Prognostication, where do you think this is going

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fedorthedog, Apr 8, 2020.

  1. IceRanger

    IceRanger Intellectus Refuticus

    I honestly believe at this point that the question becomes "how much and for how long are we willing to put up with this?"; and the answer, I fear, could come as soon as Easter Sunday. 'Governor' Beshear of Kentucky has instructed that license plates of cars in church parking lots on Sunday be taken down, the information forwarded to local health departments, and the citizens matching those plates be subjected to involuntary 14 day quarantine. This blows so far past anti-American (not to mention utterly unnecessary and just plain stupid)...and any nitwit with half a brain (yeah, I mean Beshear) has got to know this is exactly the kind of hot-button that will incite a rapid and probably violent response.

    He knows this. So tell me--is that the point? What is the end game here? And despite that he's clearly taking this too far, and doing so with what seems to be intent, how are we as Patriots going to defend when our fellow Patriots do exactly what they're being set up for (and what, in my mind, may be the only alternative they have left) and are then utterly villified by the press and the political forces that are fomenting this very fight?

    Our inclination is always to let the courts handle it, but as pointed out above, that process takes years. Our freedoms are at stake RIGHT NOW, and our nation may never recover if things like this are allowed to stand unchallenged.

    Sunday it will be churchgoers in Kentucky. Today it was a bus rider in Philadelphia. Others, from Mississippi to Michigan, are being denied the most basic of rights--MICHIGANDERS CAN'T EVEN BUY SEEDS!--and it's become obvious to even the most intellectually challenged observer that some of these things have nothing to do with COVID19, and can't in any logical way be tied to it. These are power grabs, attempts to keep citizens under the government thumb, and/or attempts to light the spark of violence that is clearly simmering underneath the surface.

    I can't tell whether I'm more shocked, more angry, or more frightened, but I'm certainly confused and uncertain. What do we do? Do we "trust the system" and bide our time? Will we be the ones who have to say "when they came for me, there was no one left to speak up"?

    I can't help but think most of the people on this site are true American Patriots, and I know that OPSEC will not allow any real answers to be posted...

    ...but at least rhetorically, to ourselves, we should be asking--what are we prepared to do, and when are we prepared to do it?
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    "...but at least rhetorically, to ourselves, we should be asking--what are we prepared to do, and when are we prepared to do it"

    Where is Henry? What will it take to get his attention and react? You can bet it won't be a noisy one, it'll be one of the quietly pissed off members of society. Hesheit will NOT threaten, hesheit will just DO it. There will be those that wring their hands noisily, and those that will follow the lead. Quietly.
    OldDude49, Gator 45/70 and IceRanger like this.
  3. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    well you boys are certain negative Nelsons and perhaps not out side the box thinkers.

    I have several clients who own small businesses who are thriving. We just reinvented how the goods were delivered and beefed up their websites.

    Delivery service is a thriving business and so is online ordering and shipping.

    Not sure this will work for parts stores and definitely wont work for Las Vegas and hotels... But online gambling is up. So like any crises. those who survive reinvent themselves where they can.... those who dont give up.
  4. IceRanger

    IceRanger Intellectus Refuticus

    My concern isn't the ability to bounce back from a business standpoint, but rather how many liberties have been taken with our liberties, and what is liable to happen as a result. I'm talking short-term, as in--when enough people have had enough, and decide too much has been forced on us that goes against our "freedom" grain, what will the next step be? And when someone takes that step (I am increasingly alarmed that this may happen, and perhaps necessarily), what do we Patriots do ourselves?

