Lucky dog! I was thinking of using it as an anatomy lesson. I've seen photos, too, but was hoping I could get a first-hand account, just in case.
This just cracked me up.....and if you've ever been to a Buffett show and seen the parking'll understand... Buffett was mentioned on Late Night with Conan O'Brien: During a speech, Jesse Jackson criticized Barack Obama and said Obama's been acting like he's white. Yeah, Obama said Jackson's comments were hurtful and they completely ruined his night at the Jimmy Buffett concert....
Good news Quig! Just don't push it to hard. I learned that the hard way when I broke a leg. Thought I knew more than the doctor. Found out I didn't.
Well got cool and started up the stove for the first tie this year last night. Now its back to the anual relearning on the finer points of controleing the heat from it to take off the chill without turning the front room into a sauna.
I will have to post pictures of the snow on the hill tops here near my home. Winters coming, havent had snow quite this early in a long time More the better
Finally happened here in VA. Some dilbert broad broadsided another car while text messaging while driving. DOA. What do you think it will take for the perp to croak rather than some one else? Sickening situation, and I see it every day. My commute is ten miles, and there are a minimum of 4 cell phones in use every day that I see.
Ghrit, drive a bigger vehicle. He with the most metal wins. As I type this I am pricing Ranchhand front end replacements for my Dodge 2500 4x4. My daughter turns 16 next summer, and I have decided to let her drive my 3/4 ton. I don't want some nimrod to hit her while they are texting, or talking, or changing clothes, or reading, or reaching for something, applying makeup....etc..etc.. If they do, then I want her to have as much metal between her and them as possible. My first day off in six weeks comes Sat.