This has been happening to me more and more these days as I age . It's funny , but as babies we all look alike to some degree, and it seems we have body doubles every where. The other day a strange woman came up to me and she though I was her husband . When you think your unique , some one comes along and claims you were some other pace you've actually never been. Ever been mistaken for some one else.?
Nobody thinks I am alone else, and sometimes I am not even MYSELF... People who haven't seen me in a few Decades, do not recognize me for who I am,l or was.... I went to a High School 25 Year Reunion and NoBody walked up to me and said "Hey. is that you, Bruce" I refused to wear one of those stupid Name Badges, and had a good time just seeing some of the folks that I went to High School with... Not a lot of chit chat going on with me.... Just my style of Reunion...
There are a lot of crazy people out there, medicated with some crazy prescriptions, or imbibing in various controlled substances. They are liable to see and say all kinds of crazy things when one drug kicks in, or when another wears off.....
No, never mistaken for another but when I am home, people know what family I belong to. I guess the family resemblance is strong.
Back when he was at the top of the country music charts I used to get mistaken for Tim McGraw all the time. I've been asked for autographs at airports, hotels, bars,ect. Hasn't happened for a long time except for last weekend. Sass and I spent a week at the beach house. When we went down to the wharf to see the Jimmy Buffett concert. We got there early and did a little bar hopping. Had several women and one guy come up to me. I can usually tell now when someone is thinking I'm Tim, and just say "I'm not who you think I am." I had one drunk chick in Atlanta that just wouldn't believe me.I finally posed for a pic with her and signed an autograph,lol.
When I was at camp lejune there was a a yogurt shop that had a girl in there that I took a liking to I ask her name and she would not give it to me I asked her if I could get it if she go out on a date with me she said if I could guess it should go on a date with me Show the next day I come into the yogurt shop and there's a girl in there and I asked her name and she told me I on the back wall there was a schedule that have five girls and one guy's name on it and one and one girl Dar give me her name so I only have four to go so every time I come in there I would ask one of the names on the wall to a different girl and start eliminating them until I come down to the girl that I was trying to take on date but the guy I come up there one day and I said paul is that you he looked at me kinda like you didn't know me cuz he didn't I said I was in the third grade we had we had that teacher and man I can't remember her nameI he said his third grade teachers name I said yeah that's her I used to sit right behind and he's looking at me oh yeah I remember you then proceeded to ask me how been I told him how great I was he said good to see you again. I said you two got my yogurt and left.
Years ago, one of my cousins called up my sister all freaked out, aperently she had just seen some lassy on the news that she thought was me. (same first name and she said looked like my double)... Sister had to convinced her that No, I had not knocked over a convenience store, shot someone and on the run... yet.....
Why you think I have all this facial hair? I grew it right after America's most Wanted TV show started. Nope I ain't that guy, gotta go, my name is Fred. Cya later!
I used to get people that thought i was Billy Idol, went on for years, then I got this nasty scar across my face, now no one confuses me with any one! Lol