What Has Our Country Become?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Seacowboys, Sep 7, 2020.

  1. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I have spent my whole life as a Constitutionalist, a true believer in Family, Friends, and Freedom. I grew up on a small family farm, something that is almost non-existent any more. I am a Southerner by birth, heritage, and ancestry. I am not a supporter of our Country's Military agenda, believing the last War ever fought by our nation for Liberty was 1860-1865 and Freedom lost to Republicans. Every war since has had nothing to do with Liberty, but rather international financial concerns and political agenda. I respect the career of a soldier, understanding the risk of life and the need for warriors, but have no reason to thank them for their service, they're getting paid by taxes I paid and if they are good at their job, can make a lot more money doing the same shit for private contractors after the veil of freedom has disillusioned. I have witnesses the destruction of the central family unit, the destruction of the family owned farms and small businesses, the Corporate take-over of our National issues. I witnessed Big Pharm and Insurance Lobbies getting laws passed to protect their interests. Monsanto poisoning our crops and sterilizing them into a monopoly for genetically modified foods. Now they want to do away with cask and chip everybody to eliminate the freedom to pull a $100 out of your pocket to feed a homeless person or buy a sack of weed. Elections are being attacked in a manner that demonstrates the futility of democratic process when there are so many special interests with the power of resurrecting deceased voters to support their agenda. Now liberal socialists are tearing down our heritage and re-writing history to reflect their agenda. Teachers are teaching a revised synopsis of what happened and why, to reflect their political agenda.
    The simple and only correct answer is that there are just too many people to exist in a free nation. Not too many productive, working people, but too damned many people that do nothing but feed on the system. They don't have to work, they get to vote though and their vote counts just as much as the votes of those that pay for the shit. Problem is that they are starting to out-number those that work and value family and Freedom. There was a mass-shooting attempt at a Bass Pro Shop here in Coastal Alabama yesterday. A negro armed with eight rifles, two pistols, and a shotgun, hundreds of rounds of ammunition and wearing body armor. If he had been white, every swat cop in Baldwin County would have dumped a mag into his splattered corpse but with the PC crap about BLM, they tased him and he's in the hospital with an unrelated to his arrest malady. A Bass Pro Shop? For Christ's sake, tell me that ain't racist.Spanish Fort shooting suspect had multiple guns, armor
    May be time soon to just let nature take it's course. Let disease and plague have it's say, let them drive drunk all they want to, end those blue parking spaces and declare that either you can make it on your own or you get eaten by wolves unless your pack is strong enough and value you enough to protect you. I had just a much a chance of being born blind as you did, doesn't make you special until you apply whatever it is that grants you the need for protection by the pack. Take back the community! Help your neighbors, friends, and family, don't expect others to do it for you. We need about half of the people in our country replacing Monsanto as fertilizer.
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    The nation has become a pit full of sinkers and floaters, and the sinkers are rapidly filling the pit such that the floaters can't move. Let the bacteria consume the sinkers and leave clear, life sustaining fluids behind so the floaters can resume real lives.
    Tully Mars, Garand69, HK_User and 3 others like this.
  3. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    It's all circling the drain, cant stop it, cant run from it, cant hide from it, and cant deny it, or even drink/drug it away!
    Time to face it head on and do what needs doing! I'm not saying Revolution, or any of that, i'm saying it's time to get all your ducks in a row and gather the flock close, build or firm up the family unit, and prepare for the storm that's coming! Like it or not, a hard reset is the only thing that could work, and that's going to take a lot more then most are willing to give, but give we all must or there will be nothing left of this country!
    Add in China and it's imperialist agenda, and Russia, with it's anger issues, once we start this fight, both of those players will show up to take us on, then the real fight will be on us!
    Read the first sentence again!
    Tully Mars, Gray Wolf, SB21 and 5 others like this.
  4. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    It's so blatant I'm seeing a lot of people waking up and asking questions. Even in a FB group based on my local community I saw somebody starting a discussion about bug out bags that had a lot of activity. People offering advise, but many interested as well. They know something is coming and they don't want to be here when it lands. Most of them at the beginning stages, though in another conversation someone was asking what skills people had in the event that things went to 5h1t. 90% had nothing usable that didn't take place on a computer. Few people with skills to grow food, build or repair things, and one surgeon. Far too many are graphic designers or they "organize things", IMO non productive mouths to feed and probable trouble makers irespectively.

