Is this Pure Fantasy for Coronovirus TEOTWAWKI Survival For limited Food, No Jobs, etc?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by ED GEiN, Jun 21, 2020.

  1. ED GEiN

    ED GEiN Monkey+++

    Thanks for the info. I'm not defending California but as long as the Coronavirus Crisis remains I'm not moving anywhere. Idiots here don't wear masks, don't social distance, look for fights,etc. probably everything you believe but it is not the right time for me to move. I don't mind staying in my apartment and not going out 98% of the time!
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2020
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Well, then. As a closet hermit and not minding staying at home most of the time for an indeterminent duration, you would do fine in the woods by yourself. 2% of the time is plenty for a drive to the grocery. Gad.
    That said, there's little wonder why you won't GOOD, you've no means to do so safely in the face of the uncautious LA natives.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  3. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Stockholm syndrome.
    Gator 45/70, Yard Dart and ghrit like this.
  4. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Just what can you do that would justify keeping you alive? It is apparent that you can't or won't be able to survive on your own, and you most likely won't make a good field hand, so what makes you think that you won't starve when you food stores run out? That is assuming that you are allowed to keep your food. Face it ED, no-matter how much stuff you buy you will not survive because you do not have the ability to adapt to changing would stay in your apartment as the city burns around you because you have a doctor's appointment next week and you don't want to miss it! So enjoy life and if "prepping" gives you hope of survival, then do it...but it's a false hope!
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  5. ED GEiN

    ED GEiN Monkey+++

    Sorry but my life revolves around 50/60/70's Rock and Blues Music which I listen to at least 8 Hours a day
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2020
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  6. That's fine, that's not the snobbery part, it's the whole out doesn't sind as good unless it's on this equipment. I enjoy music, and suffered having to listen to my music coming from an iPod Nano while in Afghanistan and Iraq. Granted my hearing isn't as good as it once was, but you know what? Sometimes you have to give up luxuries in this life in order to survive. I love to read, I'm a bibliophile. My preference is for sci fi and dystopian novels, but I read anything but romance to be quite honest. But I know if I have to bug out, my book collection is getting left behind. But with a tablet and a thumb drive, I can take a good portion electronically and can read when I have time. It's it the same as a book? No. It doesn't have the feel, the sound, the SMELL, of a book. But I make do with what is available. And sometimes, you have to make a decision; is this really worth my life?
    From your posts, I have ascertained that deep down, you really haven't fully grown up yet. I'm not saying you aren't an adult, but it seems more like you haven't intelectually matured to rationalizing that sometimes we have to make huge sacrifices in order to insure our personal survival. I'm sure that if there was a devestating earthquake and your "apartment fortress" was leveled, you would be lost. All of your records, your precious sound equipment, your food and water, just gone. What would you do then? You are now a refugee. You have no where to go, no plan B, no supplies. NOTHING. Nothing but the clothes on your back. If there were an EMP/CME and the power grid was fried, you would be screwed. No way to power your music, or charge your bike, cook or refrigerate your food, nothing.
    Dude, it's time to either realise what needs to be done, or to continue living in your La-La land of make believe. Ponder that for a bit. Reality or make believe. It's your call.
  7. ED GEiN

    ED GEiN Monkey+++

    You're entitled to your opinion but I'm quite satisfied on how I've lived my life and will continue to do so. When I recognize a mistake I've made I learn from it and make adjustments but I do what I consider is best for me not what others tell me is best for me unless it is about legalities, mandatory things and workplace matters. IE, a few weeks ago I questioned online, not at this site, why people are now going out as nothing has changed about Coronavirus and I was greeted by a barrage of "You stay home then, No one is going to miss you" comments. Well I wonder how healthy these people are now!
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2020
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  8. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Not sure if I would call moving to live in the woods a huge sacrifice, sounds like a dream to me. But here is the issue and I am not singling you out, but for years I have read if you live in the city you are going to die. Get out of the city, go live in the woods they always say. Couple things never made sense, living tucked away from the golden horde is easy but this is a survival site. Everyone wants to survive so why is it that if you do not live in the woods you basically get told not to bother learning anything regarding survival because you live in the city. Make no sense to me.

    All the folks living in the woods need the cities. The cities manufacture many of the goods you rely on. The truckers pick up food from hubs in the cities. The clothing, lumber and fuel all come from hubs in cities. Here is a good example: Springfield Massachusetts, absolute ****hole. People live there in that city and the suburbs. Springfield MA has a high crime rate but Springfield Mass is also home to Smith & Wesson. I bet many of the Survival Monkeys are very grateful some folks decided to live in Springfield Mass to assemble those weapons.

