No way to know the scope of it yet or where this will end up. But here we are with a world going crazy, near if not martial law in some Cities. Some say this will blow over in a few weeks, others say a few Months and others say this is going to go for another 6-8 Months. It was not a fast over night SHTF, we have had since December to watch this play out from the Start in China to the spread around the world. We have witnessed concern turn to fear and that fear turn to panic and here we are about 8-9 weeks in and starting to see the first signs of the panic turning to desperation. In my trips off the farm I have visited Walmarts, Sams club, Kroger, Aldis Yes wearing a full N100 and Surgical gloves, call me paranoid but I would rather not catch this virus as it would probably be a death sentence for me. And probably not the smartest thing to do to go to those places but I am too curious and wanted to see for myself. So I have gone and made those rounds once per week over the last 3 weeks. Week1 There was still TP and Paper Towels at these stores. The gun shops and stores with guns and ammo were well stocked. Week 2 TP was all gone and only small shipments would be coming. Paper towels were getting real sparse. Bread, Canned Goods, Milk and Potatoes were cleaned out of every store. Gun sales according to owners and clerks were picking up FAST. Ammo was about 50% stocked. Week 3 was last Sunday all of the Grocery stores looked like a Grocery Store in the Soviet Union! I did note that all of the vegan and healthy foods were fully stocked. Guns were mostly down to .22s .410s and the more expensive models. Ammo on the shelves was pretty much depleted. I picked up the last two boxes of .300mags at one shop and another 250 round box of .38s that was left at another shop. Hey can never have enough ammo right? I did note you could buy .22 rifles and Sidearms but there was no ammo for them. Think I saw a couple of the buckets of Remington Gold .22s that misfire every 3rd or 4th shot. LOL I will stick to my CCI .22LR Mini Mags instead of the bargain bucket misfires. The people...... can just see it in their eyes and for them walking into a virtually empty grocery store has to be compounding their fear and panic. People that are used to having everything they want right there....... are getting a real rude wake up call. They are also very much starting to get that feral look in the eyes. Sunday was the last time I will make my look and see rounds to the stores. My desire to see and know first hand has been sated and I fear people are near the point of starting to do questionable things. I have decided to break into my pork reserves that LOL I think everyone knew I was lying about not having. And I am going to fire the kitchen and smokers up and do delivery to three towns of prepared heat n serve stuff until that reserve runs out or the State locks down food delivery services. That reserve is not critical for us and is what I keep on hand to start the market season off with. As it is looking more and more like the market is not going to be allowed to open, I figure I may as well convert some beans and pork to cash while I still can. In full biohazard dress when delivering Feeling a lot more secure now that two of the folks that planned to retreat to the farm from the City 120 miles away are here. Good people that I in the past trusted with my life and would again in the future. They rolled in last night with their RVs and set up their 14 day quarantine camps. When they were ordered to work from home, they decided the shelter in place order will not be far behind and the City locked down. So they put our pandemic plan into play and got out of the City. And yes any of the Wrecking Crew coming in under our plan knows they have to quarantine away from everyone else for 14-21 days. And they are not refugees coming to leech, they have made investments over the years into the communal resources part of the farm. They also bring expert skills to the table that benefit all of us. Coms and Medical are now on site, hoping Tactical and Air don't get locked down in Springfield. LOL it would be nice to have a helo in a barn if we need it So I am feeling real confident at this point about security, supplies and general well being. We are all much more concerned about the Virus Mania and at what point general hysteria will break out in the bigger towns and cities, than we are the virus itself. 17 years ago after that outbreak we put a lot more thought into the bio plan and preparations. So some questions general nonspecific. Do you consider this a SHTF? How seriously are you taking the overall situation? Are you prepared for Biological events like a pandemic? Do you consider your supplies to be adequate for what may unfold over the coming weeks or Months? Did you plan to go it solo or with a small trusted group? Is Ed Still alive in LA or have his neighbors ate him? Do you believe Virus Mania will be a short term (Few More Weeks) Medium (1-2 more Months) Longer (3-8 Months or more)? What are is level of concern over this event overall do you have if any (People, Virus, Economy etc?)
When you have so much ammo you don't even know how much you have, then you have enough. If you have a pretty good idea how much you have then you don't have enough. Prior to 2016 I had lost count around 10 years ago, then I inherited my dads shit and I bet he didn't know how much he had. It's like treasure in that movie "national treasure".
Right now the news and Libs are feeding this fire. We are paying attention but life hasn't changed at all for us at this point. If this thing goes full tilt boogie we will know before 98% of the rest of the country will.
Broke quarantine today, needed a milk run just because. Stores and roads about as active as usual. Meat cases down a bit from normal. Bread aisle just about bare, milk coolers a bit short but not close to MT. Produce fully stocked. I didn't even bother looking for paper products, I have enough for a "while." Business as usual in the township office.
