The 3 Myths Of Law Enforcement

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by AlterEgo, Nov 27, 2007.

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  1. Evenglischatiest

    Evenglischatiest Monkey+++

    You can't disarm the population, then insist that we'd all be defenseless without your protection. Police are one of the branches of government enforcing the laws that keep us from defending ourselves. People protected themselves for millennia without police.

    And on the crazy student subject, there was only one man who truly distinguished himself in the last major school shooting. And it wasn't a cop. It was a 70 something year old professor. Liviu Librescu.

    All those other professions you mention have two things in common. We have the legal right to refuse their services, and none of them has the right to use physical force against us for making that choice.

    I'm glad to hear that southern California doesn't represent the norm. But what Hartage described about San Diego is, sadly, SOP around here. Simply looking out of place gets you stopped. Regularly. And it gets old.

    I'm not anti-cop. But I've never hurt another human being in my life. I just want to be left alone.
  2. hartage

    hartage Monkey+++

    Well said, can't disagree with that one :)
  3. Blackjack

    Blackjack Monkey+++

    Even though "Not All" cops are bad, enough are bad to justifiably warrant extreme caution when having any dealings with them. Throw in a system that they are trained under that treats citizens as suspects instead of people, the rampant misuse of force with near impunity, and it's very reasonable to have a dislike/mistrust of the entire institution.
  4. hartage

    hartage Monkey+++

    You are a very lucky person indeed. My experiences are however not the same. I treat everyone I meet the same, with a smile. Most police officers I've come across without their uniform are regular people. Once they put on that uniform unless they know you they become a royal holyer than thou a$$. Maybe they put too much startch in the uniform that must make it really uncomfortable, maybe that's it.
  5. AlterEgo

    AlterEgo Monkey+++

    OK, just a few links of our men in blue in their finest moments. Now those of you who think they are wonderful, I ask you this. Why do the good cops never speak out about the bad ones? Huh?

    Chicago's finest under fire for brutality

    Oakland cop beats, tasers, then kills.

    Police Kill Driver on Vegas Strip

    Cops Get Preferential Treatment for DUI Arrest

    And finally some advice for all those who defend LEO's carte blanche:
    "How to be a better slave and avoid being Tased"
  6. hartage

    hartage Monkey+++

    If they did they are quickly labled a "snitch" and ostrisized by others. Then the "administration" will usually fire them under guise if keeping the peace within the organization. Then a lawsuit usually happens.

    Here is an example of our "finest" in CHP flavor.

    One piece of garbage officer got the other 5 officers in his office to harrass a ramona man who filed a complaint against him. The result ? 4.5 million of our tax dollars gone because of 6 garbage "officers"

    They are just another gang.
  7. poacher

    poacher Monkey+++ Founding Member

    I would say that police are bashed more by citizens because lets face it you don't get pulled over for speeding by a big red fire engine and the person that gets out isn't wearing fire gear with air tank and holding a fire ax. Nope that person that gets out of the patrol car is carrying a ticket book. Gonna screw your insurance rates up for three years. Firemen however come with lights blazing when your house, car or whatever is burning up. Or they are the ones that come with the medical personnel to try and revive your friend, spouse, parent or child that won't wake up or that is turning blue from lack of oxygen.
    Sure theres bad cops. Hell we hear about them all the time, we love to see the "cowards wearing the guns" get theirs.. Makes us just all warm and giddy inside.

    Nope I sure don't have all the answers hell I don't even have answers to some of the questions my kids throw at me, but, they call everybody older than them sir and maam and are polite especially when it's a public servant.
    Maybe I'm wrong wouldn't be the first time but by and large we seem to have an overwhelming urge to get some type of joy out of any misfortune that befalls a cop. Maybe I'm just getting fed up with posts like these, maybe I'm just biased in my own ways cause last month my friend, my partner of old went home got dressed in his class A's had a beer and ate his duty weapon. So by all means lets roast a few more.

  8. Valkman

    Valkman Knifemaker Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I'm with you poacher!
  9. hartage

    hartage Monkey+++

    Its not just that, what gives cops a bad name is their reaction to one of their own going bad. If it is a regular person we are criminals first a POSSIBLE human later. If a cop goes bad other cops will give him every excuse in the book to not have the SAME laws apply to them. Heck they will even LIE for a bad cop. Screw an innocent person for one of their buds. Its almost as if cops admire bad cops, like they are some sort of rockstar. If nothing else this encourages "good" cops to turn bad. If your a bad cop your still untouchable because your buddies will cover for you. (proven time and time again) The DA isn't willing to prosecute a bad cop unless it is extremely public for fear of jeprodizing their working relationship. So who investigates cops ? The cops themselves, that's like expecting criminals to prosecute criminals. Don't even try and blame anybody else put blame where it belongs. FIRST to the bad cops SECOND to the "good" cops that enable them.

    Can you blame the general public for having a jaded, dim view of cops ?

    One of the cops that treated me like a human being actually gave me a ticket. It was almost a pleasure to be given a ticket. He just told me "sorry but I'm just doing my job and I did see you make an illegal u-turn". No bad-a$$ attitude, just a regular joe doing his job and giving me a ticket. The a$$ cops, none of them gave me a ticket but tons of bad attitude for me treating them like I treat everybody else, with a smile. So don't give me this cops are looked at as bad because they give out tickets. That is garbage it is the attitude that counts not them doing their jobs.

    Now I will give you this. Seems the younger cops of today are different, more like regular people. It is the older cops with the big gut that still have a nasty attitude. Maybe the rot is no longer spreading. Hopefully the younger cops can change the perception that the older cops earned and passed on to them. Maybe the rot will someday go away.

    I am sorry to hear about your friend. Nobody deserves that. My best friend did much the same 10 years ago (coming up dec 15). No uniform and the choice was Jaegermeister but the outcome is much the same. If only he gave me a chance like he did the year before to try and help him.
    My regards to your partner's family.
  10. AlterEgo

    AlterEgo Monkey+++

    Well I am closing this thread. I started it not to bash anyone but to expose some to what is fact. The intent was to inform. Obviously some are in denial and for that I say, I'm sorry to ruffle your feathers. Also It appears that this threat has been classified, spittin on the floor & crappin' the waterfountain.

    So be it.

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