Better yet , when the last normal thinking , level headed red blooded American leaves the state ,,, light the fuse to prevent the others from getting out.
They will not have to “Turnoff the Lights” because the folks up on the Columbia River will just cut off the Power Feed going South, and Commiefornia will just go DARK...
I live in what would be considered a "liberal state," although not at liberal as outsiders think. I also grew up in Illinois and still have a lot of connections there, so I think I'm something of an expert in this area. Anyway, I can relate to to the idea of "standing your ground". It's a noble cause, but I reject it. I have plans to get out in 2-5 years, with a goal of being at the low end of that scale. It's not horrible here. Day to day life is pleasant and the people are nice. But I'm done with the drippy politics, the taxes, the high prices on everything. I have a buddy who lives in the Gulf Coast area of the USA. He moved there from Illinois 15 years ago and absolutely loves it. I've been actively looking for property there. The cost of living is way lower and the vibe of the place just works for me. Why should I stay and endlessly fight knowing I'll likely never win when it's so much easier just to up and leave? This state should be happy to see me's one less conservative voter mucking up their plans. I will cheerfully get out of their way and take my assets (which are substantial) with me. They can fight among themselves over who is going to pay for all the free shit once everyone with a real job hits the eject button. Seriously, I have no ill will towards my neighbors but it would be better if I was a tourist here.
IL is ruled by 3-4 Counties, when your property taxes double every 2-3 years, the fee's keep going up, the taxes in general keep going up and the regulations and laws keep becoming more strict.............. Not much choice but to form a exit plan. 4 kinds of people from IL, the ones that had enough flexibility to already flee, those of us that it takes a major effort to relocate, Those that believe they can change the way it is, and those that benefit and love the progressive liberal State......... even though 98 of the Counties are mid to deep RED. Love my farm, love my business, and I love Southern IL. but my exit plan is well under way and will take a minimum of 18 months to extract everything out of the State to the new location and then have to start the business over from scratch. Not a decision I came to without a lot of thought and probably too much hope that I would not have to make the move.
I would like to know if any here or even that gentleman who is 'standing his ground' would fight an elephant bare-knuckled? That is exactly what you are doing trying to 'stand your ground' in these states because the law is against you. They make the laws and they make them against you. Think about it, what exactly are you suppose to do? Should you become a terrorist? Perhaps become, like many others, the noble patriot who loses every crumb of their worth trying to fight the state? Or, get yourself a sign and stand outside the capital building, like they really care what you think? The deck is stack! You cannot win! Go to court and win and guess what, you will be going to court again and again and again because they got the tax dollars from the entire state in their treasury. When they take over a state there is nothing you can do except go where the numbers are a bit better in your favor. The man is an idiot or he hasn't thought through the entire equation... There is no such thing as winning in something like this...
A partial answer for you to ponder! There are Many options from simple resistance, armed uprising, to all out gorilla warfare! There are an awful lot of good folks who don't have much, and little left to loose! There are thousands of Vets who are poor and in debt for every thing because living isn't possible with out debt at working mans wages! These are the people to be feared for they have nothing left to take, there for nothing left to loose! Standing your ground is about all we have left, sooner or later its all going to level out and there will be no where left to run!
Washington & Oregon are ruled by the BIG CITIES, and there is little the rest of the Counties can do about the Political Divide that has been created... County Commissioners, Sheriffs, and local Politicos can rail against the State, but in reality, it will ALWAYS come down to the “Votes” and that means BIG CITY RULES... We saw this coming way back in ‘91, and split for the quiet life in Bush Alaska... We never regretted our decision to move, and count it as a Blessing, from our GOD, that has poured out His Abundance upon our Family... We have never wanted for anything substantial... Yea, sometimes it has taken years to get where we wanted to go, and there have been disappointments along the way, but in hind-sight, these were all Temporary, and worth the wait, to be fulfilled... i am sure we both, will be DEAD & Gone, before the State of Alaska gets Commiefornia-Fied, so our lives will be as they are now... Our legacy will be for our Children & Grandchildren to take up where we left off...
