TOTM - April 2020 Isolation, living off your preps or NOT

Discussion in 'Survival Topic of the Month' started by Dunerunner, Mar 31, 2020.

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  1. IceRanger

    IceRanger Intellectus Refuticus

    Kinda committed to using the fresh (as in, refrig/freezer) foods as much as possible, but using some canned goods from the (well-stocked) pantry. Have not touched the prep stores yet. One trip to the grocery store late last week for milk and sugar; in and out in ten minutes. Other than that, we haven't left the house in the last three weeks. Only 4 cases in my county so far, but everyone still on edge.

    Did the hand sanitizer as soon as I hit the car; threw away the disposable grocery bags; sprayed the groceries down with alcohol. I have plenty of all of those, so I'd rather be cautious. I'm not high risk, but I have kids that I don't want to get sick, and I don't handle coughing/respiratory issues very well, so I'm not taking any unnecessary chances. If the supply chain goes down or even seems week, I have cases of canned milk (and it really ain't so bad, reconstituted).

    I haven't stored nearly as much as I think I should, and I can still feed the family without hunting or fishing for two months without changing how we eat; much longer if I decide to ration, or change our general eating patterns. And we still have plenty of toilet paper LOL.
  2. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Still working but alone at a usually unmanned facility an hour away. I have hit the grocery in that town two times so far and will continue to buy as long as possible to stay out of my stock. We added another 96 rolls of TP and another case of MREs in February. I'm not crazy about them, but I can eat off of one all day making it a fair value. Good for road trips too. I did notice yesterday that every river bridge into my area has a lighted sign that says "No bookings, No rooms to rent, #Covid19. I have to wonder if they are planning on roadblocking the county, since one must cross water somewhere to get in.
  3. IceRanger

    IceRanger Intellectus Refuticus

    I think it's foolish to believe they aren't going to do anything more than just say "stay home". Too many won't listen to that; it's not like the government to not push every advantage they have to lock down more of our freedoms; and when people who haven't seen first-hand that this is real actually do so, panic may ensue. Besides, the best way (whether we like it or not) to prevent the spread is to use the military to force us to comply. It sucks, but that's the effective measure. And when they have us isolated, and the cities start to burn (as I believe they will) I can't see them not bolstering that in the name of "public safety". To what extent they keep it up is anyone's guess. I don't see this turning into Little China. But if factions within the country start waging war, or actual international enemies try to take advantage of our weakened condition, all bets may be off as to how they proceed.

    I'm not honestly worried about the military, though, or any form of martial law. I just don't see that being a legitimate threat to us unless shit gets really, really bad, really quickly. And I don't mean 250k dead from virus bad.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2020
  4. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Their way of room for refugees from out of the county at the inn.
    Gator 45/70 and Yard Dart like this.
  5. Oddcaliber

    Oddcaliber Monkey+++

    I'm not too bad for now. Living on the canned goods I stocked before lockdown. Stores have milk,eggs and other products but TP and hand sanitizer are still scarce. Hasn't gotten to the point of digging into the deep stash of powdered milk and Mountain House yet! However I do need more Ramen noodles and Spam.
  6. My husband is laid off so we are taking the opportunity to get work done around the property. We're having a great time.

    We get carry out from our favorite local coffee shop once or twice a week. It's an opportunity to check local gossip and support a small business. We do a weekly shopping trip now, just in case there are larger supply chain problems. I try to shop during lulls, but so many people are laid off it is difficult. Maybe 5% are wearing masks. I haven't seen anyone else wearing gloves. Very few people pay any attention to social distancing. So far I am not taking any additional precautions besides social distancing and only touching things I am going to buy. I always wash my hands a ridiculous amount and avoid touching my face in public. I cleaned up my diet and started working out regularly. I will start wearing a surgical mask for others' benefit, but I am not worried about personally contracting Chinese coronavirus.
  7. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Doing fine.
    After all this is just like a Boomer Patrol, 30 more days until we pull back in to port.
    'Cept I have been refreshing every two weeks or so, Dairy, Leafy Stuff and that Damn Night Baker is drunk again so I use HEB as that source too.
    No hit yet on preps as we started a backup system in Dec which proved its worth.
    Bread will not be a problem as we have the essentials and a bread machine, as well I bake. The rain has been steady and this is the wettest spring in my memory. Thirty Four head on the ground and plenty of grass is seldom the usual combination and surpassed the break even point.

    We have one of the lowest infection rates in the 254 counties and I believe the AG area and the fact the University is closed down down are both reasons for this.

    We are aware of scammers and gougers are visiting the area from DFW for a variety of reasons, all self serving of course.

    City officials did an on line Video and made it clear Crooks of all kinds could see double fines and TIME if caught.

    So, plans from 50 years ago are playing out as long as we can stay alive.