    Dinesh D'Souza this morning writes about the potential for the unrest and violence along with lack of effective governmental response leading to Citizen militias. No 5h1t! Ya mean that preventing police from stopping rioting, looting and violence could cause people to start banding together for their own mutual protection? It reminds me of talks I've had with some of our neighbors not realizing that those conversations could lead to that very same thing. The rub is who takes leadership and does that make things even worse?

    Is that what out leftist governments are really pushing? Turning us all into small disorganized gangs so they can finally bring the hammer down and re-write all the rules?

    Let's say that we survive this election cycle. The next one traditionally flips power to the other side along with House and Senate control for two years. If things don't go pear shaped this fall they will in four years.
    Tully Mars, Gray Wolf, SB21 and 4 others like this.
  5. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Just so ya know, the MSM went out of it's way to specifically mention that "Militias" are illegal, and do not have the power or authority or sanctions of the states/gov! They even went to great lengths to find a "General Officer" to quote in their assertions here, and they sited the federalists papers and all that, basically claiming that No Regular or Unorganized Militia may gather or combine with existing forces, or carry the weight or support of the regular National guard! They obviously state the cherry picked points, but fail to also cite the very heart of what the Militia actually is and it's purpose! Basically, they want folks to believe them that militias are illegal and would be smashed!

    No Shit dumbass's, that's the whole reason behind the militia, a means to stand and defend DESPITE the Gov! Just know, they are trying to do everything they can to delay the inevitable by sowing disinformation and false claims!
    Be wary of any who claim to be the Militia, when the time comes, you will know who is real and who isn't!
    Tully Mars, Gray Wolf, SB21 and 6 others like this.
  6. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    Seems to me that 99% of the MSM should be on the purge list
  7. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    The militias are getting stirred up, but lack the manpower. People just don't have the stomach for wet work.
    Gafarmboy, Tully Mars, SB21 and 4 others like this.
  8. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    We get what we deserve we put up with poor Government across the board We put up with people in our streets We put up with apathy and we let all this happen to ourselves Its not to late to fix but we have let outsiders influence our media and our elections and made us turn on each other But make no mistake if you come to the USA for war we will answer the Bell
    I'm afraid it will take something catastrophic to bring us back from the brink
    And there is nothing that compares to a little wet work
    Tully Mars, Tempstar, SB21 and 5 others like this.
  9. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Bottom line is, until things go far enough down the drain for things to effect folks personally, beyond what it has now, folks will not rise up! Folks are scared of what this new future may hold, they try to not think about it, or pray it won't come to it, but that's just putting blinders on to it! Like it or not, that's where we are heading, and the sooner We The People stand up and start doing what MUST be done, it's only going to get worse for us, while the inevatable continues un checked!

    I don't like it any more then you guys, believe me, I have seen it with my own eyes up close and very personally what what's coming will look like, and it's Ugly, but there is no stopping it! At least not until good hard men stand up and do, instead of hide from it!
  10. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    I have said for years, we have had it too good for too long in this country. Those yahoos out there protesting, and the people supporting the Demsocialistacrats have no idea what it will be like under their form of government.
    SB21, Tully Mars, OldDude49 and 2 others like this.
  11. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    I have the feeling that it's going to be on regardless of who wins the coming election. Another term for Trump is unacceptable to the left, and Biden as president is unacceptable to the right.
    There is no middle ground!
    Mountainman, SB21, Yard Dart and 5 others like this.
  12. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    What has happened to our country? Just what the socialist had planned.

    They have been working to advance their agenda for well over 100 years. Through legislation or through indoctrination of educators to be used to dumb down our children, advancing the social ideas of the need for more stuff that keeps us working long hours every day of the week so we do not have the time for the youngsters, leaving the education and stories of our history up to those same indoctrinaters in the educational system.

    We have not set aside the time for telling the stories of our families or our national history. Chasing those FRN's to make another Christmas rememberal, for a week or two. A bigger house with more rooms, a nicer truck or car, just to impress someone. Who? The children? Family? Boss or neighbor? For what? To pay more tax's, higher food, gas, well, everything cost.

    You see, they rob us of our hour of labor through inflation, higher tax's and send our jobs overseas to cut the cost for production. And then we have to take lower paying jobs to continue to pay for food and housing. That cost more!

    My adult children remember the camping trips in that 20 year old truck. They remember how I could fix it and keep in running. They remember the fishing trips and fishing from the bank because we didn't have a boat. They remember the gardening and all that we had grown and the canning we done. Home made butter on home mad bread to go along with the home made pasta meal.

