Thinking about going the Commune route.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Thunder5Ranch, Jun 21, 2020.

  1. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    No not a religious cult like commune or a free love hippy commune.

    My old band is breaking up as two of the guys are moving out of range and while those guys contributed greatly to the supply side (which was great) It was largely me other than a few weeks per year maintaining, managing and organizing...... in otherwords doing 98% of the work :) Which was fine as we are old friends of 30 years or more and when all balanced out contributed equally to the cause. One is moving to FL and another to AZ which no longer makes here a ideal bugout location for them, totally understandable as it is a bit farther than the 100 miles that it has been. This Covid Crap and the Civil Insanity that has gone down has proven at least that our plans worked during a mild National SHTF. It has also shown that we and our families all get along and still function as a solid team. Sad to see this life chapter coming to a close but it creates new challenges and opportunities.

    Now I know commune has gained some real negative perceptions since the 1960s but it is the valid term for what I am thinking of in its historical context. I guess intentional community is non polarizing PC word now days though.

    I have put about a years worth of studying the ones that work and the ones that fail (Failure seems to be the common theme with very similar reasons as to why.) I have visited about half dozen in the same year. I like the general concept if not each groups ideologies. The ones that work and have worked all have common threads. Respect, Tolerance, and Personal space. But also everyone pulling their own weight, responsibility and a set of common goals. It is also the cold hard truth that the ones that have succeeded are exclusive clubs and the community members in general share a wide common ground of beliefs and ideas. They also have solid interpersonal dispute resolution systems........ that do not involve sharp objects or ballistics :)

    Some of the common causes of failure are financing, 10% carrying 90% and the unfulfilled promises of a utopian easy life. Power struggles and Cliques forming and all that nasty stuff.
    While as a general rule I loathe Communism and Socialism and place great value of can do individualism the star of the team is nothing more than a half starved lone wolf without the team. Although some of us can do better as a lone wolf outside of a pack it does not mean we have to or even want to.

    Many folks I observe and listen to want to get more off grid and live a more simple life but still have the basic things like oh running water, electric, flushing toilets and high speed internet LOL. I fall in that category now days. Living in a cave for a couple of years was fun back in the day.... don't see it quite that way now days :) The biggest things folks seem to run into like a concrete wall is financing and the illusion that being mostly self sufficient is easy. Everything is expensive from Good Land, the tools to produce anything of consequence on that land, housing, and then not having any viable employment within striking distance of that land. So they finance everything and go down in flames a few years later......... or as many do commute 2-3 hours oneway to a viable job to keep paying for land they no longer have time to maintain and tools they never had time to learn to use.

    So what if a small farm that has been successful for 22 years, has Zero Debt, an established business that is limited only by how much 1 person can do, the Corporation and Not For Profit already in place that can easily be adapted to include share holders...... Opened up to allowing people to move into 14x32 cabins and split the profits and expenses equally among the community members but each community member was required to do 30-40 hours per week work on the farm or in the off farm businesses? The catch being 1 full year to prove your value before being given a share of the Trust. The Trust however cannot be sold or liquidated in anyway during the the trustees lifetime.

    I am sick of hiring part time seasonal employees and paying people who don't give a shit about anything other than collecting their pay check for their dope and booze and not seeing them again until they need another paycheck to get drunk and stoned again. And no I don't care if you get drunk or stoned until it drags business down. I am very much a Libertarian :) So this would be a bit of community level socialism blended with real world capitalism while Avoiding (Not Evading) some taxes via the NFP aspect. With enough people in the Community I could negotiate decent rates on group health, eye and dental insurance (One of the pooled shared by all expenses).

    I figure the farm could support 10 people living in the North East Corner of the property and still afford everyone ample personal privacy. The 14x32 cabins are suitable for 2 singles to bunk together or for a couple. We can do the bigger 16x46 cabins later if families with children were interested or when needed. I do the portable buildings as a shell and then plumb, wire and design the interior and finish them. In this case I would plumb and wire and whomever was moving in could design the interior and finish it with help of course. The Cabin is theirs as long as they live here and work here. The land will be communal.

    I am 90% self sufficient on food and produce enough by myself to feed 800-1000 guest at the Chuck Wagon each week. With more people that could multiply considerably, While still providing 90% of the communities food. I can't grow coffee, tea, beer, or sugar and flour and corn meal are simply more cost effective to buy in bulk than grow and grind :) So part of the work would be growing and food production, part of the work would be tending livestock, part would be food prep and preserving, part would be food service and Farmers' Markets via the Chuck Wagon, The ALL AMERICAN and the BIG SHOW (Food Trailers). Part would be Building and Maintenance. Part would be tending to the Camping and Renting guest and food service in the on farm Machine Shed Bar and Grill and part would be the catering gigs.

    Entry as a full member after 1 year would be at first my sole decision. After that a simple Majority. If the person moves off the farm and stops contributing their share of the trust is forfeit. In the case of trouble makers or slackers that get to full member and then show their true colors... there will be a mechanism to banish the offender with a 2/3 community vote, following a 3 month probation period to correct the problem. Disputes that cannot be resolved amicably between parties, will be settled by a tribunal from within the community and that will be the end of the matter one way or another.