Well, they just shut down the Marion County Courthouse in Ocala, FL, and I hear the National Guard is getting ready to set up a field hospital because they expect the local hospital to be overloaded soon. No COVID-19 cases have shown up in the County, as of today. They may be expecting a lot of refugees from South Florida, or maybe a sudden rush of local cases from under the radar. Schools are closed, putting 73,000 students at home for the duration. Two thirds of them ate free or reduced-cost lunches at school because food was inadequate (by some definition) at home. The local stores have been hit hard, but not carpet-bombed yet. All the TP and paper towels are gone along with all the bleach, rubbing alcohol, etc. It's funny: the staples (food you have to actually cook) are still mostly intact--but it's worth your life to find a box of Mac&Cheese. Tomorrow is our last day out, for a while. Then we hunker down and watch to see what happens. The "Authorities" have started to move on this, and (so far) they seem to be doing good--but I think that's in part due to the fact that they can see the tides of contagion rising on every side. This disease may be the death of me, but if I go down, I'll go down hard, with my boots on and waving a lace hanky. (Hey--it worked for Mel Gibson...)
1. I fear People, economy, virus in that order. 2. Supplies are pretty good. Water is biggest concern. 3. Family at this point. Got friends that we could go to if need be with supplies in the 5th wheel but hope it won’t come to that. 4. Prepared for pandemic... more than the average bear but not as much as I would have liked. We were supposed to put solar on the house this summer. 5. Ed’s neighbors most certainly have or are already making plans to eat him. I mean, why not... 6. I think it is hilarious that all the anti gunners in CA now want guns!
Most businesses have ether shut down, or modified their hours, and or limits to customers in the business at one time! Roads still suck, and Portland was a nightmare yesterday! Out at the coast, it's pretty much all ghost towns, even with the much needed business for Spring Brake, it doesn't look good at all! Things are really ramping up, folks are getting real testy with each other and with businesses! I have not seen or heard of any fights, but I imagine a few more days, or more bad news from our Gov'ness and that will change! I know the Guard units here have orders, and I know what they will and will not do, so i'm counting on them to hold fast on that! The commander agreed to send me a text if/when things get to that stage, and the family and I will bug out! It's an hour and a half drive, but with enough warning, it's completely doable!
T5R, you got 25,000 rds. of 5.56 ammo for .08 per rd.... and you still want MORE!...I like how you think!
We are doing Ok, here in the Alaskan Bush, but town (Juneau) got a Barge load of stuff, so Costco, SuperBear and Safeway all got their shipments... A summer local came in yesterday, came down in his Hovercraft, and bought a double Pack of TP, and two quarts of Clorox, for his HotTub, from the our Store, this will tide him over until his summer supplies, arrive on the first barge, the beginning of May...
We have almost 100% relocated to our retirement place in W. TX, but still need to sell our other place in NM (yeah, I know, good luck with that!). I've been taking rides the last couple of weeks and checking out grocery stores and parking lots for other establishments and malls. Things seem to have been worse last week. Today's foray was to a chain grocery store and, like everywhere else, TP and spaghetti and soup shelved were all empty. There was plenty of the more expensive cuts of beef, but chicken was getting to be in short supply. Plenty of frozen food, especially ice cream. The grocery store has full time employees wiping down all the carts and buggies as they get brought in from the parking lot. I likee. I've been watching my retirement savings go down and down and down. I pray that I have enough to get through this without having to sell any of them at this big a loss. DS's girlfriend started a retail job at the local mall on Saturday. By today, 70% of the shops are closed and it's looking more like the entire mall is going to close soon. Mall hours are 11 am to 7 pm now, noon to 5 pm Sundays. Restaurants are about 50/50 closed for dine-in and are doing drive-through only. The major university here has parking lots that are ghost towns. Major economic hardship is on the way, folks. And the $1000 that Trump is supposed to get to everyone? I would put money that there's going to be an income cap on who is eligible, somewhere around $50K - $65K earned in 2019. And where are folks going to cash these checks? But I know nothing! Good luck to all.
We are setting pretty well ATM. The Mr's job has plans to send all non essential personnel home for 2 weeks starting next Monday (I think, I wasn't listening too well and asking him now would be admitting I was ignoring him ) Since Sandia and Los Alamos have already gone that route I'm sure his site is soon to follow. Stores have been out of all paper products, hand sanitizer, and rubbing alcohol for a few weeks now, and pretty much anything you'd see listed on one of the million Food Storage Prep Lists found online is gone. Flour, sugar, bottled water, peanut butter, rice and beans and pasta. As one of the gluten free sufferers everyone likes to goof on, I am in luck as that stuff is barely touched. Not that I needed it anyway, but good to know "my stuff" is the last to go. Fresh stuff, produce and meat, is plentiful and on good sales too. People at the store seem more annoyed than worried, though I noticed a lot of nervous laughter over the absence of basics that belied their otherwise cool demeanor. I have to get chicken feed and dog food this weekend, two things I got lax about over the last few years, but other than that we're where we need to be. Given my location and current like minded neighbors, I'm not particularly concerned about the next 4-6 months. Well. Other than our retirement funds taking a massive hit. But it is what it is.
