I find it ironic to see all of the young rich white kids and young blacks in the protests. Most of them have never worked a day in their lives and insist that all of the problems faced by the minorities today are due to the white privilege and that we owe them something. I spent a little over 4 years in indentured servitude and would do it again if needed. I think I know more about some the burdens as well as the aspects of slavery. I was 18 and in full possession of my sanity when with open eyes I joined the USAF which I might add was fully integrated. It was for a period of 4 years active duty and during such time I as was deprived of almost all of my civil rights, lost my freedom to travel, to pick my friends, etc. They could with total forethought send me to places where I might be killed or injured, I was subject to the UCMJ, not the civil law, I had to be where they told me to be, when they told me to be, and do what they told me to do. This was something that happened to me, not my great grandfather, nor to someone else while my family lived in Somalia, or Haiti, or Cuba, or Kenya, etc. I got out in 1960 and shortly after that time during the Vietnam war over 50,000 members of the armed forces gave up their lives under the same conditions that I had sworn an oath to do. I no longer travel to several places I used to enjoy as the actions and the hatred displayed to me because of my race and the bigotry displaced towards me are not only displeasing, they are often open threats against me. While I have many black middle class friends, many of them feel no more comfortable in many of the urban areas than I do and are often uncomfortable in the presence of their grand children and their friends. Does racism exist, yes, is it all white, no, do I have a solution to the problem, no, do I think groveling in the dirt and asking them forgiveness is the answer, no, do I think that because of actions taken in the early 1800's, they deserve to be given some sort of free pass for the rest of their lives and that because of their race it is their right even if their ancestors were not yet residents of the US and that these rights be given to them even if they are at present not yet American citizens and that those rights be given to their children forever, no. Do I think the present troubles, while justified in many ways are the cause of our problems, no. Do I think that certain members of the minorities and certain political groups are using this as a way to both divide us and to gain political power and wealth, yes. Stay away from crowds, stay gray, and pray for our country, it is going to need all the help it can get if it is to survive these troubling times.
Why should we pay? not clear on this... people of color deserve reparations for the slavery that their great great grandparents suffered? Those ancestors where sold into slavery by other similar people of color on their own continent... so i ask again. why should americans pay reparations for something done generations ago? If this is the case i want reparations for reverse racism. Just saying. Sorry Duane, i went sideways on the thread. I think the biggest service teh military provides is it puts young men and women to work and teaches them discipline. Self discipline that, while in the miliary is imposed on them by the chain of command but still teaches discipline. Many young men and women need some place to put all that excess energy and learn to channel it productively.
I've been wondering about that very question. Really strikes me odd that the noisy folks are trying to get the WASP population to support them interminably.
Say duane that first paragraph sounded like Home before I joined, gotta tell you those routines at home made the Mil a cake walk. 3 squares and plenty of sleep, new friends and a DI that had a sense of humor! Had some whiners in Boot and a couple of AWLs who ended back at Boot in a couple of days in the 4013 Company. You gotta have the bad to understand what good is! Climbed Mt Fuji with a black friend as all the others just wanted to get drunk! He was not prepared for that altitude and cold, so I gave up half my warm gear and we were both cold >
My Great-great grandfather came to NC from Scotland and was a slave for 5 years (indentured servant). He picked cotton and tobacco in the Asheboro area until he worked off his debt for coming here. He did it so his 6 brothers wouldn't have to. My Grandfather fought in WWII for 3 years, my Father is a Korean War veteran, with 4 years active duty and another 8 in the reserves. Do I get reparations? Of course not! It strikes a nerve with me when I hear someone talk about getting reparations for something that happened hundreds of years ago. It makes my blood boil when I hear about white privilege. I had a man in 1990 look at me across his desk and tell me I was the best applicant for a really great job, but he couldn't hire me because he had to hire someone black. I get equally pissed when someone tells me a black man does not have a chance in this country. Anyone willing to work for it has an equal chance here. With all of the minority programs, the college funds, the plethora of give-aways just for NOT being white, any man of color should be embarrassed to not be doing way better than I am.
There are more slaves in the world today than at any other time in history. Instead of bickering about something that ended 150 years ago. How about those wanting action to deal with what is happening NOW. TODAY. I think that deserves our energy and attention. During the time that there were slaves in the US half my ancestors were mostly chasing goats and/or sheep in various locations in Europe. The other half that were here were against slavery and many were in the Union Army, some of which shed blood or died. Why should I be on the hook for things that my ancestors were never a part of? Don't I deserve reparations from the descendants of the slaves they helped to free? The word "slave" comes from the Slavic people of Europe (the Slavs) and was coined by the Romans. Most people of European descent have Slavic blood. Does this mean the Italians owe us reparations? What about black people who emigrated to the US after the Civil War? Do their descendants also get reparations? Why? Minorities already get preferences for hiring, educational acceptance, and educational funding. Is this not already reparations? If we do give reparations, then will those preferential treatment programs stop?
So basically they want paid off to not Riot, Loot, Rape and Kill and immunity from police and prosecution when they do. As far as perks to being a minority yep there are a lot of them. I rarely use them but it is amazing how fast a Prisoner of War Card (Tribal Enrollment Card) moves you ahead in the world of pathetic white guilt. Black Folks its is a bit different they don't have to be born into a tribe and have the proper blood quantum. Either way the tools are there but the individuals have to have the desire and motivation to change their circumstance by picking them up and using them........ but that takes effort from cultures that are trained from birth that getting ahead makes you an apple or a uncle tom.
Good questions, worthy of handing to an MSM reporter with balls enough to ask. Preferential treatment creates some of the divisions that the unworthy bitch about.
I always wonder what a real slave (their ancestors I guess) would think about what is going on today. There are lots of successful black people with six figure incomes and more as doctors, lawyers. judges and most anything they want to be including the President of the United States. Its all there if they want to go after it. Seems to me a real slave would ask and wonder 'what the hell are you doing'?
Reminds me of a lyric. "So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains, and we never even know we have the key."
Those successful examples are those that took the advantages given. Good on 'em, sez me. The rest are uninterested in the work and effort needed. Thing is, the rest are looking to the WASPs to carry them, not the successful non-WASP.
Yeah OK. A large percentage of blacks crying for reparations and other freebies "owed" them never had even ONE distant relative who were slaves. Many came in the same way my ancestors did and were indentured servants.Reparations? Screw them with a rusty pitchfork. When I get mine I might consider their claims. AFTER deducting ALL the FREE crap they've already gotten. They want anymore than that from me they best bring more and bigger guns than mine. This old, tired white boy is about fed up with being told how sorry I should be for being born white and having worked my butt off to get what little I have. I've hoed and picked more miles of cotton than most of them have ever seen. I called it incentive to learn how to drive a tractor and drive it well. Incentive to take that night shift at the gin swinging that suction pipe twelve hours on a December night. Reparations? Yeah right, did I mention screw 'em?
There seems to be a differing opinion about what "right to protest" means. My definition doesn't include harming others or their property. You can hurt their feelings, but as soon as you harm them your rights to protest evaporate and their right to self-defense takes over. "the right of the people...to petition the Government for a redress of grievances". And what about these grievances? Haven't seen much reasonable dialogue about them. No. "Burn it down!" and "WE DEMAND..." are not how you petition the Government for anything. It seems like every time an adult tries to explain the situation to the protesters they get sucker punched, knocked out, or killed. Where are all the adults? 2.5 million of them went back to work in May.
As a white person working at a decently sized company for the same pay per hour that they (being anybody but white) do I shouldn’t have to pay them part of MY check. We don’t even get performance bonuses at this job. If it comes to pass that’s what is going to happen then I guess I will be walking out the door. It really annoys me that just because I am white people associate my ancestors with slavery, one side of my family were and still are potato farmers in the north and the other side wasn’t even here when slavery was happening (German/Italian immigrants before WWII). I don’t see any reason at all to apologize for things that didn’t even happen to them for things my ancestors didn’t even do.
Folks, I think this thread is on sound ground relative to the CoC. Let's be careful and keep it that way.
Shall we all walk around with copies of our ancestry.com dna results on us? That way people can tell how privileged or unprivileged we are just by looking at that! The views of SJW are absurd since many people have so many different races all rolled up in them. WTF?
Slavs don't 'protest' They revolt. Haitian Revolution - Wikipedia (Keeping in mind Wiki is a far-left site)
Speaking of History and result/unintended Consequences https://www.history.com/topics/1960s/great-society The Great Society was an ambitious series of policy initiatives, legislation and programs spearheaded by President Lyndon B. Johnson with the main goals of ending poverty, reducing crime, abolishing inequality and improving the environment. In May 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson laid out his agenda for a “Great Society” during a speech at the University of Michigan. With his eye on re-election that year, Johnson set in motion his Great Society, the largest social reform plan in modern history. How well did that turn out? What caused the riots of 1967? The deeper causes of the riot were high levels of frustration, resentment, and anger that had been created among African Americans by unemployment and underemployment, persistent and extreme poverty, racism and racial segregation, police brutality, and lack of economic and educational opportunities. What caused the 1968 riots? The Cincinnati riots were in response to the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4, 1968. Tension in the Avondale neighborhood had already been high due to a lack of job opportunities for African-American men, and the assassination escalated that tension. 1992 Los Angeles riots - Wikipedia The list goes on. You can look it up for yourself. In the so-called "War on Poverty" - poverty won. The taxpayers lost and continue to lose. Underlying problems? We used to have someone to blame..sorta. The History of Russian Involvement in America's Race Wars From propaganda posters to Facebook ads, 80-plus years of Russian meddling. The History of Russian Involvement in America's Race Wars "Neither is playing on racial tensions inside the United States a new Russian tactic. In fact, it predates even the Cold War. In 1932, for instance, Dmitri Moor, the Soviet Union’s most famous propaganda poster artist, created a poster that cried, “Freedom to the prisoners of Scottsboro!” It was a reference to the Scottsboro Boys, nine black teenagers who were falsely accused of raping two white women in Alabama, and then repeatedly—wrongly—convicted by all-white Southern juries. The case became a symbol of the injustices of the Jim Crow South, and the young Soviet state milked it for all the propagandist value it could." The KGB could well have been replaced by the MSS The Ministry of State Security (MSS) is the intelligence, security and secret police agency of the People's Republic of China (non-military area of interests), responsible for counter-intelligence, foreign intelligence and political security. From Death by China "Spying is war without the fire.". Li Fengzhi But before we blame "the KGB" or the MSS, we should take a long look in the mirror. I've spent a fair amount of time in the Deep South, in rural areas back in the 70s and 80s. I'm not going back if I have a choice. The humidity is a killer. But I saw and heard things that warned me that this might not be anyplace for me to live - too far outside of my 'culture'. Lots of nice folks in the A/O, I really enjoyed the Gulf Coast, but I would never choose to live there.