Binoculars Are they Necessary for Bugout & If So Is this Light Compact Model Sufficient?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by ED GEiN, Nov 5, 2019.

  1. ED GEiN

    ED GEiN Monkey+++

    I'm not a hunter and I'm just wondering if Binoculars are a necessary item for bugging out when SHTF. If so, I need a lightweight, compact model and I'm planning to buy this if binoculars are a must and just want to know if you think they are adequate or you have another small lightweight binocular you'd recommend instead.

  2. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Yes ,, they are a very handy item to have ,,, you really should find a pair that would actually give you good magnification at a wide field of view . JMO..
  3. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

    I think they are necessary. I have a pair in my BOB About the same price range I brought just for the purpose.
  4. ED GEiN

    ED GEiN Monkey+++

    What do you think is good magnification? Thanks
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  5. Out in the woods

    Out in the woods off-grid in-the-forest beekeeper

    At best I use binoculars once a decade.
    Zimmy, 3cyl and Gator 45/70 like this.
  6. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    I use an Monocular easy to put in a pocket good range and quick and easy
  7. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

    If your avatar is any reflection on the real you that explains a lot.
    Oltymer, VisuTrac, Tempstar and 5 others like this.
  8. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I have binocs, one set in the pickup (7X35) and one for spotting in the woods (7X50.) I don't carry them unless I have a valid reason for looking at some thing specific.
    Consider a couple things:

    Weight. Heavy is a mixed blessing. Heavy helps a LOT with stabilizing your view. It also adds to your loadout.
    Power. Used to be that the standard for USN binocs was 10X50, which someone determined was the highest power a young, fit, man could use to scan the horizon for shipping of the enmical sort. Now, I don't know, but signal men can and do use them for reading flag and signal lights. Obviously, 10 is the magnification, and 50 is the objective lens diameter, which of course affects the light gathering ability.

    Opinions;. For SHTF, binocs are a weight you don't need. Those 10X25 in your post are useless, possibly excepting for checking out costumes in the live theatre, and then ONLY if you have a way to steady them. The field of view will be too narrow for scanning and too dim for use in other than noon time daylight. Save your money for food.
  9. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    The Monocular is what I'd really like to have ,, lighter weight , more compact . But ,, does bring a higher price .. but a 3x9x40 ,,,or 50 mm scope atop a good rifle will also make a damned good substitute pair of binoculars . :D
    Zimmy, Gafarmboy, Gator 45/70 and 2 others like this.
  10. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    Magnification is a big plus, BUT, you get what you pay for. For me, big and heavy are out, but get good glass. Cheapie binoculars won't give you the detail that good glass will whether it's a monocular, binocular, range finder, rifle scope etc. The issue I'd have with a rifle scope is it adds a lot of weight to your scan and is cumbersome to boot. A big objective lens may be great for low light viewing but they will be heavy and if you need light gathering ability you might want to think about some sort of night vision. On the other hand Ed, you can over think this whole thing. Getting out early before things turn really ugly and you avoid a lot of problems. No such thing as too early. If things settle down you can go back, but where you are, I'd want as early a start as possible.
  11. Quick comment. Dividing diameter of objective by power will give you diameter of the exit pupil. 7x50 gives you a seven mm exit
    pupil. 10x50 a 5mm exit pupil. More light is transmitted like at dawn and dusk. As we age however our eyes don't open up as far. Another reason young men go to war. That said I'm still using my old 7x50's at 68..
    Dunerunner, oldawg, Gafarmboy and 2 others like this.
  12. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

  13. Oddcaliber

    Oddcaliber Monkey+++

    I got several pare of binoculars in different magnification settings. Get to a sporting goods store that sells binoculars and take a good look through them to determine what your needs are. Good glass is expensive but only your wallet will determine the outcome. Happy hunting.
  14. Gafarmboy

    Gafarmboy Monkey+++

    I will agree with Marvin on this subject as well as others here when it comes to binos. My Steiners have been past down to the younger members of the clan who can actually see stuff with them. I am content to let Bob carry my cheaper 7x50 so on those rare occasions I need to see past the end of the road, I will have them. My optometrist told me that my eyes were ruined from using NV for years. Personally, I think that is from all the black eyes I received from getting my ass kicked by professionals.
    Gator 45/70, Dont, Dunerunner and 4 others like this.
  15. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    [LMAO][LMAO]That last sentence caused coffee to spew everywhere . Funny how with age , comes great wisdom ,, for some .
  16. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    to actually answer the original posting - probably more important for bugging out than in >>> but absolutely essential for both ...
    I keep a golf monocular handy in the driver storage and airline carried one for road trips forever - there's always need for close observation and the occasional spying ...
    binoculars will be one of those rabidly sought after items in a serious SHTF - confiscated by just about anyone with the authority to do so - and if you're bugging in I wouldn't openly walk around the neighborhood >> could turn into a matter of contention ...
  17. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    If you get optics don't go cheap. Cheap optics usually come with aberrations that will give poor image quality making them all but useless. If you can't see clearly there is no point.

    Buy them where you can try them. A large sporting goods store like a Cabelas or a Sportsmans will give you some room to get a feel of how well they work at distance. Black Friday deals are coming up soon, so I'd suggest holding off on many purchases including this one until then.

    BTW, Steiner as mentioned and linked above is a VERY trusted name.

    If you are carrying them as mentioned above consider a monocular as it will be lighter and more compact.

    You can also use a rifle scope for this purpose, so if you are carrying a rifle consider something like one of Primary Arms 1x6 or 1x8 ACSS scopes. The ACSS reticle will allow you easily and quickly estimate the distance of whatever and whoever you are looking at. This magnification range is also similar to the most useful binocular range. It's also most useful for hostilities. They are also illuminated so are effective for this at dusk and dawn.

    The gauge on the right will give you an approximate distance. Pick something about the height of a typical man placing the bottom of the object at the bottom of the gauge. The number top of the object will tell you the approximate distance in hundreds of yards. The aiming portion of the reticle in red will give you the holdover for those distances in the event hostility occurs. The dots at the top are lead for a person walking at 5 mph and the others are for wind.
    Dunerunner and chelloveck like this.
  18. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I second this. More precisely, food and water procurement as well. A "bug out" is a last resort, a desperate attempt to remove yourself from harm with the hope to relocate to a more hospitable environment. The 10 C's Checklist is a solid primer if there's any doubt.
    The Basics: Critical 10 C's to Survival
    Gator 45/70 and chelloveck like this.
  19. Capt. Tyree

    Capt. Tyree Hawkeye

    The binocular weight vs. size vs. magnification & field of view combination can be a forced compromise. A good pair of 10x50s are optimal for bringing things in for close inspection, but are bulky and heavy if you have to wear them around your neck, or in its carry case over an extended time period.

    Compromise and trade-off is something we all go through in such decisions. For years I carried a cheap-to-mid-priced pair of Bushnell 7x35s on hunting trips. They did the job for scanning the woods to my satisfaction. They are now "retired" into a back up role. Currently, I use a pair of O.D. green rubber armored Steiner 6x30s for the same hunting purpose. The Steiners are a decided step up in lens quality (view brightness & sharp detail) and cost. They have the added benefit of being slightly smaller and lighter with only a slight reduction in magnification and field of view.

    The 10x25s you inquire about are better suited for the opera and back yard bird and squirrel watching from a steady rest. I suppose they would be better than nothing, but could be a source of frustration when put to field use in a hiking / bug-out situation.
    Gator 45/70 and chelloveck like this.
  20. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Get the best you can afford. I have a $600 bolt gun with $1200 worth of glass. Worth every nickel.
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