Doing damage to the country. American style.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Big Ron, May 3, 2019.

  1. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    I remember Obama getting elected and while I didn't like his European socialist thinking, I at least wished the country well and figured our system would slow him down and keep him from destroying our society. I did get plenty of laughs with his talk about getting the gov. involved with healthcare and it is cheaper? and done better? What I am getting at is that what we see now are people who refuse to accept the election. It sets a bad thing in motion where nobody accepts anyone else's vote. Violence? I think the Democrats are overloading the system to bring it down. Rules for radicals? They appear very destructive. unable to deal with anything with logic or reason. I see crazy ideas and thinking about spending money like crazy. I wonder about Republicans also. Buy some popcorn and pop a cold one as our soap opera gov. story of self-destruction continues.
  2. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    We used to be a country made up of citizens, all different races, different origins, different incomes, etc, but we were first of all Americans, warts and all. Now we all belong to different tribes and only our tribe counts and everyone else's is evil and wrong. Hitler took that concept, Jews weren't human, Aryan were chosen by God, etc, and took that tribal thinking to its ultimate end. Saw a report on Treblinka as the ultimate killing machine, its peak year it killed 1 million people, staffed by about 30 German officers, 150 German soldiers, and about 450 or so Ukraine guards. Even turned a slight profit on clothing, gold teeth, etc, collected from those being processed. Going thru similar but less intense things as we write, Union of South Africa, most of the northern coast of Africa, good part of the middle east, etc. Tribes used to be ethnic and that and race are still major factors, but as illustrated by those like AOC she is first a Puerto Rican, then a progressive, then a woman, then a democrat, and somewhere down the line she is an American. She can not cooperate with others and do what is best in running this country as that would be letting her tribe down. Watch C-SPAN or read a "liberal" newspaper, or watch the Senate try to confirm a federal judge, and all you see by all sides is the posturing to impress their "tribe". Don't see much hope of change as Obama proved that running on "Change", meant his side won and the he** with the rest of the people. As an old white man raised in a Christian family and educated in the old western culture, I see little hope for an outcome that betters us all.
  3. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Diversity and divide have the same root word. The melting pot made us a unified people - Americans. Every culture that joined added something to it that made us better as a whole. Now diversity is used to tear us down. Our country is becoming pockets of small nations none of which have allegiance to the US.

    The only groups that are singled out are those that seek to unify us as a people - we are called "white nationalists" and "NAZI's" and worse. La Raza (literally "the race", motto is "inside the race, everything; outside the race,nothing") doesn't even raise an eyebrow and instead gets federal funding. Sharia law beginning to supersede US law in areas. Colleges holding "non white" events and many segregating white students in clubs and fully supported by out tax paid administrators. Toxic masculinity oppresses all women and fluid genders every time a straight male not wearing a cock cage dares to breathe or pee standing up. Every race, every culture, every difference between people is being used to break us down into smaller ans smaller more easy to manage groups.

    We are being divided so we can be conquered, and the left (and many of the right) are the useful idiots doing the work of the globalists who orchestrate this. "We the people" have to come together and put a stop to it, but we are so polarized into our many "diverse" camps that it is likely impossible to stop it.

    There is a good chance that the next election will swing right because of how the Democrats are mismanaging their control over the House of Representatives.They are so focused on their grievances of losing in 2016 (still!) that they are not even attempting to do the work of legislatures. Should this happen the temper tantrum from the left wll be even worse than this current one they will not let go of.

    IMO odds of an armed conflict are greater now than any time since the Civil War.
    Capt. Tyree, GOG, Ura-Ki and 5 others like this.
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    IMHO it is so far gone now that the very best we can hope for is that it does indeed imploded/explode then we might be able to rebuild something better. There is no stopping it and all one can do is hold on and prepare for the fall. It is sort of like the Soviet Union in that many could see the handwriting on the walls and knew that the end game was near - then - almost overnight it just happened.
    Gator 45/70, Ura-Ki and Tully Mars like this.
  5. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    The people who have been engineering this have plans for when things implode. Otherwise they would not have gone through this much effort.
  6. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    Gator 45/70, GOG and Ura-Ki like this.
  7. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Questions: Are we not better off now than 4 years ago or 8 years ago? Which of the 3 do you prefer? What do you see as the Countries top 3 problems by priority? Who is trying to do something truly positive to correct those 3 problems? Who caused those problems? Now, tell me about those 3 top problems? Did they exist 8 years ago? 4 years ago? Are they better now, are they being addressed?
    Quite frankly, I am not concerned with Obstructionists, Antifa, Social Justice Warriors, Black Lives Matter, any liberal talking head on lame stream media, ditto celebrity know it all big mouths. In my mind I see Americans waking up to the truth and making most of the people in my list above more insignificant day by day.
  8. Borrego

    Borrego Monkey

    Part of me thinks that regardless of who wins this next one in 2020, there will be trouble. If Trump wins again, I really think the left (Antifa types) will literally go crazy. They won't last long, but there will be trouble. If a Leftist candidate gets in and starts going after guns (which could be their first agenda), a lot of people I know will be in the streets.
    For sure, It'll be interesting......
    Ura-Ki, tacmotusn and Gator 45/70 like this.
  9. GOG

    GOG Free American Monkey

    I think things will escalate soon. The leftists/deep state coup has been exposed and there will soon be no place for them to hide.

