You'll climatize just like the rest of us, Just come down in December and stay. You'll be fine by June or July
Mine have been here since the Colonial Period, and yes, some of my ancestors were slave owners, but I am NOT ashamed of them and I am NOT apologizing to ANYONE! I am equally proud of my ancestors that marched with General George Washington and General Robert E. Lee...and the ones that rode with General Nathan B. Forrest. I am proud of ALL of my ancestors...the men and women that made me, in part, who I am. That includes the impoverished indentured servants, the exiles and outcasts, the gentleman adventurers, the outlaws, the moonshiners, the Methodist ministers, the Rebels, the bootleggers, the merchants and businessmen, the farmers and planters, and the tradesmen and craftsmen...ALL OF THEM!
I get it. Took me a while to learn to order Tea, no sugar - a hamburger deluxe meant it came with gritz. Not a fan of crawdads, nearly all the 'cagun' dishes, but took to Gumbo right off. With the heat/humidity/bugs the South is not my cup of tea.
18 blacks killed in Chicago in one 24 hour period recently, 9 unarmed blacks killed by police in USA in 2019. While I agree that even 1 is to many, perhaps BLM should spend some of their energy stopping the black on black violence. Years ago I was very active in the civil right movement and after being told many times that as a white I couldn't understand their problems and that my attempts to help were somehow undercutting the roles of the blacks, I bowed out and just observe now. Was much easier to be part of the civil rights movement in Texas than in Michigan.
A good ole boy observed this afternoon that," the death of George Floyd has crushed the Corona Virus...damn shame they didn't kill him 4 months ago". Hundreds of thousands of people dying, millions unemployed and the economy in shambles use to be news, and then George Floyd gets killed and people go ape-shit crazy!
George Floyd wasn't the reason, he was the excuse. They had to have some way to try to turn voters against Trump, nothing else they've tried has worked.
Well, the three-ring circus finally got to Houston and they have buried, the soon to be sainted, George Floyd. They had a pony show, and I'm surprised that they didn't have a 21-gun salute too! Makes you wonder, who is paying for all of this? If ole George had died in his sleep his family would have had a hard time just cremating him on the cheap. Now they are having a Farewell Tour! What burns a lot of people is that their loved ones have died during the lock-down and they couldn't a decent funeral for them, but this low life gets a parade...may they all sicken, suffer and die!
Well where I live, can't wait for sun down! Instead you gotta cut the grass whenever its dry & you think you can git it done before a random storm comes thru!!
It doesn't get any better in winter because the humidity is still high...makes it feel like you are wearing wet socks all day long. Still, "I'll live and die in Dixie"! Some years ago a Yankee came into my place of business and said that he was surprised that summers in the South didn't seem as hot as he had imagined. I told him that it was just early May and still spring...summer wasn't until July and August, and maybe September! Rule of the South---- Never complain about the heat and humidity...a Yankee might hear you!
Foothills of North Carolina. Check the location of Rutherfordton on a Topography map, We stuck in a big dang valley!!