Do you consider this a SHTF? Not really...but I am starting to think it might really be one. I think we'll know within 2 weeks... How seriously are you taking the overall situation? I topped off my preps 2-3 months ago when I heard about this. I normally don't wear a firearm around the house but I think that is changing very soon. So, yes, I am taking it seriously... Are you prepared for Biological events like a pandemic? I believe so. The maximum 'lethal' effective range of a 5.56 is about 200 to 250 meters (218- 273 yards) so if a virus can cross that distance and still get me - well - then I am screwed anyway. Also, yes, I have medical supplies even if this really goes off the rails: antibiotics, cat litter, masks, anti-bacterial soaps, plastic, lots of duct tape, etc...everything except a respirator but the 5.56 stand-off should suffice for that shortfall. Do you consider your supplies to be adequate for what may unfold over the coming weeks or Months? Yes. We will do fine for months. Did you plan to go it solo or with a small trusted group? Solo (plus wife) unless things go crazy...then we'll team up. Is Ed Still alive in LA or have his neighbors ate him? I think all that is left are a few bones for soup... I did hear he was quite tasty! Do you believe Virus Mania will be a short term (Few More Weeks) Medium (1-2 more Months) Longer (3-8 Months or more)? I think the 'mania' will go for ~2 more weeks after that we'll know if the virus is getting worse or better and the mania will follow, ramping up or down...but in 2 weeks we'll know. What are is level of concern over this event overall do you have if any (People, Virus, Economy etc?) Personally, I don't have any concern about this unless it's I don't want anyone to get sick. I believe overall, this virus while serious is no where close to some of the others (Spanish Flu) so I think the worse damage will be done to the economy. Am I concerned about that? No. Will it recovery? Yes, and it will recover quickly if we turn the corner on the virus within 2 weeks if not...then we could get a serious problem.
SHIT! I gotta get bagged doggy food! Was so focused on getting ourselves up to speed, I forgot the furbabies! I normally mix their food my self, chunks of beef and chicken and fresh veggies, but with things going sideways, were going to need to get the boys enough food to last a while! Off to the feed store! lucky me, I got the van so I will pick up a pallet and stash it!
It's not a SHTF yet. Given ehough time, I'm sure the locals or the Govf will make a royal screwup of everything. SInce the Mayor is a Dem, he declared an Emergency and started spending like a drunk sailor of shore leave.... Oh and we one case in town. One.
and he even looks like A Demon-crat Politico... Haven’t heard much from Lisa either... What is.up with her?
Mrs. T5R Went nuts on the Dog Food and did not tell me. The elevator delivery truck pulled in today with 2 pallets of Dog Food. That cost more than my ammo binge Finding a place to put that much Dog Food without warning has been fun.
Well those 2 boxes of 300mags and the box of .38s looked lonely all alone on the shelves, so I adopted them
I'm going to have the same issue when I get these pallets home! I suppose I could store it in the hanger which is only 3 miles drive, or worse, a long hike on foot! At least the prices didn't go up, so that's good! Seems the feed prices are remaining consistent, so i'm not worried! Picked up some much needed K-9 medical supplies to shore up their emergency supplies ( again, something I should have kept updated better) but at least this gives me a good look at things before they get worse, so I can plan ahead and be better prepared!
Not SHTF yet, and wouldn't be near SHTF if it weren't for the news pimps hyping it to sell ad space and undermine our leadership for their own politics. Political leadership here is probing to see how conditioned we are to being controlled. Governor Brownshirt has been floating a 24x7 curfew for all but getting food and essential work. I think deep down they are thinking that this may be the event to "progressively transform" us by destroying the economy so they can rebuild us in their Tyrannical wet dream fantasy. Locally stores are restocking every night and then get sold bare during the day. If you lose your job short term or get laid off all our grocers are desperately hiring to keep the shelves stocked. It's so bad it's been mentioned on the nightly news locally. Amazon is hugely in need of warehouse workers and delivery staff since so many people don't want to expose themselves by going to the store and finding the shelves bare. I'd have to think that medical and related job opportunities will be going through the roof soon. I mentioned the job opportunities to some of lefty "friends" who were whining about losing jobs and needing help and what was the govt going to do for them. Let's just say it went over like a turd in a punch bowl. Nope, not good enough, they want free. OK, lets go for a few weeks/months and let Darwin take it's course. Limits are helping. Some stores are setting aside special shopping hours for the elderly so they can avoid crowds/exposure and competition. Hopefully saturation will happen soon and folks will calm down on the combat shopping. Some restaurants are selling gift cards where the money goes to laid off employees. Family, friends, and neighbors have been checking in on each other. I work in the medical industry. I can tell you that there is TREMENDOUS activity in getting ready for the expected inrush of patients. I've never seen things this proactive in my life. It's all encompassing planning and decision making and most of what I've seen is spot on. One of the few things FDR got right was the reassurance that "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." No, not SHTF yet, but a glimpse into the abyss.
Right now, it's SHTF in baby stages. I am fully anticipating martial law before too very long. Incrementalism is just testing the waters, and the sheep will go right along with it. I'm not afraid of the coronavirus; I'm afraid of the people that are afraid of the coronavirus.