Yea, Daug, I am almost ashamed to say I “Was” a Washington, Born & Raised.... The Puget Sound corridor has always been a Demoncrat Nest.... but if you get out of there, it is a lot more conservative... Having all the Commiefornia transplants move north over the last 30 years have ruined my home state...
Our lovely and talented governor, J.B. the Hutt, has extended the quarantine until the end of May. He's also decided that masks are mandatory in public whenever the social distance 6' thing can't be followed. This starts May 1st, next Friday. It's a loophole, and nobody has any N95 masks for sale. The government has sucked up whatever the attempts at cornering the market did not. All of those cloth masks, shemaghs, neck gaiters, etc. won't stop any viruses. It looks like more "feelz" than anything based on facts.
Our taxinator has decided to do some loosening up of the "mandatory" closures in certain areas of the state. I've no idea, and no one I know can tell you what the criteria are. That said, the initial trials will be restaurants bowling alley, and movie houses with the caveat that some seating criteria will have to be met. Those of us in the non experimental counties are still supposed to be wearing masks, which are of course unobtainable without wheelbarrow loads of gems and other media of exchange. And like Gray Bear say, they are all (including the N95) useless at protecting the wearer. Effective at stopping coughs and sneezes from getting in your neighbor's face, but little else. And, if you already have impaired lung function, you are exempted from wearing any thing like masks. Side issue: My doctor is issued 4 masks (the duckbill type) and that's all he's going to get from his hospital employer. Wear one for a full day then set it aside and go to the next in line. He says he was told that 3 days in the air will disinfect them. I didn't notice if he had his fingers crossed with that one. There's a news article today about a car wreck that was suspected to be due to the driver wearing a mask too long and passing out from too much CO2 inside her mask and no way for O2 to get past it into her. "Social distance" (gotta laugh at that, social distance was in the same bed when I grew up) really is the answer. Stay away from people, you should be fine. I strongly suspect that the real reason for loosening restrictions is related to the lights coming on in the PTB offices. Shelling out unemployment compensation will push already too thin budgets over the edge. Of course, that will simply shift the burden to the insurance companies as the returnees get sick. Then dot gov can bail out the insurance companies. Lovely looping, eh?