Here We Go Again

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by xXLoBaLLXx, Jun 14, 2020.

  1. xXLoBaLLXx

    xXLoBaLLXx Black Pill Monkey

  2. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    When they get what they want or when the government crushes them.
    3M-TA3 and Oddcaliber like this.
  3. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    Once he grabs the taser , he is no longer unarmed. If you don't want to get shot, don't try to grab the police officer's weapons!
  4. marlas1too

    marlas1too Monkey+++

    3M-TA3 and GOG like this.
  5. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    I wouldn’t be a cop today for love nor money, it was bad enough when I was in the ‘70’s-80’s, I can’t imagine the stress today.
  6. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    Resisting arrest, assault on a police officer, assault with intent to commit bodily injury, just in the few seconds of video I watched. I guess it would have been better to let the perp taser the officer and then have access to his gun. I really don't like the reactionary responses from the dumbed down population in this case.
    Capt. Tyree, SB21, 3M-TA3 and 5 others like this.
  7. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    The argument made by the other side

    Once the guy woke up and was out of the car - let him run. Tow the car. When he comes back for it - arrest on an open warrant.

    For the record, I'm dead set against high speed chases by amped-up cops for anything less than a major felony where the criminal still poses an active threat. You got the plate? Go collect the mook later at 0400 when they are passed out....

    My sister was a patrol officer in Tucson for over a decade.
    She quit when the 'mayor' and police chief starting backing the criminals....

    I see mass walkoff/quitting across the country.

    IOW - bad times are coming. I just haven't figured out who the new Visigoths are...
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2020
    SB21, Cruisin Sloth, Bandit99 and 3 others like this.
  8. xXLoBaLLXx

    xXLoBaLLXx Black Pill Monkey

    2 cops vs 1 intoxicated perp that was running away?

    I doubt he had a "plan".

    Was he guilty of resistance and fleeing? Yes. But, you don't know that he would go back for the gun--not likely, since there's another cop there. You can't charge him with crimes or potential crimes he didn't commit.

    I say excessive force.

    Back in the day, the cops would've tried to get him a ride home to sleep it off. Now, every man, woman, and child in America is likely to break 14 federal laws just by existing. Should we all never trust one another again? Should we all fear for our lives with every interaction with a police officer?

    Much safer and saner way of doing things.

    As far as the cops walking off, it bears repeating:


    So, how will the police exercise their power? Are they going to take their ball and run home? Or should they consider arresting a mayor or a governor? That sure would change the narrative, and would be a HUGE step toward de-escalation between LEO's and the public.

    Holding my breath now...
    Mountainman likes this.
  9. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    xXLoBaLLXx likes this.
  10. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Not looking for any trouble but I have ramped up my personal protection considerably. I never leave the house unarmed and haven't for decades but now I also carry a rifle, shotgun, sub-gun, and diversionary devices in my vehicle.
  11. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @DKR "... just haven't figured out who the new Visigoths are..."

    That is an excellent and very insight way of stating it!

    @Seacowboys "... I never leave the house unarmed..."

    Yeah, me too. The times are changing so one must change also...And, I will start carrying on my property if it gets any worse, talk about a PITA but I'll do it.
    DKR likes this.
  12. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I watched the cops camera footage . The guy was drunk , didn't even know where he was . Couldn't remember what he even drank , 1st it was 1 margarita , then 1 1/2 daquri's , then back to margaritas ,, he was found asleep in a fast food drive thru . Luckily , he wasn't on the road ,,, but , the cops never seen him drive on the road , not even sure they saw him drive in the parking lot . But , I'll agree , the cops could have taken his keys , made him go to a motel or call someone to pick him up , and make him go to the cop shop to get his keys , and get a little speech about not getting that same chance next time . But , the cops didn't do that . Cops are not trained to shoot to injure , they are taught to shoot to kill , to stop the threat , they did what they were taught . So , I believe the cop should not be held accountable for following what they were trained to do . But , when you start fighting with the cops ,, and steal, and fire one of their weapons at you ,, that changes the whole situation in my opinion . I don't get what the hell is happening to this society ,, I was taught to respect the cops , they were there to help you when in need ,, but I know this has changed a little over the years , but society has as well . But , it seems that so many blacks are taught by their parents , to not respect the cops , and even resist the cops . I really do not understand their mentality , or lack of . why do they feel it is their duty to resist authority ? If we have no authority in our society , we will have no civility. I believe our government has helped form this belief in them , with all of this free stuff handed out to them for nearly 60 years ,, they do not respect anything ,,, because they really do not have to earn it , it is just given to them .
    Oh well , I may have gotten a little off subject and long winded ,, but ,,,
    Did the guy have to die ,,,NO
    Should the guy have been fighting with the cops ,,,, NO
    But that's where the guy screwed up ,, play stupid games , win stupid prizes ,,
    Respect authority ,,,
    Capt. Tyree and Alf60 like this.
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