Boat, Plane, Walking, Car, Motorcycle,Bicycle,RV What is Your Best Way to Escape TEOTWAWKI

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by ED GEiN, Oct 5, 2019.

  1. Merkun

    Merkun furious dreamer

    The rocky road wasn't all you missed. While contemplating when to leave or who might take you in, you'll need a place to park the train. Somehow I doubt that LA would take kindly to parking on the street.
    road train australia - Google Search
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  2. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    Too many variables. Anything you say? In that vein Imma gonna hollar for Scotty to beam me outta thar!..............Seriously tho, it won't be boats for me. All mine got sunk in tragic firearm accidents.:rolleyes:
    Homer Simpson, Zimmy, Ura-Ki and 4 others like this.
  3. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    Given the what-if and wishful thinking aspect of potential transportation I prefer tectonic shift. Nice and gentle, take my whole continent with me.

    The trouble is, for this bunch, it's too slow. THIS is how modern mass evacuations look.
    Now picture that number of people moving through some difficult terrain because nice wide roads over flat terrain don't always go away from the threat or toward any particular destination.

    If everybody is moving in the same direction at the same time it's going to be slow going for everybody. One choke point in a highway can lock a wheeled vehicle into a situation where it can't be moved against the one way flow of the evacuation. So you've left your comfortable home, loaded all your precious stuff into a motor home and now you're stuck in some random unfamiliar place. Not a great start.

    I can continue down the ever deteriorating situational chain until, assuming you're still around, you end up in one place. On foot, using your wits to move along as quickly and easily as possible with what little you can carry and survive. The trail of camping gear along the exit route will show your level of practice in actually carrying everything you own for an extended period.

    So with the assumption that "the word" was passed by the news, and the situation is being guided by the news, on how far, in what direction, and how severe the threat is, I have to wonder if they have it right. I
    can imagine a mass exodus starting in minutes if there was a WiFi shift that caused all forms of wireless communication to be shut down in a big wave sweeping slowly across the country. It'd look like a Pokémon Go Pandemic.

    I'm old and stubborn and I've lived through lots of hard times with just what was in my pockets. I like my view from the porch and will take my chances right here. Ya'll have a nice evacuation, and take all that pandemic, and the news people with you.
    Ganado, Zimmy, Homer Simpson and 7 others like this.
  4. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I'll play along even though you are missing a lot of other factors in your post.
    I'm going to assume your time zero for the event happens while I'm at work or otherwise away from my intended BOL.
    Screw all of the above .. I'm going with a gyrocopter.

    If I'm at my intended BOL, not going anywhere as it's where I intend to die of old age or other reason. And that could include being irradiated or killed by my own government or a tiny virus
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2019
  5. Waydah

    Waydah Monkey

    The answer to the question asked by the OP is simply this..... you can't escape it! If you have anything other than a working time machine it doesn't matter. The real question is.... will you survive it?
  6. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    At my age I consider caches more important than bugging out. Approaching the point that if isn't hidden, it doesn't exist as far as long term survival supplies. With the nature of our present government and my neighbors, they will redistribute for the common good whatever the golden hoard doesn't steal. Every direction but towards the urban area from my house has natural choke points that would either be closed due to overloaded traffic, governmental actions, or bandits. Have a couple "hunting blinds" in remote areas within walking distance, several caches, and hope to be as grey as possible until it calms down or there is a major die off. Short term plan is to stay in place, if required move to over watch and try to maintain green house, wood piles, garden equipment, survival goods that don't cache, and if that fails fall back a few miles to very unpopulated area and multiple survival huts and caches. If that happens, I will not be alone as several families I know have similar plans and would make small raiding groups ineffective, and hopefully give warning and aid in evading large groups or the government. No river for boats, choke points for roads, too old to walk 100 miles and expect to survive with what I can carry, no airplanes, so staying in area, roughly 100 sq miles, is only option.
    Zimmy, sec_monkey and Gator 45/70 like this.
  7. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    I have read the bugging out stuff for years. Leave food and shelter for what? I imagine people here have lots of ammunition. I do recommend living at the place you would bug out to, live there now! I find my living off the beaten path comforting. I have figure out the locals will be screwed if the trucks don't keep coming with food. Without a greenhouse growing food here is almost impossible.
  8. UncleMorgan

    UncleMorgan I like peeling bananas and (occasionally) people.

