At the beginning of a shtf incident all the food stores are going to be sold out in a hurry plus being dangerous with the number of people not being prepared. Why not go to the feed store and load up there? There you could find whole corn,cracked corn,rice bran,wheat bran,molasses plus others I caint think of right now. All of this would be in 50 lb bags except the molasses and would be cheap eating. Most people would not think of going to a feed store for food at first so it ought to be a lot safer. You might even find animal antibiotics you could use in a bind. I imagine dog food would taste good after not eating for a while. What do you think.?
Because in a SHTF the Feds will lock elevators/feed stores down tighter than a frogs butthole. And can get 50 pound bags of dry molasses and from 1 gallon up to 55 gallon drums of liquid.
Don’t forget whole and rolled oats. I have eaten corn meal from whole corn purchased at Tractor Supply. Some feed grains, such as deer corn, have additives to control mold (Aflotoxin) and pest so it would be wise to check it out early. Tractor supply’s whole corn is suppose to be Aflotoxin free. I winnowed it, washed it and let it dry in the sun before grinding it and it was fine.
Ain't to many of them city dwellers gonna know much about that type of food fixin . I'd bet a 50# bag of corn would look like no more than popcorn to them , if that .
Yup have ground whole corn for corn meal. Oats not so much but it takes a little more prep for cereal food.
When the moment comes I’ll be grabbing everything I can get. I can alway bait deer, hogs, squirrels, duck, dove, etc with corn.
I wondered about milk for calves. I may have posted about it before. I imagine it would be cheaper than powdered milk in # 10 cans. I am less into grains and other carbs. Fats and healthy calories are more what I look for. Imagine how long things will be available in SHTF.
What about canned dog food,l bet a man could live on that also. There is a lot a man could survive on. I don't like the idea of eating dog food but if I had to I would. It also would be better than eating the dog.
ALWAYS read the label on canned pet food. Ingredients may not safe for human consumption. That said if people can't eat it, is it safe for Rover?
Most if not all canned meat dog food has the de-boners set too deep and as a result bone chips in the finished product.
I was wondering the same thing so I looked it up and some body builders use calf starter as a supplement. There is a lot of disagreement as to if it works. However, it seems to be safe from what I read. The only warning is to pasteurize it after mixing by heating it slowly to 161 degrees, holding it there for 15 seconds and then cooling it rapidly.
Most Feed and Farm supply have good to top shelf dog foods, and they can be really good for a lot longer needs! The trick is to wet it a little at a time, and then add in founds as you go! You would be quite surprised and what you can eat and survive, I spent 3 weeks in the field with no resupply in a country that had been stripped clean of most foods! The funny part was, no body touched the crops, so partially rotted Onions, Potatoes, Beets, and fruit fall from the trees were a delicacy when your only option is eat or starve! Farm supplies were pretty easy to find, most city folk had no idea what was what, and turned away from the best grains and such, preferring easier pickings!
But I thought Ken-l Ration blue label was top shelf? Ah well long ago and short on cash at a Beach in Hawaii @ Bellows AFB. Top of the Line. The dog food's "original" main ingredient was "U.S. Government Inspected horse meat", advertised as "lean, red meat".[3][4]
All we have around here is Rice fields...But along with rice paddies comes crawfish and huge bullfrogs + what ever birds land in rice paddies+raccoons, Nutria's ain't bad either