Prognostication, where do you think this is going

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fedorthedog, Apr 8, 2020.

  1. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    As I sit home semi retired with the ability to simple not interact with humans if I choose I ponder where this event will end.

    Many of us have our favorite EOTWAWKI scenario and of course pandemic was one of them, but this is failing to be what I would consider a pandemic. The spread is slow and the death rate 1.5 to 2 percent pales compared to the plague and other events.

    My thinking is we will have a drop in infection rate as spring summer arrive and run a high chance of substantial increase or 2nd wave in November. This is baring a vaccine of course.

    If there is a second wave the response will be the issue not the disease. The harsh reality is we cannot kill the countries production without killing the country. Almost every failure of a society has had the economic failure as a part of it, War, plague, famine, pestilence, all stop trade and help a downward spiral.

    So what are you thoughts?
  2. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    You pretty much nailed it! But in-between the second course and the slow decline of civilization will be tyranny.
    Gator 45/70, IceRanger and SB21 like this.
  3. BlueDuck

    BlueDuck Monkey+++

    One thing it verifies is how easily the masses panic. Imagine how the reaction would be with a total black out. Little or no power, no access to facilities, no communications, nothing. Anyone wishing us harm, can't help but notice.
  4. Lancer

    Lancer TANSTAFL! Site Supporter+++

    And that scenario is the one I worry the most about. I'm far enough out to avoid the initial urban die-off. But: the survivors of that will be the worst dregs of humanity one could imagine. And once the cities are destroyed, they will be the ones to put together Mad-Max motorized contraptions, and spread out from the ashes looking for more fertile ground to plunder. Those are the ones that scare me.
    Gator 45/70, Yard Dart and IceRanger like this.
  5. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Higher temps. reduce the time that the virus can survive on material and surfaces, and that reduces the number of chances that it has to infect people. When the second wave arrives we won't have a vaccine, but we will be more knowledgeable and prepared and rather than shut-down the entire world those people most at risk might practice social distancing, self isolation and wearing of PPG. The rest of the population could choose to join them or take their chances, and I'm sure that will be enough people to keep the economy limping along until a vaccine is developed in about a year.
  6. IceRanger

    IceRanger Intellectus Refuticus

    Where will this "end"...?

    Well, like most I believe that it will die down in the next few weeks, essentially disappear for the summer months, and then re-emerge (perhaps stronger and more virulently) as winter rolls around. I don't think we'll shut down the country as we did this time, because we will (if we have any brains) have learned enough and we'll be prepared this time, and the shortages everyone worried about this time around--masks, PPE, ventilators, toilet paper, etc.--won't be in short supply anymore. BUT...

    I still believe there could be people spoiling for chaos; the ANTIFA wankers, for instance, especially now that Bernie is out; political operators that actually have a brain and an agenda, and know how to get the crowd (namely rioting, looting, vandalism) riled up so as to create political situations now that this hasn't hurt Trump; increased thefts and other trouble from those who use street drugs but can't afford the new, higher prices or withstand the limited supply. Who knows, there could be others. If the virus had carried forward more like the original estimates, I'd say there'd be a lot higher chance of that, with much more catastrophic results. That chance, and the damage, will be limited now--but it's still there. BUT... a country, we showed our asses somewhat. It took little more than the threat of a relatively mild virus, and the whipping of a complicit media, to send our entire populace (including our government) into a frenzy. As BlueDuck points out, our enemies can't help but to have noticed. We also allowed our freedoms to be stripped away with absolutely no push-back whatsoever. A few whiners on Twitter, and that's all. People being arrested for playing with their kids in the park, well away from anyone else; people being fined for driving their own cars (complete social distancing), and the government just cavalierly tacking TWO TRILLION DOLLARS to the national debt. Somewhere in all of this, we have proven this point--

    So--what comes next? A short return to something resembling "normal", even to the point of seeming as if nothing happened, but with a second wave pretty likely and a LOT of people realizing just how easily we as a people can be manipulated, imprisoned, enslaved, and most importantly PANICKED. Someone is going to dream up a clever way to take advantage of all of that.
  7. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    In his infinite wisdom, ghrit says 6 months after the wizards say it's all clear, the sheep will be happily grazing on handouts again. Normal will be just like it was a year ago with less political blather.
  8. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Was watching a news program that had Fauci trying to clarify how the Institutes of Health classify causes of death to compile their statistics. Pence and Trump shared a glance and a smirk as they stood behind Fauci. Fauci is a good little globalist trooper, holding to the propaganda line. Meanwhile, News is out that the Covid death figures are over reported. As much as 88% in Italy. What they are here, given that the guv is paying higher rates for Covid admissions to the hospitals, will have to be evaluated soon. It is my thoughts that Trump is shacking the trees to see who falls out on the deep state line. More changes in staff in the executive branch coming?? Investigations into graft? What happens soon could significantly change thing politically.. Or not.
    Gator 45/70 and Capt. Tyree like this.
  9. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    A long read and watch ,, but an eye opener

    Interesting watch…lots of chatter about this particular topic as dark as it is out there…

    Economic hit man with a very dark twist…factor in Epstein island, Playboy mansion and all their tunnels and honeytrap operations and entirely plausible..
  10. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    My hope is for leadership to rally people around rebuilding the country, self reliance, investing in America "Buy Bonds", a revitalization of Americans working to make this country the strongest and most viable society on the planet.
    Gator 45/70 and Cruisin Sloth like this.
  11. IceRanger

    IceRanger Intellectus Refuticus

    I'd love, LOVE, to see Trump do as he's suggested--bring a program (think CCC on steroids) that puts otherwise-unemployed people to work rebuilding infrastructure, parks, etc. I'd like it further if the program winds up covering enough ground that it ends up being a REVERSE socialist program; Trump and a Republican House/Senate mandate that healthy, able-bodied people collecting government benefits but not working at all be REQUIRED to participate.