    Survival or the desire to learn prepping and survival skills should not be exclusive to a certain genre. Some of the most popular survival sites are focused on urban areas. By saying one needs to quit and move to the woods leaves out a lot of possible members. This pandemic opened eyes, wealthy to poor, urban to rural. People are thinking differently and they want to learn. My thought is why exclude people if you don't like their zip code.
  9. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I lived and graduated high school in Big bear and worked for a living doing several different jobs there, the fact is, the power goes out from time to time and if you're not prepared for it it can get really cold in more ways than one. Snowstorms have collapsed homes and grocery stores and slush has been 3'deep in some places they can't remove it you are stuck till it drains away.
    You can't leave your house in these conditions and no one is there to tell you you can't go any where you see for your self you can't leave.
    If you are unprepared for these things it gets really bad. If no one tells you, your up a creek.
    I know all bout the southern California area I've been here all my life and earthquakes since the 1950s. Most are not so bad unless you at the epicenter of a 5.4 or a 6.2.
    Your home may go unscathed but the neighbors are forced out on the street because the foundation crumbled, or slid down a hillside, or the fireplace fell into the house. Really fun stuff, Oh ya then there the fires that follow. no big deal so long it is not your stuff burning. No one chooses to foresee these things, and if anything they choose to ignore it and hope for the best.
    I am an old guy. Bad stuff still happens.
    Motomom34, Gator 45/70 and ED GEiN like this.
  10. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Wadda think about this cat?
    Dude has some serious skilz's
  11. You are correct. You and I are entitled to our opinions whether we agree or not. But when you go on a forum, continually ask for advice and when people give it, you give lame excuses why you can't or won't follow or even entertain said advice. You do realise that everyone who answers your questions and requests for advice is giving up their time and energy to help you, and you basically just drop a duece on them. If you aren't willing to consider others advice, then why waste people's time asking them anything? I have read quite a few of your posts and have come to the conclusion that you at best are a charity case and at worse a time leech. You want people to answer your questions so you can then explain why it won't work for you. So be it.

    I have never said move off to the woods or you are going to die. A large metropolitan area is in some ways more difficult to survive in than out in the country. Clean potable water can be more scarce, but wildlife do live in the city's, I have seen deer walking through downtown Charlotte at 0400, tons of rabbits and squirrels, plus pigeons, and of course rats. But, you Also have a much larger population struggling for those same resources, both in the city proper as well as in the suburbs. Add into it the toxic and hazardous materials and pollution and I will prefer my smaller towns and country life tyvm. Yes I may have to go to bigger towns or even into the city to obtain specialty items/products. But that is something I'm willing to give up., that convenience I'm also willing to give up having to lock my car and house doors as oppossed to being in the city. And I do believe a person should be able to survive in the city, the country, and in the great outdoors. If you only plan to make it in one area, you are setting yourself up for failure.
  12. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    @ED GEiN
    OK, carry on, you clearly are not going to change. It is puzzling that you keep coming up with off the wall questions (most of which are already answered in your previous notes AND in various threads on the site) and now we are certain you are NOT going to take any of the answers and follow the advice.

    You can stop wasting our time right now. It would take very little effort to interpret your threads and posts as a violation of the CoC items 7 and/or 8. Be guided accordingly.
    Ganado, oldawg, BTPost and 1 other person like this.
  13. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    @ghrit he's already given up. LA county is growing in leaps and bound in covid infection rates. If it's not in his building already it could be at any time. He had best hope that the governor decides to do a total lockdown, where his preps will keep him from having to venture forth until hopefully it's over.

    He had a chance to get out a while ago but chose not to bail out of the prison but to remain an inmate.

    We can watch his story unfold here.

    I pretty much wrote him off as a willing victim when he doesn't own a firearm, nor private mode of transport, nor has an evac. plan. Just sitting there waiting for someone to kick down the door.

    Meh, can't save the world. Especially when it doesn't want to be saved.
    Ganado, oldawg, BTPost and 1 other person like this.
  14. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    @ED GEiN has been missing since Friday. Hopefully he isn't one of the 1800 cases in his county today! He really is in the Hot Zone.

    Hopefully Governor Newsom doesn't call in to DC for help to sanitize the area.

    That is one place I wouldn't want to be. LA is making up nearly a third of the states overall Covid Cases.

    Ed, if you are still with us. GTFO before it starts knocking on your door.
    Yard Dart and Merkun like this.
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