And Most of Kali power comes from,......................... the Bonneville Power Administration, to which they pay a bunchly to Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Canada! Wonder what Or. and Wa. did with all that money? Besides Not maintaining/upgrading all the Damn Dams in the system, which are well past their 50 year lifespan and most are in serious disrepair! It's only a matter of time before it all comes crumbling down around us! Let it all burn says me, lets get this party started already!
I live in the Tennessee Valley, where we have a lot of trees, a lot of rain, and periods of drought ( like now), but some how the Tennessee Valley Authority is able to keep the vegetation cut back. Maybe TVA could teach PG&E a few things... like how to prevent fires and blackouts.
I think the problem is Califuknuts won't allow them to cut back the veggies . I read something about it a while back ,, can't really remember it right now , but they wouldn't allow the grooming of the landside ,, even tho they knew it contributed to the fire dangers . Sounded stoopid to me , but then I don't have the education them fuktwit lawmakers have .
ya shipping electicity 800 miles south is so economical, the loss in power as it travels is very high..... ask @Meat to do the math for you.... they have to boost it every so often to get it from oregon to LA. Dumbest damn use of electricity I have ever seen
Phoned a friend last night in San Diego. He brought up something I hadn't thought about or seen posted: He and everyone else is out of work for the rest of the week, and most without pay. His company allowed employees who have vacation time left to use that, but here at summers end I doubt many have a weeks vacation left. He is using a small generator during the day to keep the refrigerator and freezer cold and has plenty of fuel, but said he will not use it at night because going into the first night it is eerily quiet outside. This is going to have far reaching economic impact.
Well damn it,That's not the ultra-mega liberal section of the state....That's the part of Kali that actually wants to break away....
I have a friend I take to dialysis every other day and there are thousands of people needing dialysis every day here. I would be willing to bet none of the dialysis centers have auxiliary power which leaves it to the local hospitals which rely on outside dialysis unit for service. and Hospital services will be swamped with people in distress even more. Actually, this event is going to prepare California better than most other states in the event of an unplanned emergency. This was a planned event, people had a heads up. If they do nothing it is on their own head. One serious backfire to this is that those with solar grid-tied only, are going to be without power as well. Only those of us that had the foresight to build a battery system will weather this unscathed. No one wanted to listen to me before all this. Probably a few here still won't take the hint.
I didn't hear you talk, but had the same thought about solar in 2007. Built my system battery back up base, later added enough grid tie only to cut out my bill. When our power goes out, if I think it's gonna be a while, I walk out in the garage and flip that red handle on the side of the right side of the transfer switch down from "grid" to "solar" and we keep on operating critical circuits such as lights, refrigeration, etc. Other end of that switch is a battery bank and 6kw of solar panels. (Have an additional 5kw that is grid tie only....IF the power were gone long term, I'd re-wire those micro-inverters to make them 'think' my little grid was 'the' grid, and pump that additional power into my system) Won't run the heavy load stuff like the wall oven (cooktop is propane), or the dryer, but there is the cloths line if needed and a wood cook stove oven in the auxiliary kitchen if something needs baking. Grid supplied electric is quite handy and I'm not about to chop it off.....but we can do just fine without it for long time.
That is one hell of a door there Andy! I have a stand by generator on the house. Its NG but I have a kit to switch to propane. Just don’t have any propane tanks yet besides the few for the grill. We have a small solar set up but nothing whole home yet. We have been talking about getting some solar and our house is situated well for it. We just haven’t done it yet. I agree that when we do we will get the battery system with it. This is a good dry run for the people in CA.
You mean the one on the left about 1/2 out of frame ? 6x6' homemade walk-in cooler, but the door is off a commercial unit. Currently got 800lb of steer hanging in there, plan to start cutting in the morning. (This photo is hogs from some years back)
Interesting map. No, not the map really, but the list below of the counties with customers not getting power. Hmm. As of 14 minutes ago: San Francisco - 1; Santa Barbara - 1; Sacramento - 0; Monterey - 1; San Mateo - 15643 (about 10%, San Mateo is just below Frisco); Santa Clara - 29400 (25% - east of San Mateo county); Santa Cruz - 36885 (50% -south of San Mateo county, west of Santa Cruz); San Luis Obisbo - 1; Lake - 36747 (74% - up in the sticks); Napa - 31160 (72% - eh, farmers); Nevada - 42510 (72% - right over there next to Nevada); Placer - 36956 (60%, right below Nevada); El Dorado - 52324 (69% - right below Placer). So to a large degree they're keeping the power on in the "right people" counties, and cutting it out east and up north and to the wine growers.
It's like a free trip to Venezuela for the entire state! BTW Gavin Newsom talking now about the CA economic boom ending. It's only a matter of time before the outages aren't due to fire danger. Also noted that rural areas appear to have their power turned off before other areas even though their power is supplied through the areas cut off. 'We're about to begin our descent': California Gov. Gavin Newsom warns the state's 'boom' is ending
As mixed up as that damned State is, I still care about the folks there. I have many friends and relatives that live there. I have lived and worked many disasters in my life, it is never pretty or satisfying. It takes a cheap-shot SOB to look at folks suffering, for whatever reason, and gloat.
At least the state is providing guidance for what to buy for the outages. Power outage preparedness kit: Essentials to buy for California's planned blackout Hm.
Yeah, I'm in that circle of thought too. Demo craps are getting outed out on the Ukraine business something major happens to divert the attention from them. At least its not another shooting?
well i just spoke to a friend of mine in San Fran, he says PG & E shut off their lines because of the high winds. THey were sued last year for the damage to homes due to fires caused by downed powerlines. So they shut the power down so that they are not liable for fires. Lawsuit happy state. Their own fault