    Of course that won't happen, but a guy can dream.

    I don't care what anyone's politics are--there is nobody of any sense whatsoever who can make any legitimate argument against making able-bodied people work for government benefits. To me that smacks of communism--providing a government job and paying with taxpayer money--but it's much better than just paying with taxpayer money and not getting any return on investment at all. But I digress. To the subject at hand, I believe we'll need ways to stem unemployment and give people some way to earn money (and their keep); and our infrastructure is a mess, aging and crumbling in ways that could be their own catastrophe soon enough. A Civilian Conservation Corps type program could be just the thing to address both issues.
  12. IceRanger

    IceRanger Intellectus Refuticus

    Also on this front, if we could somehow unite the country enough that we could behave as if we're on a war footing--I mean like World War II--and do the "Buy Bonds", victory garden, CCC, etc. it would go a long way toward reminding people what we have, and what we have to lose. Besides, people who are participating in BUILDING the country can't help but take pride in it; and it's only through American Pride that we have any hope at all of surviving, let alone thriving, in the next few decades.
    Dunerunner and Gator 45/70 like this.
  13. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    It does not matter. I came to that revelation last night when a friend who runs a music store told me that he has to close buy orders of our governor. It got me thinking: every online retailer needs to hire people, the delivery companies need people, all the big box stores are open and doing a thriving business. All of the small business around here will probably close before the stay home order is lifted. And a lot of these small shops do a lot of cash transactions. We know the goverment hates cash transactions.....
  14. Merkun

    Merkun furious dreamer

    Except the tobacco and vape shops.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  15. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Personally, I think that the UN agenda 21 writers are frothing at the mouth hoping to see their dream come true, and will do everything in their power to see it through.
    No one has mentioned the UN in all of this, never the ls they do have an agenda, actually, several of them that include the annihilation of several million on this planet. It would not surprise me that they were somehow behind it, in which case I see a much darker future ahead.
    It will be months before the stimulus checks arrive, in which case everyone is going to be under a lot more distress in the coming months.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  16. IceRanger

    IceRanger Intellectus Refuticus

    The UN definitely hates the idea that nationalists are assuming power across the world. The European Union is probably going to suffer the most disastrous results as a governing body, with many in Italy already fomenting an "Italexit" and several in other countries at least entertaining the thought. Boris Johnson and Trump are both unapologetic nationalists, and all of this spells trouble for the globalists and their support organizations like the United Nations.

    What's the quickest way to see to it that momentum is stopped? Destroy small businesses and set national economies on their edge, which will all but require those countries to continue to do business globally, especially with China. Think about it--Walmart, in particular, is still doing a huge business even in these no-business times, and most of their product comes from China. Will this change? Probably not. American manufacturing was making a pretty good return to the US, but to be competitive the people working those jobs would have to throw the unions to the curb and work for much less--money, benefits, working conditions, etc.--than they ever possibly would. Even America-first patriots are not going to be willing to pay ten bucks for something they're used to getting for ninety nine cents. The other alternative, and it's viable, is for Mexico to become the "new China". As a nation, as a manufacturing base, they're more than capable of doing so--but that can't possibly be accomplished until the drug cartels are brought under control, and the entire Mexican government is in bed with the cartels so the likelihood of that happening is slim. At least with our primary supply being just across the border and essentially a "friendly" country, we'd be better off than we are now. But China, and the UN, are going to do everything they can to keep that from happening. And if it looks like it is?

    Load up on ammo.
    Dunerunner and Gator 45/70 like this.
  17. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    Thats some serious wisdom GHRIT
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  18. sheen_estevez

    sheen_estevez Monkey+++

    This is what has me really scratching my head, I know governors have extreme police powers (more than they should) but complete shut downs of are a clear violation of constitutional rights, you can't go to the park, you can't gather, etc you are not hearing of very much push back, at least as of yet. I'm trying to figure out why....
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  19. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    The issue on what was legal will be decided by lawsuit taking 4 to 8 years depending on if it was filed in federal or state court. Quarantine is a time honored and well recognized thing, I looked up the case law in the US and it goes back to the early 1800's. A novel once said the Constitution is not a suicide pact. I think that most of what is being done is illegal, they are doing everything they can to not say Quarantine, I think for a reason. Words having meaning and legal basis, I dont think this has reached a point that SCOTUS would allow Quarantine to be invoked.
    SB21, Gator 45/70 and IceRanger like this.
  20. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    Quarantine: a state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed:
    Gator 45/70, ghrit and IceRanger like this.
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