    What you're seeing in DC is pure panic because they're caught. They were so full of hubris that they didn't have a fallback plan if HRC lost, so violence must come. It's their only way out or a way to at least minimize some of the consequences.
    It will be ugly and I think it will even hit some of the smaller towns.
    It has to happen.
    Then we'll have more of a fresh start at forming a Constitutional government as envisioned by our founders.
  10. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    We have been becoming less better off every passing year for the last 40 years.
    GOG, Gator 45/70, apache235 and 2 others like this.
  11. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Watching from afar when I was still Mil. over seas, was eye opening, but, things really came to focus when I retired. Obummer and Co have really sown a large divide, there is More hate and discontent then ever before, and it really escalated with the defeat of HRC and Co. I watched as people who were largely peaceful were suddenly at odds with each other, even violently at times, and it's continued to get worse! What's crazy is the artificial divide skillfully applied by Obummer and Co. with all his racial rift and meddling, the formation of ANTIFA and counter groups. the Pot is boiling over, and the dems keep turning up the heat!
    It's all gotta come to a head soon, 2020 is going to blow it all wide open and good folks are going to have some major issues to figure out how to deal with! I'm a felon now ( having yet to commit any crime), and soon there will be a reckoning when "they" try and enforce the unenforceable! Further, I see the outlying areas getting sucked into what's coming, largely as a result of lack of basics being delivered to those areas, and spill over of violence from the cities! Some of this will be done by "We the People" as a preemptive, and other things will be retaliation for that! Storm clouds on the horizon, hunker down, keep the powder dry and head on a swivel!
    3M-TA3, GOG, Thunder5Ranch and 2 others like this.
  12. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Total powder kegs waiting for the right spark to blow it. Trump wins 2020 it blows, Trump loses 2020 it blows. States throw their electoral votes to the left against the peoples will......yeah it blows. Just not seeing many future outcomes where it does not go down without a lot of 3rd world style violence.
    3M-TA3, oldman11, Gator 45/70 and 2 others like this.
  13. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    That's what really bothers me, all the violence that's going to come when the Dems get their asses handed to them big time! Why is it that we cannot solve this any other way then killing each other? Sad state of affairs when Killing is the only answer! Maybe it's best, paves the way for a full reset to something else and Removes the dissenters and traitors alike! What that is I don't know, and THAT really scares me! I would like to see a full constitutional reset to what and how it IS written, but we may not get that! Instead, the winners may decide to make something else, something worse, something like the bad old days in Russia!
  14. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I, for one, will take great pleasure in that happening. Right after that, I reckon I'll take up arms, just in case ----
  15. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I'm right there with ya! Be sitting on the porch with a loaded FAL, a box of loaded mags, Sweet Tea and a Pipe!
    oldawg, 3M-TA3, Thunder5Ranch and 3 others like this.
  16. GOG

    GOG Free American Monkey

    I don't want violence, but here's how I see it. Many on the left are essentially cultists and rational discourse already holds no sway with them. They're the vagina hat, antifa, Bill Ayres, Farrakhan, SJW a-hole org. types
    So I expect many will react violently when indictments come down and their gods start getting perp walked. It WAS treason and I guarantee they'll finally pay.
    There are some patriots recapturing government for the People. It's hapening and rapidly accelerating.

    So the left's got essentially nuthin' and the majority of them have no real ideas. So they'll do their best to burn it down and just maybe, just possibly after they are soundly defeated some will see reason and rejoin our family. Any others will just have to be dealt with.

    Coincidentally, just this week I replenished some preps, refilled some foodstuffs and added to home defense in anticipation of this exact scenario.

    3M-TA3, Thunder5Ranch and Ura-Ki like this.
  17. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Not only do they have no real ideas....... They have no real issues. I have Never seen so many people with so much Freedom and Ease of life............ that are so abused, marginalized, victimized and oppressed (Sarcasm).
    3M-TA3 and GOG like this.
  18. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    this kinda points at what and how if ya care to look... just posted it... to me it explains it very well...

    better then I could... cause I've tried since the mid 70's to tell people about what I saw n heard when I attended college...

    but this tells it way better and their own words are used to tell it...

    On the Campus?
    3M-TA3 and Ura-Ki like this.
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