    Keep your powder dry and your weapons close.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2020
  8. IceRanger

    IceRanger Intellectus Refuticus

    Definitely altered my/our diet from our normal snacking. We've always eaten fairly well, but now we're not doing the soda and chips crap as often as we did. Getting more vitamin C and other vitamins. Supposed to be working out, but haven't started that yet.

    I'd been putting off some home improvements and security stuff that I'm now getting done--bars on the doors, quick-covers for the windows, alarms all around. I already installed a full-scale rainwater catchment system and use it entirely for all our water. It's filtered before it enters the house, chlorine-treated, filtered again as it's pumped (via solar) from the basement throughout the house, and double-filtered down to .2 microns for drinking (I can take the dirtiest water in the world and have a gallon of safe, crystal clear drinking water in an hour). I have enough solar and battery to keep lights on and charge phones/batteries, play the radio, short-term TV. No microwave, refrig, freezer, or Xbox, but we lived without any of those things for two years and can do so indefinitely, so no worries. My stove is propane, and I have it set up to operate on grill tanks (easily accessible, easily refillable) and have a couple in reserve. Heat is wood/coal furnace, with enough of both to last three or four winters without issue.

    Current projects are many, but immediate ones are a dedicated solar circuit throughout the house, which I'm completing today; a solar water heater, online within the next week or two; a rabbit hutch with two does and a buck, before May; and of course getting the rest of the garden in (peas, spinach, lettuce, kale, chard, broccoli, and rapini already in). Have some extra security measures to put into place, but for the most part this has only accelerated my timetable because I was doing all of this already.

    We have no local constabulary, and no "neighborhood watch", but considering everyone in our little patch can see the entire patch from their house and we're all friendly with one another (and armed to the teeth), security doesn't seem to be an issue unless the entirety of civilization breaks down. Still, I have defense plans already drawn up for our entire area if need be, and a volunteer force I know I could count on to implement them if necessary.

    I'm kinda hijacking the thread a bit with this answer, but I guess it's still pertinent. The reality is, we're seeing little difference right now, but I and our tiny community are prepared for pretty much anything that ordinary people can handle...certainly turds from the outside trying to make mischief in our midst. Beyond that, we're just living as we do in the early spring.
  9. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    Bit of an update:
    Life is grande thus far.
    I have a bit of a fever and sniffles but that is all.
    Member on another site ran out of bread. After a bit of a search, no yeast to be found in their AO. Posted as such. Sent him 18 packets this am via overnight USPS.
    Sass is still living up to her name.
    Jesus I need a Job...
  10. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    No yeast in this AO either, but the bread racks aren't MT.

    If you have a tanker CDL, the logistics folks are hiring left, right and center up here.
  11. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

  12. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    As of today we are task with sheltering at home.
    it was the first of the month and the eagle shit today and I hear things got crowded in town.
    Neighbor started a small fire in his pasture yesterday that promptly headed for his tractor, round bale and barn. It will be awhile till he does that again as he is share cropping for some one and he needs a place to live.

    Should rain till next week and I'll make a run for fresh greens on the rainiest day since this is semi airborne then a good rain means a bit more security.
  13. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    So did you tell them about keeping a starter jar?
  14. IceRanger

    IceRanger Intellectus Refuticus

    Not just making a starter jar out of existing yeast--but drawing yeast from the air with nothing more than flour and water (which becomes a starter jar that can be carried forward indefinitely).

    It's worth the five minutes' research to learn how to do it. I'm perfectly fine with unleavened bread and cakes, but yeast is everywhere and can literally be pulled from the air. Once it's growing, you can have amazing sourdough (and lots of other things) for forever.

    Some starters have been going for more than a hundred years, perfectly safely and deliciously.
  15. Airtime

    Airtime Monkey+++

    In the last 6-8 weeks my wife made 3 attempts to get a sour dough started using out of the air yeast. She spent hours researching in books and the internet the best ways to get a start going. All were horrendous fails. She finally bought starter. Clearly, easier said than done.
  16. IceRanger

    IceRanger Intellectus Refuticus

    LOL I've had some of the same experiences at different times. It seems to be like solving a cryptogram; when you get it right it just comes together perfectly. When you don't, it's nothing but a mess and can't seem to be figured out.
  17. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    YOu have an OZone Box?
    would you consider posting pics and/or how you made it?
  18. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Failures can become worm farm food or compost starter...nothing is wasted.

    Can I Add Sourdough Starter to my Compost Pile?

    The discarded portion of successful sourdough cultures can be used for flavouring bread

    How To Use Discarded Sourdough Starter

  19. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Call in to the jury duty now. Most courts are shut down in many states. I know someone who’s divorce is postponed because of it.
  20. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    I have found that starting using water and buckwheat flour works better than using whole wheat or white flour.
  1. MattU94
  2. Dunerunner
  3. duane
  4. Motomom34
  5. DarkLight
  6. Witch Doctor 01
  7. arleigh
  8. Motomom34
  9. Ganado
  10. Equilibrium
  11. fritz_monroe
  12. melbo
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