    People will find a way to make the best of things no matter how things are. That's in our nature. But we're Americans; freedom is in our blood. We hold certain rights as ingrained, and these are being pushed to the limits right now. If it is pushed too far, I'm just wondering what might come of it; and I'm saying that we have to decide for ourselves what WE will do if the time comes that we have to make such difficult choices.
    OldDude49 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  5. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    Problem I seeing forming is a DNC run state standoff with a FED May 1st "back to work" rollout ....

    here in Illinois the fatso Gov Pritzker has been using the Virus as nothing but a political platform to push his prez nomination in Milwaukee - already came out claiming a Virus "cure" will be needed before he agrees to open the state - a year? - 18 months?

    will this azz clown go as far as parking IL National Guard units on the IL borders and blocking the country??
    IceRanger and Gator 45/70 like this.
  6. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Our Sheriff has come out publicly and stated he will not be enforcing any unconstitutional orders.
    One good thing, All the local speed traps have dried up!
  7. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Local politics is the fly in the ointment. Once these local (D) type have a taste of coercive power, they will not want to let go...too easy to get their pet projects pushed thru. The mayor for life has announced he will have to extend the emergency...and his emergency powers.

    Anchorage is already lost with local Vote (er fraud) by mail. As soon as the DW retires, I'm bailing. Locally, the place has gone full Socialist and is out in the open about it. The vote fraud by mail all but ensures the Left and Unions will control things going forward. Until we run out of money.

    At the State level, things look pretty dicey.

    Places evolve, I get that. I'll just evolve as well - somewhere else.
    3M-TA3, OldDude49 and IceRanger like this.
  8. IceRanger

    IceRanger Intellectus Refuticus

    If it's happening in Alaska, which I've perhaps naively considered the last castle standing in terms of places where we could escape to in order to stay free--then we truly are sunk. There are some great states for (what passes for) freedom still; Missouri, Tennessee, West Virginia, Montana (in places), Wyoming (in places), the Dakotas (in places), even New Hampshire (in places)...but what state is truly immune from the freedom-destroying forces we're seeing now? What state could, and would, actually consider bailing on the Dismantled States of America if that time comes, and would honor the most basic American tenets we have until now held sacred when writing their now-independent national constitution?

    Texas? Nah--because you'd have to find a way to deal with Austin and possibly Houston, and you'd have the "border problem" that seems to never go away.

    That's why I held out hope for Alaska. Apparently even that is just a dream now, too.

    If anyone's interested to hear it, I'll tell you the story of the conversation with the Soviet defector I once had. Talking to him made me more certain than ever that our children and grandchildren are in deep, deep trouble...and made me feel selfish and thrilled at the same time that I'm nearer to the end of my life than the beginning.
    magicfingers and Gator 45/70 like this.
  9. IceRanger

    IceRanger Intellectus Refuticus

    Glad somebody has. It seems to be a national sport now to see who can violate the most basic rules of the Constitution in the most egregious fashion. So far Michigan's Whitmer has the lead, but even places like North Carolina and Mississippi are getting in on the anti-American act.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  10. IceRanger

    IceRanger Intellectus Refuticus

    You'd like to think that Guardsmen would honor their oath to the Constitution in a situation like this, but right now I'm just not sure. Policemen are writing $500 tickets to people going to DRIVE-UP CHURCH in their own cars in Mississippi...I never thought I'd ever see something like that anywhere, let alone in the Bible Belt.
    Oddcaliber likes this.
  11. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    sometimes politicians and their parties do a thing...

    kinda a let's run it up the flag poll and see who salutes it...

    they may be seeing just how far they can push us... ?

    they also use polls and discussion within their own party...

    I have donated to the following organizations to fight this crap... and they fight and often WIN!

    they fight for our religious rights as well as many other rights... kinda a counter to ACLU

    because I personally do NOT want a war civil or otherwise...

    seen what that's like...

    but by donating I hope to eventually help build something that will counter this crap!

    that said I have already stood armed to defend... and while I don't want it...

    should it become "necessary"... as in there are no longer any other ways to stop this...

    I will do so again... I also suggest everyone do some soul searching and make a decision...

    just how far will YOU let them go... will you be standing on your own ground ALONE?

    or will you protest in a large group to stop them and vote to stop them and NOT be picked off one at a time?

    as Franklin said... hang together or surely hang alone...

    these are just some of such that are out there...

