Favorite FAL Variant

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by Conagher, Aug 6, 2005.

  1. Tyler Danann

    Tyler Danann Monkey+

    That is nice.

    Could you remove the barrel and have a .300WSM one fitted?!
  2. WastedDaze

    WastedDaze Monkey+

    Tyler Danann likes this.
  3. markthenewf

    markthenewf Chief Newf

    DSA 18-incher. About 4 years old and the following alterations:

    Smith Ent flash hider.
    VLTOR rail.
    DSA top cover
    Leopold 3-9 Firedot
    Changed rear sight to Para style (Tombstone one is a stinker)
    Rubberized grip
    Metal/folding charging handle (No more sticking into my chest/back when slung)
    Oversized mag release (love this upgrade)
    Falcon Arms reduced pull trigger.

    Working up a load. That best load is a bit hot for varget loads. I think I need to see if I can find another optimal charge.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2015
  4. Tyler Danann

    Tyler Danann Monkey+

  5. markthenewf

    markthenewf Chief Newf

    They sure are fun to shoot. Most folks don't even know what it is since all they normally see are AR or AK variants. I don't like the handles, but I did try and find a 1-4x before the one I currently have. About a year after this range trip, I found a 1-4x one but I put it on my 45/70 levergun. After using that for a bit, I'm seriously debating about getting rid of the 3-9x on the FAL and replacing it with that same one that's on the levergun.

    By the way, Moses from the FALFILES makes polymer mags now. mosesmag.com I think. I've been using them and they're great gizmos.
    Tully Mars and Tyler Danann like this.
  6. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    When it comes to many military weapons I'm kind of a traditionalist. For the most part, I prefer "as issued".
    As far as the 7.62 NATO goes I was a die hard M14/M1A fan and thought that it was the best all round. Easier on the brass than an HK, ect,ect. Buddy of mine tried to get me in to the FN's. "Naw Man, I don't think so..."

    Then I shot one;)
    Not long after I was the proud owner of a box of Imbel receivers, several kits and the rest is history. HUGE fan of the FN's. My all time favorite is this one Israeli FN-FAL Heavy Barrel.
    I feel this is kinda like a "modern" BAR. Still uses a box mag, but (IMHO) has a better adjustable gas system and is a bit easier to clean. With the iron sights you can plink at rocks (or steel) all day long @ 8-900 yrds with no problem. This rifle, a sunny day and a can of ammo and Tully is a happy camper!
  7. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    I remember buying my first 100 mags new in the wrapper for 3 bux a pop,sigh, a bygone age..:(
    Marck likes this.
  8. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++


    I have a few and this one is my favorite. Made by PacArms, Imbel gear, re-barreled by a former SOCOM armored, and runs about a MOA with good stuff and ~1.5 with Hert, Port, EG or Radway green.
    Inexpensive glass as it is about a 500 yard rifle.
  9. Tyler Danann

    Tyler Danann Monkey+

  10. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    THEE Right Arm of The Free World! Sure do love all mine! From an early Austrian STG58 to my current custom build, All will shoot sub moa with decent NATO or M-1A Match! My current one is built on an 80% upper with a nice Gear Logo Lower modded with an A-2 match real sight! DSA Med heavy barrel and modded gas plug! Just waiting on the wood to dry so I can start carving! As much as I like the metal and the plastic's I still like the old school wood stocks! Fitting this latest one with the SAW but hook Israeli style! No, it's not strictly stock, but it's the best of the breed for what it's built for!
    3M-TA3 likes this.
  11. Andy the Aussie

    Andy the Aussie Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Not nearly my favourite variant but my mate's OSW was good fun.


    Tully Mars, Yard Dart and 3M-TA3 like this.
  12. Andy the Aussie

    Andy the Aussie Monkey+++ Founding Member

    A few still here...
  13. STGThndr

    STGThndr Monkey++

    Got no way to post a pic from my cave here in the stone age... but... one of my very favorite rifles is a Rhodie re-build I picked up some years ago.. came from a "kit" and built on an Imbel upper receiver.
    Tully Mars likes this.
  14. wideym

    wideym Monkey+++

    20190721_164626. I've been surprised by the prices of FALs and mags lately. I went through the safes the other day picking out what I haven't shot in a while and found my FALs. An older DSA ParaCongo and an 18" barreled PAC Imbel I had forgotten about. I got curious about how much they were going for nowadays and was dumbfounded by the prices for non Century FALs. Even Century FALs are being offered for around 1000. I haven't see any FALs for sale in quite awhile and 20 round metal mags have also mostly dried up or are being offered for 25-40 dollars each. I did find 5 mags at a local shop for 12 bucks each today and scooped them up, even though I have about 25 twenty rounders and six of the older converted to metric thirty round .308 Bren mags DSA offered years ago.

    While putting away the new mags, I found a box of 20 rounders I had forgotten about. The new count is 40 twenty rounders and 7 thirty rounders ( one is a straight not curved bren mag). I had to replace my old phone and still can't seem to figure out how to transfer photos to my computer yet. I guess I'll have to have my niece show me how sometime soon.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2019
    Gator 45/70, 3M-TA3 and Tully Mars like this.
  15. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Rhodesian FALs rock...and roll!
    Tully Mars likes this.
  16. Andy the Aussie

    Andy the Aussie Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Define what is a “Rhodesian FAL” other than almost any variant (they used lots) with a baby poop paint job ;):D
  17. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    You have to have that ugly muzzle contraption that clips on. Looks like a failed project from a high school welding class.

    Works wonders on reducing recoil, but mine is on a .22 conversion so that may help. KIMG1459.
  18. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    The Rhodesian FAL are usually noted for their "baby poop" paint jobs, lack of carry handles and slings, they frequently had grenade launchers or the Halbrek Device. Some were painted black, had carry handles and slings, and lacked any modification to the barrel. To know if it is a real Rhodie you have to check the serial numbers... and even then you stand a good chance of getting screwed.
  19. Andy the Aussie

    Andy the Aussie Monkey+++ Founding Member

    They also issued British and Australian L1A1s, FN G1 and 50:00 pattern rifles as well as R1s from SA and some Imbels ended up there as well. The Halbek device was not overly common. Slings and carry handles were unit to unit decisions.
  20. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    Hi Andy,

    Was it Rhodesia or South Africa that ordered the carry handles broken off?
    (After some accident if I remember correctly)

    Are the Rhodesian butt stocks longer than others, or is that a South Africa thing?
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