I like books - you know because, batteries not included. Or needed. Here are some suggestion for folks getting started with long term food storage (LTS) and are visiting the site https://www.amazon.com/dp/0884942805/?tag=survivalmonke-20 and oldie but goodie. Covers the basic 4 (Wheat, milk, salt and honey) with page after page of recipes using the basics. Another book by Barbara Salsbury https://www.amazon.com/dp/0882900110/?tag=survivalmonke-20 well done - and a How To on turning that Survival Chow into food. 9 PRINTABLE Food Storage Cookbooks PDF - Preppers Survive if you want to print your own, these PDFs are shorter cookbooks that you may find of interest. Feasting on Food Storage Cookbook: Delicious and Healthy Recipes for Everyday Cooking - Deseret Book (Deseret books (out of Utah) lots of ways to make that Chow into real meals. Is also sold as an Ebook, I recommend the paper version. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1641&context=extension_histall a 24 page book on the basics, well worth the rouble to print and save if you are new at this. more to follow, this is a starter
That book will do NOTHING, BUT GET YOU DEAD.... Many of the recipes in there are so flawed as to cause major injuries, to your person, while cooking them... “DANGER, DANGER, Will Robinson“.....
"Audell's Carpenters and Builders Guide" ...Four Volumes It was written in the 1920's so it refers mostly to hand tools, but if you want an ultimate carpentry reference, this is it. I'm old and I studied these when I was an apprentice.
https://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/pdf/web/TM 3-34.pdf https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0087KD9OE/?tag=survivalmonke-20 printed version FM 5-426 Carpentry : United States. Department of the Army : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Your tax dollars at work - for you!
Grandpa Emil did this he drove one of these 20th Engineers. mo0re pics here World War I - 10th and 20th Engineers - Forest History Society They built their own buildings. After the war, grandpa used those skills to build his own house. With indoor plumbing!
Blasters Handbook If you can find a copy.... I got mine from a Used Bookstore back in 1966... They are getting rare these days...
BT, WOULD THIS B IT... WCB Blasters Handbook 2006.pdf - Google Docs docs.google.com › viewer WCB Blasters Handbook 2006.pdf ... Blasters' Handbook : E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company ... archive.org › details › blastershandboo00compgoog Feb 10, 2008 - Book digitized by Google from the library of Harvard University and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb.
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How about current Merck manuals, both human and veterinary. Where there is no doctor and Where there is no dentist. Are they still printing PDR's?