minorityreport, 1984, futuristic flying taser drones are being developed (says infowars): http://www.infowars.com/articles/ps/taser_they_live_taser_saucer_to_become_reality.htm http://youtube.com/watch?v=9ZWCFJKJgDU&feature=related
If you're not doing anything wrong, then who cares if there's a flying torture device following you everywhere, filming your every action? What are you trying to hide? Do 's work for tasers? By the way, that second clip starts about 10 seconds too late. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NimgvwDO2CI&feature=related[/media]
Actually it should. As long as it covers wherever you get hit. The metal is going to be a much better conductor and should reduce the amount of charge that actually travels through your tissue. Most of it would just travel along the foil which is of course outside your skin.
path of least resistance baby...metal has muchless resistance than dermis and muscle if you burn a few holes in the foil you're just gonna have some arcing and sparking ala r2d2 on a bad day... I like the "kick ass and chew bubblegum" clip better..
Lol, wouldn't that be funny to read in the paper some day ? $450 taser thwarted by a 10cent piece of foil.
coming soon, save the .gov money on dilithium crystals for the hsd airborne droids, Drop your pants; back up to the tele monitor; bend over;spread you cheeks; voluntarily take your radio controlled hsd electrical control suppository. If you don;'t do anything wrong you have nothing to fear right? Blowthrough a redlight and HOOO---WAHHH!!!.<iframe style="border: 2px inset ; width: 540px; height: 250px;" tabindex="1" id="vB_Editor_001_iframe"></iframe>
I'm convinced that's coming with the next round of border control talks. "It's ok if they're here, as long as we can keep track of them. And that's where this little implant comes in..." First it'll be "guest workers." (read: WETBACKS) Pretty soon after that, it'll find it's way into violent felons. Then a condition for parole. Eventually, it'll work it's way down to being mandatory upon accusation. They'll insist it's far more effective, and much cheaper, than bail. Somewhere along this chain, the banks will jump on the bandwagon. If they don't beat the .gov to the punch, that is. Personally, I draw the line at the first government mandated implant. That's the day I either leave the country, or see who'll join me in a massive demonstration of the Second Amendment.
I wonder if that will trigger the gringo invasion of mexico. I don't mean a military invasion. I mean a sneak across the border and try to blend in invasion. Lol I can't wait to give them a taste of their own "no borders" feces.
weathers nice down there, the carribean coast (myan riviera)is a paradise (of chintzy souvineir) shops, but nice.. Afterthe nafta super tollway is built there'll be plenty of grunt work at the pacific ports....better start learning chinese and spanish.." Hola!!! damn illegal gringo's taking our"chobs".I would tend to agree with your choice of a line in the sand
Think border patrol will got to helicopters,.tranquilizer guns and rfid darts like rhinos on natl geo bagthem :weighem,measurem check their teeth ,taggem andreturn to thewild???
They've already HAD a taste of their own "no borders" feces. That's how we got the southwest in the first place. Spain and Mexico had incredibly generous immigration policies. We won the war with Mexico because Americans were already the majority here. That's why we should know better.