I watched a video of Trump giving a speech at a plant in PA. He was talking about how great it was that Military equipment was being given to police departments. I didn't like it personally. It's a bad idea.
Vests, helmets and other protective gear is on my approved list. On heavy weapons, well, I'm WAY less enthusiastic.
I have NO ISSUES with Civilian Law Enforcement having access to Military Equipment, as long as that same Equipment is also available to the Civilian Marketplace...Armored Personnel Carriers, Rubber Tired Armored Vehicles, whatever... If you can afford the Tires, go for it... Where I have a GIANT ISSUE is when they give Civilian Law Enforcement Select Fire Weapons... There is NO SENERIO where One can conger up a NEED for Civilian Law Enforcement to be equipped with Select-Fire Weapons, of ANY Stripe...PERIOD... If the situation gets so bad, as to create a need for Select-Fire Weapons, then the State Governor needs to step up and Call out the State Militia and National Guard to enforce Marshal Law... Not even those DUFUES In Oregon & Washington felt that they needed to go that far, with local Law Enforcement, with their ongoing insurrections....
I can't put a specific time or era on it, but at some point "peace officers" turned into "law enforcement officers" and things went south from there. The sixties produced violence in the streets that required an up armoring for self preservation. War surplus and a few more unnecessary wars and Barney Fife hit the lottery. The genie's out of the bottle and unless there's a national kumbaya transformation of some sort, it's here to stay.
Our local Sherifllf bought a 50cal Barrett,Everyone's like,Where in the Hell are you going to shoot that at and Why?
SWAT a la France Ivan and Co (NOT FSB) Danish - police, not the pastry PIKETEN - Swedes Polish soccer police (yeah, its a thing there) so - maybe the US isn't alone in 'upgrading' the local heat to deal with Scheisse or thislike this or these The SAN BERNARDINO shooters...
Goodness....you guys are worried about the hardware of a militarised police....it's the structural software (laws, regulations, policies and and practices and leadership) of state sponsored coercion that justifies and validates the actual use of law enforcement hardware in the execution of tyranny. Hitler's Germany managed to militarise the police functions of the Reich, and centralise the Nazi Party's control over the judicial and law enforcement apparatus, all with the willing and active collaboration of many, and/or the reluctant compliance, or the passive acquiescence of different segments of the German people....anyone who disagreed or resisted...went to death camps and went up the chimney, or to slave labour camps where they were starved and worked to death. Civilian ownership of firearms in Germany did not prevent the subversion of the civil police, or the extrajudicial activities of the Gestapo. Gestapo - Wikipedia TRump's goon squads may well become the American version of the Gestapo....and there are plenty of quislings and collaborators willing to denounce 'enemies of the State' just as there have been in just about every dictatorship in the 20th and 21st centuries.
or these Are you making an argument that counter terrorism agencies should not be dressed and equipped like they look like amateurish local yokels???
chello methinks ya gots dis backwards .. .. the antifa is the gestapo / NKVD / stalinist secret police / maoist secret police / KGB / pol pot extermination squads / plus plus plus plus all rolled into one .. .. @chelloveck jus sayn .. ..
Are you suggesting that antifa is a State entity?? All of the entities that you listed are, or were, actual organisations controlled and directed by the dictator of the day, and were paid employees of their respective national governments...antifa is a non governmental entity....it could not even be considered an organisation...more like a haphazard and ill disciplined kind of flash crowd mob phenomenon.
@chelloveck dey is da same thing .. .. some of da most extreme bolshevik thugs became the NKVD / stalinist secret police / KGB / plus plus plus plus once dey took over .. .. same thing in Germany some of the worst thugs became the brown shirts, the gestapo plus the SS plus plus plus plus after dey came to power .. .. we seen dis movie b4 .. .. fer real .. ..
I'm with BT on this one, parity is a good thing, and I also disagree with the use of Full Auto weapons and other mil spec ordnance! American streets are not a battlefield, and we do have SWAT in most cities, so when the need arises, they get the call! Last trip through the Portland Airport, the Local Police were packing SBR's and suppressors, and wearing full armor! That's a little beyond the friendly protecting and serving says me, and I noted that said SBR had the third position on his selector switch, that's BAD! My whole time ( 20 years) in the service, 11 deployments worth) and I never used anything but semi auto, except for a few times with MAW DUCE, and a few with the M-240, but that was rare and not a standard, and None of my guys ever used full auto or burst on our own weapons ether!
I think we are going about it wrong if we have to give bigger guns to the police. No idea what would work though-someone higher up probably has a plan. Do I think this will be abused? Oh heck yes.
Policed should be armed and have full access to any defensive measure appropriate to the situation. However, if it's so bad you need military tactics then you need the National Guard.
keep’m heavily armed. theres bad people everywhere. that being said, youre responsible for your own safety. do not rely on the police to save you.
All of the present social discord springs from a single root cause: usurpation of the Second Amendment. The 2A has no limitations in describing (not "giving") the ("God-given" or "natural") right of a person to have weapons, and to keep and bear them. Any weapons, in any quantity, carried openly or concealed, any where and at any time. The Supreme Court has no Constitutional authority to interpret the Constitution. That power is automatically reserved to the people because it is not specifically granted to the States or to the Federal Government. So every "decision" handed down by the Supreme Court that in any way limits the Second Amendment or purports to "interpret" it is a an un-Constitutional decision, null, void on its face, and utterly without force or effect. Except for the part where if you actually try to exercise your Second Amendment rights, the minions of the Government will simply shoot you dead. Are you: Crazy? A clear and present threat to your neighbors and/or the public? A drug user? A convicted felon? Under the age of 18? A city dweller? Red-flagged as a possible future offender? It matters not: none of those things void a person's 2nd Amendment rights. Only the Government voids people's 2nd Amendment rights. If that were not the case, most of the criminals in this country would now be dead. And that includes not only hoodlums like the BLM crowd, but crooked cops and politicians, and the perpetrators of every form of organized crime that posed a threat to any citizen. If I knew for an absolute fact that violating the rights of any specific person would get me a bullet in the face, I would absolutely refrain from violating their rights. The Government (which may be generally considered to be a criminal gang) wants to avoid a bullet in the face--but not enough to refrain from violating the rights of the people. That's why they want their victims (Errr...citizens/subjects/serfs/slaves--there is a planned progression being implemented here) disarmed both physically and mentally. When you get right down to it there is exactly one thing that prevents criminals from perpetrating their first (and/or last) crime: personal extinction. A smart criminal does not commit his first crime. A stupid criminal soon commits his last one. The police (on the whole) do not carry guns to protect the citizen. They carry guns to protect themselves and their masters--the politicians. And politicians are (on the whole) the most sordid of career criminals--and that's why assassination is their single over-riding fear. The times, they will require a changin'...
I'm with Chell on this one. Militarizing the police was and is a bad idea. That is what the National Guard is for. We have 5 member police departments in my area that have a freakin' MRAP in the parking lot. Don't just take my word for it but rather read modern history. Cops need vests and semi-auto rifles and anything else in my eyes is militarizing the police to circumvent Posse Comitatus. Just like in Germany,Brazil, Uganda (it's a long list) the police will be the first force sent out to subdue the Citizenry. When they fail, and it is meant for them to fail, the military will "have to" be called in to "restore order".]