    I will discriminate, as I said in order for this to work it has to be an exclusive club of generally like minded folks with a broad swath of common ground. And in reality I am basically conditionally giving my life work away to select people. Again I own everything outright and carry Zero Debt, so I am not hindered by most things in what I can and cannot do. The farm s in a unincorporated County with no Zoning although that may change someday. The Farm is in the middle of nowhere but within striking distance of every population center in the region. Nothing against anyone wanting to take a job in town and what someone earns outside of the community is not expected to be handed over to the community pool....... as I said this is not a cult or free love hippy community :)

    I will retain 51% Control and profits of everything until I die or maybe retire but I will most likely croak before I consider retiring :) I will also retain 100% ownership of the farm and property Why? Because I have invested around 1.5 million dollars into the farm, Corp and NFP and around 97,000 hours of my Life, time and labor into all of this :) I have also succeeded where 99% that try fail. Also because if this all turns to crap the farm and business is not at risk of turning to crap with this. Only seems fair that I profit, protect and recover my investment in all of this :) I will in most situations not interfere in community decisions, but will retain the right to Veto something if I believe it to be a really horrible idea that will harm the business and community. When I kick the Bucket assuming Mrs. T5R outlives me, she will assume my role and when she croaks the trust comes into play and the 51% I /we hold would transfer to communal ownership. The trust will be updated regularly so that the youngest members are in it and nothing can be liquidated until the last Trustee kicks the bucket. That insures the most likely way that the Farm, Business and Community are safe from selling out, and the greatest chance at continuity.

    The first 3 members will be known as the founding members and will write the final rules and bylaws with me.

    There would be Zero risk again not a cult where you must turn over all of your worldly possessions and your mind to join so that we can all drink poison Kool-Aid together. I am just a guy that has made smart decisions and had my fair share of luck along the road of life. Not a God, not the voice of a God unless when I belch it is the Flying Spaghetti Monster Channeling through me LOL. Just a guy that knows a thing or two because I have done and seen a thing or two :) I just want to offer a shot at this life to people that otherwise would not have a opportunity to have it. If nothing else you get free room and board, utilities and some spending money for a year if it doesn't work out. More if it does work out.

    So Monkeys a viable set of rough thoughts or taking a leak against the wind?
    STANGF150, GOG, Mountainman and 4 others like this.
  2. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Put the place in the Land bank for a couple of years and hunker down.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2020
    Meat likes this.
  3. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    It could be workable if you get the right people. I can’t tell you how to go about choosing those though since I generally am more of a pessimist when it comes to human behavior.
    Tully Mars, SB21, sec_monkey and 4 others like this.
  4. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Have you thought about trustees that eventually age out of seriously active participation? Or with almost certain health problems as age joins the community?
    SB21, Garand69, Meat and 2 others like this.
  5. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    i HAVE PISSED OF THE stern of my sail boat , thats hard not to be misted ..
    Good read , but Im your age , and all I see is me doing most of the work when a barter deal was made.
    So NOW it's just me and I'll be the Lone Wolf , hire the second hand when required.
    On MY ranch , I have met a few who live as I do , don't believe the news or radio and watch the BS taking place.
    Im going to say they are all trades folk ,and are 40-50 in age , im 70 this year.
    They hunt,fish & clean , raise birds and lamb,Angus,(the pork dude screwed a few and he was dropped) .
    Im the repair / welder/sparky plumber etc , with interstate / provincial licenses (was a pain going state side when i was young).
    I like the idea , but hard to find hard workers !!
    This life is not EZ to sit back , I was up this morning and knew I had trailer fenders to install , machine the new roof mounts for a 3rd array going up ,,service the golfcart batterys .. And now its 17:30 and I have knocked of with a cider , normal day ends at 19:00..
    Gator 45/70, sec_monkey and Meat like this.
  6. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Some.. the ultimate goal would be for it to turn into a multi generational deal with maybe 401ks or a pension set up. Hell at the rate the Country is deteriorating just having regular food, housing and the protection of a mixed band of strong youth and wise elders could be a great retirement plan. As far as health when group insurance kicks out medicare kicks in but as far as being a part of the community Elderly does not equate to useless. I learned more from the old folks in my youth than I ever did in school.
    SB21 and Meat like this.
  7. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Like I said it has to be a select exclusive club and I suspect any undesirables will not be able to contain it for a probationary year. No problem with 40-50 year olds hell I am a hard 52. Yep will have to weed through a lot of leeches wanting to hang off the ass of society most likely or maybe not. Up until 2016 and the major medical I was working 20 hours a day 7 days per week. Doctor made no bones about it..... get better recover and cut back to 40 hours per week....... so I compromised and am only working 65 hours per week now. But the math tells me 3 people equals the same 120 hours per week working 40 per week. 5 people = equals more productivity with even less hours, 10 people pooling = a much easier life and work schedule for everyone overall.

