Got a letter from the NFA division today about my Form 1 SBR for the RAS47. I forgot to include the local sheriff's info and a request for photos of the manufacturer's markings. When I checked the AK against the form I see where I screwed up. I typed RAZ instead of RAS in the serial number portion. I'll try to contact the point of contact on the form tomorrow to straighten things out and see where I go from here. It's my mistake and I'm glad they looked into it instead of just approving it and the serial number being wrong.
Thinking you can get an approval form of sorts,Pick up your can,Play with it until the actual stamp comes in....Something along that lines, Your check has been cashed,Your approved,Was reading in another forum about how to get your can out of jail. Edit, Seems the guy requested a certified copy of his stamp,Received it,Picked up his can and 30 days later the actual stamp came in...Strange things happen all the time when dealing with .Gov
Emailed the agent and was promptly replied to with the info to correct the paperwork. I'll mail it off today and hope it won't re-start from day one again.
now wait a minute... I'm just now starting down this road so I'm not trying to be a smarta$$, just trying to remember what I've learned... but I thought the tax was $5 for a short shotgun?
AOW's can be short barreled shotguns without a shoulder stock and less than 26" overall length. $5.00 Short Barreled Shotguns are shotguns with less than an 18" barrel and/or less than 26" overall length and intended to be fired from the shoulder (ie. shoulder stocked). $200.00
AK SBR stamp came in today, less than two weeks after I sent off the correction. Once again the turn around time isn't too bad. I went with a Texas Weapon Systems railed top cover since it would give me a longer sight radius with the peep sight, Magpul furniture, Aimpoint Micro, Ace side folding hinge and AR adapter, and a Gemtech quick mount flash hider for my 30 cal can.
That seems like a lot of work and bother. I got a sawed-off shotgun that belonged to my Father, I called ATF and they told us how short we could saw it off and how to measure it. We went a little longer to be on the safe side and did it with a hacksaw. If I wanted one shorter I'd just wait til the SHTF and do it then...along with a few other currently illegal projects.
It's better to figure all this shit out before shtf. Say if you saw the barrel off, now you don't have a front site. Do it now and you could have a nice 12 inch rifle slug barrel with rifle nice sites that are sited in.
At that range I would most likely be firing from the hip and using shot, especially if I were to cut-down the stock.
The work is in putting it through testing and evaluation of what is successful and what will fail, before the SHTF. The Ithaca 37 patterns WAY differently with the short barrel and in a SHTF situation I wouldn't want to practice shooting it to see how it handles and patterns. I might not be able to replace ammo and it would attract unwanted attention. Four inches of barrel makes a world of difference in both patterns and jail (and other things according to my exwife).