I had one years ago when they were cheaper than AR-15s. Like the ARs there are loads of options and after-market add-ons. I never had any problems with the after-market magazines. The Mini-14s are used by police and security forces around the world, at least according to Ruger. One reason for this is that it isn't a scary black gun! Now the basic Mini-14 runs $700 and an AR-15 is $450.
I got one about two years ago. I like it. It shoots 1 1/2" at 100 yards and shoots any brand of ammo I have tired. Only minus I see is if your a reloader. It really spits out the brass fast and hard. Easy to loose brass and it puts a dent in the lip where the bullet seats. Other then that Its a fun gun to shoot.
Forgot all about that guy! Note the mag stored in the stock. There is also a folder version you can shoot with the stock folded. Some Nutnfancy reviews here - I like how he all but abuses his reviews and tells it like it is (at least to him): nutnfancy su 16 - YouTube
I considered buying one but after reading so many negative reviews over the years, and the prices seemed a bit crazy. PSA ar-15,s are dirt cheap.
and as far as I know - Ruger has never taken up the many many suggestions to make a model that takes the AR magazines - $100s more on exclusive Ruger magazines
It's not as simple as you would think as the retention systems are very different. At a minimum they would lose the sleek mag well that keeps them fairly consistent with the M-14 look. Also, back when Mini-14's were cheap compared to AR's (like when I bought mine) they had a larger part of the market share. Now sales are comparatively low so they might have determined that the costs to change might not be recouped. How well does that folding stock work when you are shooting? Looks uncomfortable but I've heard it's pretty workable. Oh, and push that plug in that's halfway hanging out. Reminds me of something I did with a pocket knife when I was a kid (just once!)
Like most folding stocks of the 70's and 80's it's crappy, but solidly built. I did have a piece of pipe insulating foam over the tube, but no matter how tight I tried wrapping it, it seemed to come loose and rotate when shouldering it. I wouldn't want to shoot it in freezing temps. Mainly it's for nostalgia purposes nowadays...I hear the A-Teams theme song in the distance and I could have sworn I saw a black van with red highlights driving through my neighborhood. Plus, as everybody knows you shoot a GB Folder with the stock stowed and from the hip, but watch out for the explosions that follow.
Actually I was asking about the SU-16 folder in the pic. I do like the standard stock on the Mini-14 compared to the folder, also the genuine Ruger stocks are big bucks.
I had an SU16 and it was a fun stowable little carbine. Mine was some time back, so maybe quality has improved. The bipod/handguard was shaky when deployed and the gun just felt somewhat flimsy to me. I bought it because it was foldable in a time of limited options and it took AR mags. It may be a useful truck gun because of it's size, but if I had to defend myself, I'd much rather have the Mini in hand. YMMV
I remember buying a couple of 30rd. magazines for my Mini-14 that would also work in an AR-15, and they wanted a pretty-penny for them. I never tried them in an AR-15. I think I sold them with the gun.
......... "Eagle" brand I believe. I had some back in the late 80s and found that the lips would spread and spew round out at random.
I inherited an older Mini 14. Came with a number of serviceable mags, mostly Ruger, all tested and true. Never even fired until I received it. Accuracy at 100 meters with various junk ammo about 4". Good enough for a journeyman rifle riding in the UTV around the place. It is what it is.
I had one for a few years. Sold it to a family member a few years ago because I just HAD to have an AR-15. Bought one of the first Ruger AR-556 carbines to show up at my LGS. I have regretted it ever since. I'm actually planning to sell the AR if prices go up after the first of the year sufficiently to pay for a new wood & stainless ranch rifle to replace it.
My biggest issue with the gun would be that in a real SHTF situation, magazines would be an issue. As for the rifle itself, I don't shoot mine enough and 300 BLK isn't getting any cheaper.
In a real SHTF situation, if one were to actually survive a gun battle, then I would imagine AR15s would probably be available as battlefield pickups, and magazines wouldn't still be a problem. And if one doesn't survive, then you could die knowing the SOB what killed you didn't come out far ahead getting your Mini and a few spare mags.