    Trust me I am no fan of general human behavior but there are a few diamonds left in the sewer of society.
    SB21, Meat, mysterymet and 2 others like this.
  8. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    I agree Sir , Just my point . I wish you well if you can make this mind set of now work..
    I know if I don't get on it , it will not be done !!
    sec_monkey, Meat and Thunder5Ranch like this.
  9. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    Sounds like a well reasoned plan. If I wasn't so valuable here to my grandkids and great grandkids I would make myself useful as part of your operation!
    SB21, Thunder5Ranch and Meat like this.
  10. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Not the pigs...that's wonder he was dropped!:sick:
  11. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    First rule of being a hog farmer...... don't stuff the pork!
    SB21 likes this.
  12. Altoidfishfins

    Altoidfishfins Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Kind of piqued interest at first. But after working 40 hour weeks (+ 40, 50, 60 hours) for almost 50 years don't know if I'm ready to go back to a 40 hour work week. Had enough of that shit, although I seem to be working just about as much in retirement.

    Also no mention of the location.
    Thunder5Ranch, SB21 and sec_monkey like this.
  13. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    What retirement.
    I have jobs tomorrow and past , retirement funds pay squat , for real life .
    Im getting dirty tomorrow , Friggig WORD
    Thunder5Ranch and sec_monkey like this.
  14. Altoidfishfins

    Altoidfishfins Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Retirement means different things to different people. To me, it means getting MY work done on MY timeline and not some ridiculously short time frame that an employer gives you to get THEIR work done.
  15. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    It sounds good in theory but in reality I think it's a coin toss, not so much financially as you would ensure the work gets done, bills get paid, and have the business expertise to see the future, but for folks that would actually remain long-term.

    I imagine you would get a lot of younger folks, 25-35 age group, but long-term I think it would be hit or miss finding the individuals that would stay and put in the work unless they got some skin in the game but if you went that route, giving part ownership, then it could turn topsy-turvy real quick say if someone decided they wanted out or a divorce or whatever.

    So, in my humble opinion, it sounds all good in theory but in reality (much like communism) it won't work. However, if you just want to have fun for a couple years, meet some new people, and approach it with the mind set that sooner or later it will fall apart then I think it is a great idea! Plus it helps you get work done around the place and younger people get some real experience from an old hand.
    TXKajun and Thunder5Ranch like this.
  16. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I believe I could could fall for that opportunity . Doing the work on a farm , isn't an easy life , but it's a satisfying , rewarding , type of work . I may need a little extra space for a garage/work shop ,,, I've got a bunch of project's and tools I'd like to complete, ,,:D But for someone starting out , or downsizing for a more simplier life ,, I think you'll get a few good takers on that offer . Just my opinion .
    Thunder5Ranch likes this.
  17. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Communism/Socialism does not work at City/County/State/Federal level. It also does not work when there is greed and and a need for power and control involved. But what I am proposing is a blending of Capitalism with Socialism at a more tribal style of community. The Intentional Communities I have visited that work all have that in common A strong socialist setting in the community and a strong capitalist sense in the business that supports the Community.
    Bandit99, SB21 and ghrit like this.
  18. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    old west style communities tended to be made up of people that worked together for the common good but were free to be who and what they were...

    idea was you helped folks out and when the time came they helped you... it was a willingness to be a community... NOT a commune...

    somewhere along the line of our society this went away... now it's more of a I got mine screw you kinda thing...

    also consider how the original colonist worked together with such things as barn raising get togethers and even home building parties... sort of...

    that seems to me to be more along the lines of what your looking for...???
  19. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    I ain't leaving the Bayous me...Unless the wife makes
    But if I was,I'd bring a L3901 to the plate w/assessorys 20 ft Trailer,16x7ft enclosed trailer,10x5 trailer
    Bush hog,tiller,box blade Plow....Things like that !
    SB21 likes this.
  20. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I remember my grandpa told me about the time he worked on a government farm. This was probably about 1940 ,, the year my mom was born . Grandpa got out of the Army in 1939. Stationed in Pearl Harbor. He said the gov gave him a 1 room shack of a house , that my Mom was born in , a small barn where he kept a milk cow , a small plot of land for a garden,, and he worked the fields of the government farm. Said he worked 6 days a week,, 10 hours a day , for 10 cents an hour. Said every other weekend, he would walk to town and buy a steak that him and my grandmother would split. I'm guessing this was how you earned your welfare back then. But it supplied him till he could build up and do better.
    It seems T5R is offering about the same ,, maybe a little better. But theres nothing wrong with this opportunity , as I see it. It may not go over well with today's snot nosed brats ,, but it's a far better opportunity than what some of those brats are going to ,, because most of them aren't really willing to work themselves up the ladder ,, they're wanting to ride the elevator to the top , and start there.
    Me being a single man , and not needing a whole lot ,, I might could handle an opportunity like this ,, if it wasn't that I'm doing a little better where I'm at. But i could get by on what he's offering.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
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