I am sick of all the crap going on. People are ruining this country for purely political reasons. I have decided not to be a part of it. I guess I am having my own John Gault moment. I wish I was financially set to where I could move to a valley in the middle of nowhere but that is not the case. I am planning my own boycott. No more donations to my church (they made political statements) or any charity. I will let the bleeding hearts put their money where their mouth is since the charities will not be getting any more of mine. No more volunteer work (including volunteer firefighting). I will not patronize businesses that virtue signal. I don’t believe businesses should involve themselves in politics. I will not watch pro sports should they return. Even though it pains me, I will not watch college sports either. I will make no donations the my various alma maters no matter how much it pains me. I will not pay to watch new movies either in a theater or pay per view. I am done paying to down load music. I will learn to deal with only the 40 days worth of music I currently have on my ipod. As soon as my paperwork comes through I will retire from the reserves. I have been uncle sugar’s B* for long enough. Let some of these bleeding heart social justice types join up. I will encourage my children NOT to join the military. Most military recruits come from a family with a history of service. Let’s see what would happen if that would stop. I will break no laws because I am a good person but I am not going to do anything else that is not of personal benefit to me, my family or my friends. Everyone else can go F themselves for all I care. I am DONE. Work, minimal economic consumption, home. That is it. What do you guys think? I value your opinions.
I am of a similar mindset, well said @mysterymet !! My wife and I have talked much on this, agreeing that moving forward, it is just us, family and friends. I can work remote for the most part, that will continue. We work to pay the bills, but other than that, our focus is on the homestead. I am sick of politicians, media, celebrities and everyone else trying to tell us how to think and act.
I've had very similar thoughts for quite a few years. I was close to leaving the country a few years ago. If it wasn't for my daughter, and knowing she was needing help,, I'd be gone now. Now I'm not able to leave. This country is going to the dung pile pretty quick. Sure is depressing. Good luck to you.
About the same thing I said to a Company Exec one time who wanted my services to improve his home. Except I said come work on my homestead for equal time and money value, mow the place as a return I said. Yup he promptly went looking for a dumb sucker.
I'm beginning to like barter. When the hungry animals show up to chomp my grass, I might let 'em have a bite of burger. Or not.
Damn Girl I'm sorry you got to this point. I'm sorry we lost a strong warrior-and I mean that. You say you value our opinions. Well, I've always valued yours. I follow your posts closely and have for a long time. That being said I agree with you 100%. Sass and I got to the same point awhile back. I say I'm sorry out of selfishness-this country needs all the good'uns in the military we can get but I do understand. All that aside, Who is John Galt? For where if I may ask?
I had to think about this one.... While i feel the same way.... there is a part of me that knows if we retreat to just family ... they got us. You dont survive well in small family groups. Speaking long term. Divide and conquer so to speak. I am not saying I'm not taking care of my family 1st. I'm just saying i have to watch my emotions and not let them get me into total retreat so that I let the gov mnt dictate all of life. We have to fight to stay free. We can't just fight for our family only.
Been withdrawing from society for years. I mean, what have they ever done for me? Very few institutions or organizations that I care about these days, and even fewer that I give money to. I'll pay my bills and as few taxes as I have to, but that is it!
I was considering going to the Philippines,, I know a few that have migrated that way,, and seem to be happy they did. I'm sure it's no perfect utopia ,, but maybe it would be a nice little break,,, for however long I decided to stay.
I understand the frustration and agree with most of what you said. I do suggest you make two reconsiderations. No more volunteer work - doing volunteer work is healthy. It’s not just for the recipients of your labors but for your own spirit. Having a giving heart is good for you and will help keep your spirit from getting too dark and jaded. Just be selective where you give your time. There is also a good reason to remain with the VFD - you get the training, get to know the equipment, you know the other firefighters and are often a bit more connected into what is happening in your AO which is good for situational awareness. Lastly, if you have a fire yourself, you’ll be ahead than if you aren’t involved. There are often some other fringe benefits such as borrowing equipment, tables, chairs, etc. when you need something for an afternoon. Retirement from reserves: Very understandable. I don’t know how long you’ve been in but look at the retirement tables and consider what you will forego in benefits vs staying in a while longer. You don’t want to be kicking yourself 10-20 years from now just because you got pissed off for several months in 2020. Most of your other decisions can be easily undone pretty much anytime; retirement probably not so much. Since you say you aren’t quite financially secure to totally check out of society, I’m guessing an extra 300, 500, 700, whatever bucks a month in retirement could be pretty handy down the road. Don’t let emotions trump rationality. Take care. AT
I'm selling $10 bills for only $20 plus shipping and handling. In the CONUS that comes to a flat fee of $49.99. As a special time limited discount you can buy two $10 bills for only $149.99 including S&H! Act now, supplies are limited...
A good friend did just that over a year ago, with his Philippine wife. He had a mild stroke while there and ended up coming back home for proper treatment. Said he wasn't going back either. another friend now lives in Costa Rica and loves it, says he's never coming back to the states to live.
I've heard Costa Rica was nice ,, even Brazil ,, I'm going to have to revive my retirement fund 1st. My daughter hit hard times about a year and a half ago ,, ,, which means I hit hard times. So I'm in rebound mode for a few years. It may never happen ,, but ,, it's a dream that keeps me kicking.