    Once you are forced off your land and become a refugee you lose most of your survival options.

    That gives you a very short projected lifespan. Right along with every other refugee.

    The process of starving to death starts with the first meal you miss. After that, the process is either interrupted, or concludes in less than forty days.

    The process of bleeding to death starts with the first drop of blood you lose, and ends with the first drop you can't live without. The time frame for that can be very short.

    A refugee's physical resources are limited to what they can carry on their back (or push in a shopping cart) and simultaneously defend from every other refugee/predator they meet along the way.

    If you have ordinary ground transportation, your risks are magnified because you are the richest target. You have more (and better!) of what everyone else wants or needs.

    If you have a BOL--or any safe destination--your survival becomes a race against time. The longer you are a refugee the greater the chance you will become a roadside corpse. The faster you can can get to a safe destination, the more likely you are to get there alive.

    Flying to a BOL is hard to beat because it eliminates most of the roadside hazards, including interaction with other refugees.

    Think you can't fly? Think you can't afford an aircraft? Check out the Spratt 103.
    Congratulations: you now have a new survival hobby.

    I am acquainted Mr. Geffrey. His design is impeccable. It's perfect for flying fair weather by day (VFR). You can modify it for longer range and IFR flight. It can carry 2 persons, or one plus a respectable load of fuel & cargo.

    The problem with having a BOL is that if you can get there, so can everyone else. And everyone will be looking for a BOL. Any BOL, including yours. Especially yours, because it's just perfect.

    (How nice of you to make it that way. Now, get out!)

    Or, much more likely:

    (It's ours now, boys. Let's eat this guy before he spoils.)

    Their need will always be the only need that matters to them. Their needs automatically trump your rights.

    As does their might, if they have enough of it.

    Best to already be at your BOL when the flood of refugees hits the road. Best to be at a BOL you can defend indefinitely when the flood arrives.

    You will need to defend it until the last refugee dies or finds a refuge, one way or another.

    Man is the most vicious predator on the planet. WE are what sharks have to be protected from, right along with lions, tigers and bears.

    (I heard that!)
    Ganado, Zimmy, Tempstar and 7 others like this.
  9. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I have trucks and boats motorcycles and trailers and hand cart.
    The worst-case scenario is a significant earth quale that actually does break off some of California to the pacific in which case the boats come in handy,(water world so to speak).
    In a lesser event, the truck and shop trailer with all my equipment is ready to go.
    The big question is road conditions and passability. Many roads here have overpasses and the possibility of fissures dismantling roads still exists. other people will be stuck trying to escape as well.
    I have a greenhouse frame plus another greenhouse kit.and a load of seeds so that where I move to I can reestablish gardening providing there is a water source. Remember that though you might have someplace picked out even purchased, other people have similar ideas.
    That and the fact that some areas may have established a barrier to prevent strangers from moving in to protect a limited wildlife supply.
    Stealth crossing long distances in fields may not be as simple as a hike. I have a red lens for my flashlight for passing through the night). I am willing to bet that there will be folk in fringe housing watching the woods for any movement. both the competition for game that will be fierce and the fear of fire visitors are careless with both good reason, to keep people out.
    Finding a canyon or cave and hiding it with trees and brush may be one's best hope. a tent or campfire, in the open, is a dead giveaway. Digging equipment might be a significant asset.
    Zimmy, Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  10. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator


  11. Merkun

    Merkun furious dreamer

    Make no mistake @Waydah, ol' ed knows this. For some reason, he keeps coming up with scenarios with minor variations on the theme that look for a way out of or a trick to survive in high rise LA during or after some kind of life's disruption. He has yet to realize (or at least to acknowledge) there ain't no way to get out of Dodge AFTER the incident.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2019
    Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  12. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    That is clearly Ed's best option!
    sec_monkey, Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  13. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    If you do not leave before the collapse , you might as well wait to leave after all has died down , otherwise you're going to be right out in the middle of mass hysteria . Theres nothing I hate more than people that are in mass hysteria , screaming , crying , completely dumbfounded ,,just stop ,, shut up , and think . As others have said ,, if it's that bad , it's going to catch up with you somewhere anyway . I'd rather deal with it in a familiar AO . Why run , you'll only die tired .
    Capt. Tyree, ED GEiN, Zimmy and 5 others like this.
  14. RouteClearance

    RouteClearance Monkey+++

    Dang nabit, who was the super troll that used to come here years ago that said all he needed to bug out was a wheel barrow, a debarked chihuahua, and a silenced .22lr?
  15. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Think I'll just put on my "shit-splatter" suit and watch. My barkless yapper is waiting out by the wheel-barrow.
    Zimmy, Gator 45/70, Ura-Ki and 3 others like this.
  16. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    ED ain't Gunkid or he would already have been ranting loudly about how wrong we are and how right he is. I miss him for his (un intended) humor.
  17. RouteClearance

    RouteClearance Monkey+++

    I know, but Ed's ?'s are a bit open ended. It don't take much to put your own situation and resources you have available to formulate a good plan.

    Right now, if TSHTF, I am SOL. A pair of crutches and a walker is all I have to bug out, so,,,,,,
  18. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    There is an online story titled "The Bug Out" that was written by SM member Halffast in 2005 that should be required reading for anyone who sees hope in running away from bad choices as their only option.
  19. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Same here. Spent five weeks in hospital, am now mobility-challenged, need a walker or wheelchair outside the house. Can't drive, and I am totally dependent on others for the first time since childhood. It sucks.
    So, I will bug-in here at home. I can deal with what happens as best I can, til the end. But I won't go down easy.
    Zimmy, Dunerunner, sec_monkey and 3 others like this.
  20. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    @ED GEiN the sad truth is that if you are in your current location the odds of bugging out and getting there alive are like the "0" on a roulette wheel. The "00" are the odds of you living long enough to survive in place likely by eating other people. The rest of the numbers are the likelihood of you ending up in someone else's stew pot. It's your choice to live where you do, but I'd freaking bolt to a safer area anytime you see bad stuff start to happen on the news.

    That's my plan as well. I'm bugging out before I need to. I'm relocating to a rural area that is EASILY defended from three sides and there isn't much of anything from the "open" side. To get to the "open" approach you have to go through another semi rural area that is easily defended from three sides (trust me nobody want to go through two of them) and their "open" side is easily defended by the population their.

    Think of my new AO to be the keep of a geographic castle. The population is full of patriots with military experience. Did I mention gravity fed water and some hydro along with the expertise to keep things going in a vacuum?

    Yes, vulnerable by air like everywhere else, but how long during TEOTWAKWI will aircraft be operational and we likely won't be on anybody's list to be worth that valuable resource? Even with an endless supply of air support how well has that worked out in any of the 'stans?

    We've been putting this off a bit as Mrs. 3M has been fighting health concerns but that's on track for us to bail next year.

    If things get dicey in my new home I'll need you to fly me to that boat so you can drop me off in Excursion Inlet. There's a whole case of beer in it for you so no worries.

    I'm sure @BTPost won't mind because even though I'm worthless, stupid and incompetent, I make up for it by being lazy...

    Just funnin - if things break down that bad where I'm going I'll give my life defending it alongside others. Community is one of the keys for choosing the area along with a TON of other criteria.

    When @chelloveck isn't obtusely lecturing us on "echo chambers", "confirmation bias", or how Capitalism has destroyed the world for everyone else, he actually comes up with some pretty good stuff. Some day he'll figure out that 99% of our political rants are the equivalent of old men shouting "Get off my lawn!".
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2019
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