El Paso & Dayton are the straw that broke the camel's back - brace yourself for some radical measures!
Don't look good, FBI and Homeland insecurity say right wing more dangerous in country than criminals, Muslim radical groups, black lives matter, left wing terrorists, etc. A few hundred, 2 or 3, right wing people got a permit to march in Charlottesville, jumped thru all the hoops, did what they were told and were attacked by a mob several times their size, and we now see 2 hour specials about the white supremacists and their horrible attacks on that city and they list the police killed in a helicopter crash as victims of the white supremacists. Not going to win that or the gun debate. Maybe time to boycott some groups and services. I do not watch several TV stations, buy news magazines or newspapers that I used to as I can no longer stand their fake news. About 64,000 died of drug overdoses in 2018, all society;s fault and they have to be treated for their illness, 29 die in gun violence due to crazies and we all have to be disarmed. Gun control has nothing to do with guns and everything to do with control. History has shown that time after time.
Glad I got mine while the getting was good. The gun control efforts will fail and every time they do there will be yet more control. It's like a positive feedback loop getting out of control. Brace yourselves we are about to become subjects.
How many people do you think will just put their guns at the end of the driveway with a take one home for free sign. At 81 I am tempted to do so, if I bury it and die, it may disappear, but if someone just drives by and picks it up, they can do what they wish, I have no idea where it went. It would seem that even the crazies are getting more effective, death tolls are going up for each event each year as more and more of the nation is filled with sheep in gun free zones, ie guaranteed victims.
SO WHAT! Trump can say and do what ever, there are far FAR more of US who are armed and supplied who will not willingly comply with any unlawful action, and The Great Orange One had better watch it or he will find him self voted out in 2020 which will not do any of us any favors one way or the other! How about enforcing all the gun laws we already have on the books, casting out those that don't work, and fix the real issues! Though We all know, these mass shootings ar all a false flag to provide a means to an end, total disarmament! Buckle up, it's going to get rough!
I don’t get how a false flag would work in these cases. Brainwash or what? You’d have to believe you’re going to die. I really am beginning to think “real”is nah.
If you look at almost every single mass shooting event, they were all carried out by some one with serious mental health issues, all were medicated on SSRI's and all were well known to LEO! The oddball shooters were ideological and easy to manipulate, same as those medicated! Some one very powerful is searching out these broken people, and bending them to do the fowl deeds, reward being infamy and safety for friends and family!
Once I thought more about it makes sense. Like you’ve posted. Someone on the other end of a computer manipulating them. 2 in a day? Random? No way.
My wife has been following the mass shootings and has gotten very good at saying "It is about time for another mass shooting." and within a week walla there is another mass shooting............ almost as if they are on a loose schedule. I have not looked at the time span between them myself but it does seem they happen at fairly evenly spaced intervals. If one goes down the conspiracy hole...... that timing would seem a bit odd to be natural. False flags are a great social manipulation tool as society tends to take things at face value and react accordingly. The communist here in the USA have played the long con and it is starting to pay off for them.
There is no proof of false flags so far, but it's like smelling the stink in a locked outhouse. The similar profiles of the shooters as you mention above, but the timing is just too perfect for political purposes. Tin foil hat properly adjusted, perhaps a three letter agency getting too nervous about the current administration being willing to expose what is going on in the swamp.
Fox news reporting this morning confirms your profile above Dayton suspect compiled 'hit list' and 'rape list' in high school: reports
and it seems the reports of "4 men dressed in black shooting" at the El Paso event have been scrubbed - even tho reported by CBS 'news' Now back to a "lone gunman"
They were not random IMO. I believe agenda driven. Americans are not responding as we have been programed. I asked my 18 year old if he had questions or thoughts about the shootings. His response was it is going to get worse. I think he is correct and most everyone I have spoke to believe we will see more violence.
Hmmmm.... sounds kind of familiar. IIRC there was an armed man that was reported running away from Sandy Hook that nobody ever bothered to find. EDIT: YT of witnesses describing the 3-4 men: