What country has not got its problems !! Im Ex Mil retired due to best B4 date , been all over this ball, Russia /China as well as the sand box , Africa to Greenland , All have folks thinking the same .. I have dug my sleeping bunker in the PNW / Van Island / on the ranch . I'll stay here where its nuts but NOT APE SHITE BAT CRAZY . Sloth
Not Brazil.... They have a real mess down there with Covid-19, and it is about to collapse the Government ....
OK, many places on USA are gone and boycott may be only answer, but some places left and at least on local level I feel like I should stay involved in order to preserve as much as I can of what is left. Some hope that islands of sanity can last thru the upcoming crazy period and help reseed the culture and society after it all collapses. Must admit my circle of good friends is decreasing and number of those I would not trust due to their "situational view of ethics" is increasing. President was signing a bill today and back female NPR reporter had to be in control of the event. I thought he handled it quite well, a lot better than I could of. She has no interest in reporting the news, she is out to make it and reach the largest possible audience for her viewpoints. Of course if he rejects her right to be there, she will gets what she wants most, instant creds on all of the left wing media and we will see her ten times as often spouting her hatred of the Trump. There are certain situations, media channels, ethnic race baiters, etc, that I have boycotted for years and it is an ever increasing number of things. Most pro sports being one glaring example, they can be as politically correct as they wish, I no longer go to the games or watch it on TV.
She's (Alcindor) is a full member of disruptors international anonymous. Too bad she isn't anonymous. Really should not be seen or heard ever again. Ah, well, there's no really legal way to shut her up.
Find out a bit more on the Costa Rica deal if you can? Wife and I have looked at it from afar...I was actually looking at shrimp boats. Kinda half azzed thinking I could make a few bucks trawling or....As a dive boat?
Keep me in mind if ya need a 1st mate , 2nd mate ,, or just the beer tender ,, I went out with a guy one night shrimp trawling in a 16 foot jon boat ,, it put a little strain on that 35 horse evinrude dragging that net ,,, but we hauled in a boatload of shrimp. We used to set gill nets and hauled in a little bit of everything ,, I've been wanting to get back to doing some of that myself,, drink a few beers ,, drag a few nets ,, and make a few bucks. Might help relieve some of the stress of reality.
Will do ! I'm retired officially,So plenty of goof off time and no real coins that I wish to spend...lol
No first hand experience, but if numbers equate to utility and presumably longevity, then I'd say so.