I gave a little talk to a group yesterday who are concerned about America and where it may be headed. Of course most there thought it to be a racial thing, and while race plays a small part in it, the real issue is culture. We have embraced multi-culturalism for years and as long as the diverse cultural groups were small enough it was never an issue. Now, we are seeing the first emergence of a different culture struggling to be noticed. Breaking it down, the main cultural change we are seeing is the "I wanna be free and your laws don't apply to me" exhibited by most of the protesters. They have been allowed to develop by parents who no longer believe in corporal punishment and think a minor has rights and their feelings should be protected. They feel the world should be a big happy utopia that meets their needs with little input from them, other than to cry and scream when it isn't happening. Next we have the black culture. This is where the cries of racism come into play. Among the black community there is a culture that believes the white man owes them for slavery, that the white man keeps them down, and that being a thug or a rapper is more desirable than working to pull oneself up to a better existence. There is a universal need for immediate self gratification among the followers of this culture that makes taking what one wants OK. This is the diverse culture that has been around the longest and will remain for the foreseeable future. Among the older generations, a culture of liberalism has developed that believes their rights alone matter. Soccer mom or Karen is a common term used for these types. They rant and rave, call their elected officials, and start groups to further any agenda that serves to expand their comfort zone be it real or perceived. Then we get to what I call the Bubba culture. Bubba is the working man of any race that follows the rules (for the most part), believes in our country, usually owns weapons and believes the 2nd Amendment guarantees the others. This is the predominant culture in our country even though we don't hear much from them. Bubba is busy working to provide for his family and does not have time to protest. Bubba grumbles about things to the other Bubbas, but limits his actions to the voting booth. Now that I have defined the cultures, the reason I was asked to talk to these folks was to give my opinion of what would happen in the near future, so here goes: Bubba is the dominant culture and will come out on top. The Black culture is using the "I wanna be free" culture to further it's own cause, aligning with the ignorant kids to use them as foot soldiers. BLM is just a front, evidenced by the fact that blacks can't stop killing each other, taking away any credibility to the argument that black lives really do matter. It's doing more to create racial tension than anything else. The soccer moms and libtards are scared of hurting someones feelings lest they get targeted. Meanwhile, Bubba is starting to get pissed. Militia activity is starting to grow exponentially and gun sales are through the roof. Once Bubba gets pissed off enough, there will be a major clean-up of this country. Muslims may think they have a toe-hold, politicians may think they have the pulse of the people (has anyone here ever been asked some of these poll questions?), liberals may think they are gaining ground, and Antifa may think they are making a difference. Even some Bubbas may think we are lost. Sometime, probably in the very near future, something will happen that makes Bubba rise up again and take arms to take this country back. If I were a Democrat I would be scared. It's going to get messy, it's going to be drawn out, and it's going to cost some lives, but I believe the ball has already started rolling.
Another angle - Professor explains why he's 'a bit skeptical' of idea of 'systemic or institutional racism' Extract as a starting point for reading the whole study, which I have not done, but probably will ""You see this same thing in more what you might call 'serious situations' all the time," said Reilly, who pointed to a 1995 study by liberal economist June O'Neill and conservative filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza that examined the income disparity between Caucasians and African-Americans." This "disparity" has to be corrected for ground conditions. Much is made of the differences when taken out of context. When you live in one context and look at another, the picture changes.
Or we are subject to Mockingbird Media manipulation. Is the divide what the Mockingbird Media says it is.... i think not
new·speak /ˈno͞oˌspēk/ noun noun: newspeak ambiguous euphemistic language used chiefly in political propaganda. "“deterrence” is just Newspeak for plain old threatening" George was scary right... Newspeak - Wikipedia
These riots errr protests are different I covered the Rodney King and Freddie Gray riots. This moment feels different, and that's why I'm afraid - CNN As much as I loath the asshats at CNN, this guy makes some good points.
Have been a couple or three times in the past when the dominate culture, correct or not, but in charge and regarded as legal broke down. The first time , the breakdown of the British law and the rule of the king lead to the formation of this present country. The second, the role of the federal government and its relations to the states, lead to the civil war. In the end slavery etc are just questions as to where the ultimate power was and Lincoln et al settled the practical details of that question. We now face in my mind, YMMV, a question of the rights of the individual vs the rights of the government as it exists at present. Are the rights of the individual more important than the rights of the government, ie, is it required to provide food, shelter, income, education, etc, to everyone and if needed can it take from one group and give to another. While it is usually referred to as socialism, and usually becomes a struggle between the social classes, its basic premise is that everyone is equal and deserves a free lunch if required. While the outcome is in doubt, several groups or tribes are trying to establish their dominance. I don't see much hope of solving this peacefully and while the minorities can and will argue that in the past they were suppressed and marginally participated in the dominant culture and it may well be true, the end result may well reflect on society as the last watersheds did. Either a new social system and form of government or the repression of those who are trying to change the social compact this country was based upon, right or wrong. The creation of their hero's, sometimes with feet of clay, and the use of words and symbols never spoken by those individuals, would seem to indicate that has morphed from an attempt to achieve incremental change in the system into some form of cultural war. I have no idea who is right, it is a moral question, not a legal question, and thus open to endless debate on its truth and no way to achieve a solution that will please everyone. And like any moral question, in most discourse those involved in the debate talk at each other not to each other. Whatever the outcome, I hope the process will cause less suffering than our previous attempt to change the very foundations of our government. Stay gray and out of crowds. One could argue that the attempts to give at least some of those benefits to those on the less traditional side, social security, medicare, medicaid, the whole great society and racial reforms of the 1960's, have been taken as signs of weakness and not an attempt to bring them into the greater society and thus have made the situation worse rather than solving it.