I've always enjoyed the Mini. I had a SS one with the factory folder and six factory mages that I traded for a SP-1 back in '80. Still wish I had it. They are great at what they were/are called-a ranch rifle. I do not care for all the crap out there that makes them tacticool. Iron and wood for me as far as the Mini is concerned. Always wanted a Mini 30. I'll jump on one if I come across the right deal. The ranch rifle will ride in your truck or on the four wheeler and still hit minute of coyote @ 200 yrds. Not my 1st choice for SHTF, but if it's what I had I wouldn't feel naked either. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING OTHER THAN FACTORY MAGS.
What WildBilly said above: "I never had any problems with the after-market magazines. The Mini-14s are used by police and security forces around the world, at least according to Ruger. One reason for this is that it isn't a scary black gun!" This reflects my own experience with them, and the fact that police and security outfits were using them successfully is what spurred my own purchases. I never got my Holy Grail rifle, a stainless mini with the Ruger folder and all tricked out from the factory, but did pretty good with after market additions. I threw a lotta ammo down the ranges and at various gravel pits, landfills and mtn sides, jackrabbits and prairie dog towns on ranch lands in Colo and Wyoming.... PMC, surplussed milspec, and 10X reloads. I do not recall ever having a problem with any of the ammo nor any FTFs...This was 40 years ago more or less <yikes> so if there were any specific ammo problems I don't recall it. Bought ammo by the case and the Ten-X rep knew me by sight and by name... Ive had 5 of them, most all of them in the 1970-80's when they were cheaper than AR's. Really liked the mini, esp the centennial year model.Had one drilled and tapped for a scope and as I recall ran a 4X Weaver on it. Other than the five-rounder for hunting I used a lot of 30-round mags. They served satisfactorily until I got an AR15 SP1... As I familiarised myself with the AR my interest in the minis waned.
I have a stainless steel mini-14, that I bought about 22 years ago, used, for $500. Steal of the year, for sure! LOL Accuracy is fine, imho. It was designed as a varmint gun, and in that role, it's a workhorse. Over a couple years' time, I must have run 500 rounds of crappy steel case ammo through it (with that wonderful varnish-like coating, that works so well at gumming up an AR-15 chamber), without a hitch, and without ever doing more cleaning, than running a brush, and then a patch with cleaner, followed by a patch with oil, down the barrel. Try doing that, with your basic AR-15, sometime, and tell me how much fun you're going to have, cleaning it! Let's put it this way. If I were bugging out, chances are, that I'd grab my AR....but if I didn't, my mini-14 would be the close 2nd choice. The only downside I've found? The price of the magazines is atrocious. Glad I picked a bunch up, right after I bought the rifle, and I had plenty of cash to throw at that sort of thing!
Ran across this bit of awesomeness from Samson Manufacturing called the Hannibal. They have them in versions that fit ALL Mini-14's including the original pencil barrels. IMO it's almost a mandatory upgrade if you are running the platform. It's more solid than a standard cover because it attaches directly to the piston block replacing the top cover - see the installation video. Hannibal™ Rail for the Ruger® Mini-14® or Mini Thirty®
_______________ Wow! I wrote that back in October of 2019. Well, the AR-556 sold in mid to late 2020, and not for enough to fully pay for a new Mini-14, but the market rules, eh? Picked up one of the newer Mini-584 models in early 2021. And then added a couple more 20 round mags and a pair of 5 round mags. So, I have enough mags for 90 rounds, and can hunt with it if so inclined for varmints. I put a 3x9 scope on it, as my eyes need all the help I can get. It mostly lives in the safe, but then so do all of the rest of my guns. Just don't get out that often. Darn job, and all. But that will be changing in a few years, the Good Lord willing and the health and vision stay as good as they currently are. The only changes I made to the new Mini are I added a front sling swivel to be able to use a bi-pod, and I worked over the trigger and sear to polish them up.