    American Center for Law and Justice


    First Liberty Institute - First in the Fight for Your Religious Liberty
    IceRanger, Gator 45/70 and SB21 like this.
  12. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    Gator 45/70 and SB21 like this.
  13. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Exactly,,, " Words having meaning and legal basis "
    Remember when Bill Clinton was being impeached while in the White House ?? During one of his trials, or questionings ,, his comment ,,, " It depends on what the meaning of " is " , is " ,,,, that's was 1 of the 1st times when I learned how sleazy a lawyer can be.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  14. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    You gots to understand these Preacher Types, and their MegaChuches... No big crowd, No big money in the donation plate... Very few would donate bucks while sitting on their couches, while watching it all happen on their 52” 4K Surround Sound Television... No donation money and they are broke in two weeks... Follow the money...
  15. IceRanger

    IceRanger Intellectus Refuticus

    The problem with this particular thing is that the DOJ has ample evidence and reason to prosecute numerous examples of treason (among other things), willful violation of the most basic Constitutional matters, etc. and has done NOTHING. Loads of lip service, and nothing more.

    But let you or me cross the street against a light (or walk down the street without a mask, or on Sunday, or anywhere in Michigan) and see how fast the "law" is applied to us.

    So much of this is the most bogus shit I've ever witnessed, or ever dreamed I'd witness in America.

    Our founding fathers are ashamed of us right now, and they're right to be. How many people have bled and died for this country, just so we--our generation, OUR WATCH--could piss it away like this?
  16. IceRanger

    IceRanger Intellectus Refuticus

    I certainly agree that this is an issue for some, and I'm no fan of churches as such anyway. But you (the universal 'you', not you personally) can't tell me that it's safe to go to Walmart, but not to church. That it's okay for a man to be dragged from a bus in Philadelphia for not wearing a mask, by TEN COPS who weren't wearing masks. That it's okay for Governor Witless of Michigan to sign into state law a fine of $1000 for anyone not maintaining six feet of distance between themselves and the nearest other person--in a ceremony full of people crowded together to get their picture taken, all of whom would be fined under that very law (and were violating it the second her pen put ink to the paper).

    What we're witnessing is unprecedented in this country. I personally believe it is with purpose--to goad Patriots into getting into the fight and bloodying some noses, so they can point at all of us and scream "TERRORISTS!" and then lock us down much tighter and forever, in the name of "safety". They'll have the consent of the sheeple then...

    ...and that worries me more than any other cost our (necessary) actions might bring, because if we fail--or more to the point, if we don't mobilize entirely and gain absolute victory--we will never again have the opportunity to be free. Our children will be slaves because we failed to act, or failed when we DID act.

    And NOBODY "in power" seems to be willing to prevent any of it from happening. Nobody seems willing to DO SOMETHING.
    OldDude49 likes this.
  17. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    These Governor Yahoos can decree all the Temporary Emergency Orders they want.. HOWEVER, many of their orders that violate Constitutional Rights, have, and will, be stuck down... The real test will come AFTER the crisis has abated, and it is time to resind these Emergency Orders... Will they do it, or will they be forced out of office by the next vote?
    I for ONE, understand the need for such orders, as Quarantine, Suspending Public Gatherings, and shutting down Non-Essential business, closing Parks, and such... I am married to a CLASS A RN, with experience in dealing with, and training Teams to deal with Infectious Virus’s and such Pandemic outbreaks.. She locked us down in Feb, and we follow her instincts to the letter, around here.... All our neighbors are Older and in the vulnerable Class of citizens... Healthcare out here in the bush, is at a minimum 1.5 hours away, and the Hospital in town is just barely keeping their head above water, with the local folks from town, and surrounding communities... So far, except for the UTards, we are doing just fine for now, but in a month the Cannery might be opening up, and I plan on deA$$ing to our mountain place, just as soon as the Breakup Crew, arrives...
    IceRanger and Gator 45/70 like this.
  18. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Sara Palin, reportedly a Conservativ3e (but not) pushed thru new taxes under the catchy name of "Alaska's Clear and Equitable Share," or ACES. What this really meant was Alaska Clearly Entering Socialism.
    IceRanger likes this.
  19. IceRanger