here - I invested in some extra paragraph breaks for my last book - happy to share Have been a couple or three times in the past when the dominate culture, correct or not, but in charge and regarded as legal broke down. The first time , the breakdown of the British law and the rule of the king lead to the formation of this present country. The second, the role of the federal government and its relations to the states, lead to the civil war. In the end slavery etc are just questions as to where the ultimate power was and Lincoln et al settled the practical details of that question. We now face in my mind, YMMV, a question of the rights of the individual vs the rights of the government as it exists at present. Are the rights of the individual more important than the rights of the government, ie, is it required to provide food, shelter, income, education, etc, to everyone and if needed can it take from one group and give to another? (and a free question mark as a bonus) While it is usually referred to as socialism, and usually becomes a struggle between the social classes, its basic premise is that everyone is equal and deserves a free lunch if required. While the outcome is in doubt, several groups or tribes are trying to establish their dominance. I don't see much hope of solving this peacefully and while the minorities can and will argue that in the past they were suppressed and marginally participated in the dominant culture and it may well be true, the end result may well reflect on society as the last watersheds did. Either a new social system and form of government or the repression of those who are trying to change the social compact this country was based upon, right or wrong. The creation of their hero's, sometimes with feet of clay, and the use of words and symbols never spoken by those individuals, would seem to indicate that has morphed from an attempt to achieve incremental change in the system into some form of cultural war. I have no idea who is right, it is a moral question, not a legal question, and thus open to endless debate on its truth and no way to achieve a solution that will please everyone. And like any moral question, in most discourse those involved in the debate talk at each other not to each other. Whatever the outcome, I hope the process will cause less suffering than our previous attempt to change the very foundations of our government. Stay gray and out of crowds. One could argue that the attempts to give at least some of those benefits to those on the less traditional side, social security, medicare, medicaid, the whole great society and racial reforms of the 1960's, have been taken as signs of weakness and not an attempt to bring them into the greater society and thus have made the situation worse rather than solving it. All good points - esp the "Stay out of crowds" That could save your life.
as for the Great Society, I see that whole mess as - The Danegeld (/ˈdeɪnɡɛld/;[1] "Danish tax", literally "Dane yield" or tribute) was a tax raised to pay tribute to the Viking raiders to save a land from being ravaged. . Didn't work then, hasn't worked today...
There's an aspect to all of this that I find concerning. Groups that advocate mono-ethnic cultures over multi-ethnic cultures are laughing and mocking us, believing that we are proving them right by failing in our experiment.
Much of the experiences over the last few hundred years would seem to indicate that at least some groups are not capable of having a stable government and multi ethnic cultures at the same time. Some of the areas with the richest natural resources have had nothing but chaos and death as one tribe or religious group fights for control over the others and would rather see it all destroyed than shared. While Africa has had some great artists, its contributions to political stability, other than by clan, tribe or royal rule, has left much to be desired. I pray that we are not going to follow in those footsteps.
Like it or not, we are the titular example of multi-culturalism in the world. If this is a meant to be a race war brewing, maybe you should follow my concern--under-paranoia can be detrimental as well. I wouldn't doubt that several mono-ethnic (Black Panther, Aryan Nation, MS-13 or whatever) groups are noticing. Of course, I'm not going to go to that reddit to find out.
You very well could be operating with blinders if using the US as a prime example of a multi-cultural society. There are other and better out there. For example, Singapore. Don't go flippant on me, just take off the blinders and think before hitting the keys.
yawn i cant engage in this kind of mental masturbation. I just dont have the patience for it. There is no race war unless you really believe the Mockingbird media and what they put out.
I'm a bit surprised that chelly didn't jump on that as well. What I notice isn't necessarily what you wanted me to notice any more than you noticed the flippancy and fine point triviality of your response. Rave on.
That's the "narrative" the Mockingbird is tweeting. I would like to see it change. If you're too impatient, then don't comment. I'm trying to have a discussion here, and I would like some positive input from the very acute minds here. I mean no harm, and I'm certainly sorry if you're offended.
I'm not offended. I am however, concerned with the type of rhetoric you blast out. Your 'discussions' occur as the type that some people use to disguise a discussion behind a lot of big words that get strung together by politicians or someone who is trying to stir up trouble or hide something. I am not interested in fighting. I will if i have too but I am more interested in peace and I refused to let the Media get me stirred up and live in fear. What is the phrase.... eyes wide open, no fear. The original Post by @Tempstar had some great points. So if you want discussion, lets stick to his original points on culture. I do think we have a fundamental clash of culture. But rioting and promoting cultural difference by making broad sweeping, generalized statements doesn't solve anything and fans the flames of hate and distrust. How do you cross a cultural divide? One person at a time.
The Japanese, in my personal experience, are too polite to openly mock someone. The Chinese - to mock someone is beneath their dignitary as the only civilized bunch on this rock. The Russians? There is a bunch of paranoid SOBs that love to stir up trouble to keep the wolves away from their door. The US was/is hardly 'multicultural' - even that word is a recent invention of the Left - (not as popular as the epitaph of "racist') used a lot in their ever constant attacks in the Culture war we have raging even now.. . What the Japanese, Chinese or the Russians think of the US is of little practical import. However, what they do matters very much. IOW - give it a rest.