they read the Monkey.
My wife bitches about how much ammo I have so I have enough. I have enough to where I have been reselling it.
Made the mistake of getting a whole bunch of Lake City .308 brass, what a pain that stuff is - but then for the price.. , and what I wind up with is match ammo so I guess I’ll quitmybithcin.
I had to throw mine in a frying pan and set out in the sun for 30 minutes,Hot brass is much easier to form.
I'm soooo sorry that I sold almost all of my guns and ammo several years back, before the prices skyrocketed. If I had just held on to them, but I had a financial crisis stemming from the Great Recession and really needed the money!
We haven't bought any but haven't touched any of our stash either. Only thing we're shooting at the range is wax rounds in the fast draw guns. It's cheap and plentiful and good enough for target practice.
I reload too. I'm reselling old Walmart FMJ ammo to buy much more interesting projectiles that I can specialty load for various guns. 100 rounds of say 9mm ammo buys up to 400 higher mass 9mm hollow point projectiles. Or 100 9mm rounds for 100 solid copper lehigh .429'' 265gr projectiles. Or 100 9mm rounds for up to 250 mod 77 .224'' 77gr projectiles.