    IceRanger Intellectus Refuticus

    Oh I'm completely with you regarding doing what's necessary to combat the effects of a pandemic, and I've even argued for the closure of in-person church services. My problem is when (as they always do) the power-happy gubmint types take it too far--and they've taken it WAY too far in too many instances. This hasn't panned out nearly to the degree they sensationalized (in part, no doubt, to the successful "quarantine", but also because it either wasn't as bad as they predicted or this was just a "trial run" for the real thing) but these draconian steps just keep getting thrown at us. They're getting worse, more invasive, more absurd, and utterly LESS necessary. This forces me to reconcile the facts that this hasn't actually been a quarantine, which is what you do to the sick ones--it's been a lockdown of healthy people, something that is essentially unprecedented and for which there seems to be no clear-cut law; and that we've monumentally overreacted. All the evidence increasingly points to that shocking reality.

    This isn't surprising, really, since again this is very new. It's not embarrassing either, because we took a "better safe than sorry" route, prudent and even necessary. But it's time to consider the end game, yet these yahoos behave as if there's no end in sight. Which again raises my suspicions that there's something more going on here. I think this was a test-run, alright, but it wasn't to test our pandemic response--it was a test to see just how much we'd put up with. And now that they see we're easily-led little sheeple, I believe (I wish I didn't) that they're pushing it on purpose. They want Timothy McVeigh to drop the match into the powder keg they've created, so they can scream bloody murder at the Patriots and usurp more power and quash more liberties. We want to believe Trump won't let that happen, but he's been buffeted by these winds for the entirety of his administration--even his own justice department (which talks a good game, but talk is cheap) is sitting on their hands for ALL of it. Any moron with a modicum of logic and a simple dictionary can see that laws have been violated right and left, but NOBODY IS GOING TO JAIL. If the President and his justice department are willing to let a fucking coup go unchallenged, I have little faith they'll bother to secure the liberties people like Northam and Whitmer are pissing all over daily now.

    Our recourse, of course, is the same as it's always been--vote them out. But you KNOW they're going to cheat. They've done it before, they're pushing for it again (because you need an ID to take a piss in this country, but not to elect the government), and I am CERTAIN they'll keep doing it. And realistically, who are we going to vote in, and what are they going to do? The system is run by the same handful of turds who have run it for the past three or four DECADES. This shit never changes.

    So it still leaves me with the question--what do we, you and I average American Patriots--do about it?

    Sadly, I just don't know--but I feel like a failure sitting around and watching it all happen knowing how wrong it is and who (namely, my and your kids) will ultimately pay for it.
    Oddcaliber likes this.
  20. IceRanger

    IceRanger Intellectus Refuticus

    I was fooled by the whole McCain/Palin lie. I campaigned for McCain, pushed the "Maverick" narrative--and realized later how much I'd been played. I know my heart was in the right place, because Obama was going to be (and was, as it turns out) so bad for the country...but McCain was just Obama lite and Palin was a perfect complement to that. In fact, only the Romney/Ryan trainwreck was worse, and THAT was the biggest joke in history (first election I ever sat out because I refused to pick between two dumpster-fire tickets). Both McCain and Romney were thrown in to fail, but I do believe McCain at least gave it a legitimate go. What vote he did get was from all those who knew the awful footing an Obama administration was going to put us on (ask me and I'll tell you about the Soviet defector I met and talked to while in line for a Palin rally) but he was never going to win. And Romney was just a juicy steak thrown to the lions when Barry O ran for re-election. Even Romney knew he stood no chance from the outset.

    But Palin is a great example of what's wrong overall; just another lie and steal politician, making the promises and then playing the game the way it's always been played.

    The reason I like Trump is because he truly IS an anti-politician; he hates both parties (as I do) and the media, too. By itself that's pretty heroic--but he's done a great job besides. Which is to say he's done as well as can possibly be expected given the fact that he's governing from within the insane confines of big-time American politics. He's far from perfect, too, and has his fingers in a few pies (no possible way to advance to the White House if you don't), but he's miles better than what we've had in the past, or what we would have had with Killary.
    Oddcaliber and Cruisin Sloth like this.
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