hmmm... is this a thank you democrats... sorta thing or thing.... California is not just a public toilet but now there is evidence that leprosy is on the rise in Los Angeles County. Barack Obama changed US law in 2016 and allowed immigrants with blistering STDs and leprosy to migrate to the US. Medscape reported: Leprosy, also known as Hansen’s disease, is rarely seen in the United States, but cases continue to emerge in Los Angeles County, a new report says. “Hansen’s disease still exists, and we need to educate medical students and physicians,” coauthor Dr. Maria Teresa Ochoa from Keck Medical Center of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, told Reuters Health by email. Dr. Ochoa and colleagues identified 187 patients with the disease in a review of medical records from their leprosy clinic spanning 1973 to 2018. Most patients were Latino, originating from Mexico, and they experienced a median delay in diagnosis of more than three years, the team reports JAMA Dermatology, online August 7. Multibacillary leprosy (MB) cases outnumbered paucibacillary leprosy (PB) cases by nearly eight to one (88.6% vs. 11.4%, respectively), and Latino patients were more likely than non-Latino patients to have MB, as were patients from Central or South America (versus other regions). Most patients (80.7%) received multidrug therapy, and most (92.6%) received antibiotics for more than two years, especially if they had MB. Only about half of patients (56.7%) had World Health Organization (WHO) grade 0 disability (no signs or symptoms suggestive of leprosy or disability) at the one-year follow-up, whereas 16.0% had grade 1 disability (loss of protective sensation) and 26.2% had grade 2 disability (visible deformity) at the last follow-up. Among the patients who lost protective sensation, 87.7% (50/57) did not regain it following therapy. more on site.... New Report Shows Leprosy on the Rise in Los Angeles County
Progressive policies only lead backwards. All of the unaccompanied minors the 'bama shipped around the country had some crude that spread in schools. The msm didn't cover it. I'm just waiting for a pandemic.
No surprise here, let the slugs come in so you can make a worse slum in LA and then play like you're a savior of the poor.
where did you get this info???? how many cases of leprosy constitues 'on the rise' we need facts, not hate mongering.
Facts are on the internet from CDC to Ruters. Short story is the increase is coming from south of the border (CDC) and centers the patients in the LA area. Shorter story is that California appears to not be tracking it. Yes Cali has their own brand of CDC controlled by the Libs. CDC Site. Search Results | CDC 1,175 results returned for leprosy California Site for Communicable disease. California Department of Public Health | National Prevention Information Network Search Results Search Hansen's disease All (0) Materials (0) Organizations (0) Campaigns (0) Funding (0) Community (0) More (0) Recommend on Facebook Follow on Twitter Your search yielded no results So there you have it. Just the facts folks. HK
Crazy Times ahead! Population Control at it's most sinister, folks who require constant care who cannot afford it are now "Slaves to the System" God Help Us! I say the next big fire in Cali, we just let it burn from the Mexico border all the way to just north of Stockton!
No system is large enough to take care of millions of people. Most of the Libs are just too small minded to understand the concept of needing 100,000 new RNs and 50,000 new Docs a year to keep up with the aging population of the world. If you consider that the size of the EU Countries are seldom larger than some of our states then it is no wonder they cannot comprehend that it takes 24 hours to cross the state of Texas. Or that it can take 5 days to cross the US. Small minds making big problems.
Oh, that's nothing.....I listen occasionally to an LA radio station that I pick up outside of San Diego. Heard a while ago about Typhus and the plague, yes the Bubonic Plague! making a comeback, along with TB.... A recent news story on Tucker Carlson featured Victor Davis Hansen (an ultra conservative thinker from CA) saying that California is fast becoming the nation's first 3rd world state. All due to the do-nothing liberals in power here. What the F is wrong with these people? Dr. Marc Siegel: Ancient typhus is plaguing modern day Los Angeles – How did we get here, what should we do? Bubonic Plague In Los Angeles? Is California On The Verge Of Becoming A Third-World State?
To the tune of the Beverly Hillbilly's: "If you think Californee is the place you want to be, just pull out your gun and blow your brains to smithereens"
We in Louisiana had at one time the closest thing in the US to socialist health care. Difference being it was ran by The Nuns of Charity,Funded in part by donations and state tax dollars,Only a few of the locations now remain open...Pity Have we traveled the 6 corners of Australia old chap?
A desert country has a way of cleansing the trash of man. Then again a desert country once denied there was even a native population. Facts are simple that only a few years ago the Ladies were considered second class citizens and Abbos were 4th class, just below Asians. Size v Population v Human Services, you can figure that out.
i still dont see anything that says leprosy is on the rise the CDC only still reports 175 cases a year for the disease.... im lost as to why this is epidemic. Still waiting for facts and resources as to why this is epidemic
Man,I'm seeing commiefornia plates all over the place,These cock-roaches are leaving by the hundreds !!!
This thread and many of its posts are not actually concerned about the incidence of Hansen's disease in the USA...except as a vehicle for bashing liberals, Democratic Party (especially Californian) politicians, and brown people...oh, and The 44th POTUS. What is surprising about that?
Since there is a long gestation period of years the results will be seen in about seven years. I experienced the same thing in Houston when Aids began to hit. Politicians and Medical folks all denied an epidemic. I was a volunteer EMT so I saw first hand the results and experienced the lies fronm the PTB who wanted more votes as "Heroe of the down trodden". Had we prevented entry to those infected we could have saved more lives. Ebola is now an epidemic in Africa and it needs to be quarantined there just as other disease have been controlled until a cure was found. Better to have time to find cures than it is to start a brush fire that will spread. The clock is ticking. Spend some time and a little money and read the facts of not having a wall. International migration and control of communicable diseases Author links open overlay panelGeorge A.Gellert RedirectingGet rights and content Abstract The epidemiology and policy implications of communicable disease (CD) transmission associated with international migration have received little systematic study. This is a review of clinical and epidemiological reports in search of strategies to assess and manage the impact of international migration on the transmission of CDs. The economics and demography of migration from less developed to industrialized nations is considered. Migration-related transmission should differentiate between actual transmission as opposed to geographic relocation of disease. Limitations of current screening and disease prevention strategies are discussed. Social and ecological processes through which migration can contribute to increased CD transmission are described, including placement in refugee camps, unclear legal status of migrants in recipient nations, and temporary return migration. Strategies for non-discriminatory and non-punitive control of migration-related CDs, needed changes in clinical practice, and complexities presented by CDs of long latency (such as HIV infection) are reviewed