    Two of them today have a hard time sleeping because of the nightmares from their time in the .mil.. They can not forget to take the med's provided from the VA, however one tells me the beer and pot helps more. That is until there's another Vet suicide. I am told there are quite a few of his vet buddies that have similar issues. All for what? Endless wars that are supposed to keep us free? Bull Shit!

    What has happened to our country? We got comfortable. We became complacent. We tuned the politicians out. We forgot. We forgot to make sure those SOB's are afraid of us.

    The sorry part is the whole world is in the same kettle as we are because of the globalist ambitions.
    Mountainman, SB21, Yard Dart and 5 others like this.
  13. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    What I will remember forever is the Ml Doc at my exit exam.
    Sure it was 1970, sure I was getting out after a trip to Nam.
    Sure there were 100 or so guys at the exam.
    Sure the Doc was in a hurry and a paid Quack. A check the box AH who did not care about my service and my double hernia
    Sure he came back a second time for the"turn your head and cough" routine.
    Sure he DID NOT Check off the box for double hernia.
    Sure in my stupidity of the "kick them out quick" routine made me an easy mark.

    Still they made the mistake and two months later I lost the civie job I wanted because I had a double hernia.

    So that was the start of me helping Vets that had been screwed over and I'll never trust a .gov quack or gov Rep ever.

    Just the way it swings for me.
    SB21, Yard Dart, Dont and 5 others like this.
  14. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I have a simple life, I have enough income to just pay my bills and work as a musician for disposable income. My disposable income has been tattered by the Election Infection and I do not believe it will every truly recover. We are getting few engagements and most of them are very low-scale. People are not attending live performances for the most part. Venues are reflecting their restricted hours and declining sales in the nights they will engage live performers and especially in the amount they will pay. I am exploring alternate means of income streams that may produce revenue in this brave new world (sarcasm). I have started carrying a side-arm while on stage, something that used to get left in my car while performing. If I can' walk into a Bass Pro Shop without the chance of some indigent nut-case opening up with a hail of bullets, I'm certainly not comfortable playing to bunch of drunken strangers wanting to hear "Freebird", while we're just trying to spread a little love. I've always been a thinker, trying to foresee the next wave and predict where revenue might be be optimized. My newest endeavor is publishing a emagazine just dealing with the impact of live music performance, live music venues, recording studios, etc. in this changing environment. I am looking for freelance wrters to contribute material, ad space sales, photography, whatever it takes to drag the local music scene into focus. This might be my last endeavor and will probably exhaust my few remaining resources, but what the hell, in for a penny, in for a pound.
    Gator 45/70, SB21, Tully Mars and 3 others like this.
  15. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Pretty clearly, there are some folks that disagree. Mostly, I think, that "group" has brought on the problems themselves. For examples. failing to say no to whatever the fun drug of the day is, compounded by a failure of knee squeezin's.
    Dont, Tully Mars, Ura-Ki and 2 others like this.
  16. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    Catullus, SB21 and HK_User like this.
  17. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    I strongly suspect it's more than half at this point.

    We seldom get beyond Orange Beach when we go to the beach house, but I have always wanted to hear you live. PM me your upcoming gigs as we need a good reason to get away for a couple of days.
    Besides, if you talk dirty I might buy the drinks:D
    SB21 likes this.
  18. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    You can work with this Ol'Boy
    Take this Covid and shove it
    I ain't wearing a mask no mor
    The Governor can kiss my big white azz
    I ain't wearing that mask no mor
    SB21 and Seacowboys like this.
  19. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    It is cyclical. I often wondered what was happening then someone introduced me to the Strauss–Howe generational theory, also known as the Fourth Turning theory. It made sense and one can see the country and happenings following the theory. We are in the Fourth Turning which is called the crisis. And looking at 2020, we are without a doubt in crisis-mode. Financial, social and societal crisis are here plus getting worse. The fourth turning is predicted to last till 2030.

    This is a 15 minute video that explains the Fourth turning and the stages. I believe it is worth your time to watch.

    This is a good opinion piece about the Fourth Turning:
    4th Turning: The Crisis Deepens
    Strauss & Howe, authors of “The 4th Turning” describe it as such:

    As one generations ages and another advances, society changes. The book that Strauss-Howe wrote describes the generations and how they have changed society. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0767900464/?tag=survivalmonke-20
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