Ura-Ki, I get it, believe me I do. I get that they can't leave. I get it. They can't stop it and they can't run away from it. But, is that really 'Standing Your Ground'? No, it is not because they don't have a 'choice'. It's the same if I get jumped and beaten by a bunch of goons. I can't run away because they got be cornered and I can't fight because a couple are holding me while another beats me to a pulp. All I can do is take it until they stop or they kill me. Am I 'Standing My Ground'? No, I'm getting the snot beat out of me because I don't have any other choice. "...sooner or later its all going to level out and there will be no where left to run!" This is true. I will not deny it. Right now, some states are much better than say Oregon or California, but you can bet they, Lefty-Elites, will try to rein these states into their sphere of influence but that takes time and the people that live in those states and the people that are moving into them, the refugees, understand what has happened and what is at stake. And, who knows what will happen tomorrow, WW3, California goes bye-bye after Cascadian Faultline cracks open, ET comes for a visit or the Elites blunder and the people finally push back? Who knows? But, this guy wants to stand there and take a beating when he can't even punch back but he has the option to run away? Like I said, this guy is either an idiot or doesn't understand the equation...or maybe a masochist? Who knows? Anyway, I am not knocking the guy, and if he wants to stay then good on him, I understand it's his home, but all I am saying is it's not brave, it's not realistic, and it's not practical. Some folks, most folks got no choice. I get it.
Illinois has about 12,000,000 people, of which over half live in one single county (Cook), which includes Chicago. They bully the rest of the state. If this sounds a lot like Washington & Oregon, it's because it is. Once you leave Cook County, you'll find that the folks are not whack job liberals and can be quite reasonable, and dare I say, conservative. There is this misconception that the entire state is like Chicago. It's not even close. Southern Illinois is very red and has more in common with Nashville than it ever will with Chicago. They deeply resent the Chicago people down there. There is a good reason Illinois has negative population growth, and more importantly, the those who are leaving are disproportionately wealthy. People retire and exit from Illinois to Florida, the Carolinas, Wisconsin, and Indiana. No one says "When I retire I'm moving to Illinois!" I have a lot of friends/family in Illinois and the only ones who want to stay are elderly and are too established to just pick up and go. Everyone I know under retirement age is looking to bail.
That is a possibility but I think it is more likely that you will start to see "sanctuary states" where constitutional rights are upheld and unconstitutional federal laws are ignored.
One can only hope, yet we saw the influx of the Chi Town exodus in the late 50s as Braniff and other airlines moved to Texas. What was once my stomping ground (aka Heman Dearing Ranch) owned by the likes of survivors of the 1836 start of a free country now known as Texas was soon no more than a gigantic Airport now known as DFW Int. Prices went up, carpet baggers all thought they knew more than 10 generation Texakans. Those Toadies soon started making & raising taxes and we had our first .5% Sales Tax ever. No State income Tax is what built Texas industry, along with Oil and hard working folks. Nothing new here but greed and unhappiness.
That has slowly been changing over the last 10-15 years. More and more people from Chicago, California and Colorado of the progressive socialist flavor have been moving into Southern IL. and brought their liberal Chicago politics with them. Jackson County and Carbondale have long been a Leftist colony due to SIUC and the draw universities have for left leaning professors and students. That infestation has Spread into Union, Williamson and Jefferson Counties and is growing rather rapidly there. My home County Hamilton is still DEEP RED but in the end it does not really matter how red a County or even a region is. We have around 3,000,000 people in the 618 With the Bulk of that population in the East STL, Alton (What they call the Metro East Area) Central IL (the 217 area code) I believe has around ,000,000 and is much less Red in general. Then there is Northern IL with Cook County Alone having 5.21 million people and another 1.5 million scattered around the rest of the northern 1/3. We essentially have nothing but token representation at the State level in SI. and get steam rolled by Chicago and the Machine at every turn. Used to be there was at least some balance in the State legislature but as the Transplants have changed the demographics that is no longer the case. The Leftist Super Majority in the State Legislature now Coupled with a Progressive Billionaire Trust Fund Baby as Governor........... Yeah we are screwed. I was pissed when they passed the Farm tax equalization law. Basically raising the ag land tax in SI where the land is much less productive and fertile to match the taxes of Northern IL and Central IL Very Fertile Black Dirt Farms. Then the property taxes started shooting up, my place in Central IL went from $2,100 per year in property taxes to $8,400 Per Year, over five years. No new buildings no major improvements just a 48x70 pole barn, 6 acres and 1900 sq foot brick ranch house. Finally found a sucker to buy it and dump that tax burden. Why did the taxes go through the roof......... They Started building subdivisions with McMansions all around us. Those sub divisions also greatly changed the demographic from Native to Chicago Transplants. See the same thing happening in select parts of SI now and have to wonder if it was coordinated and organized to encourage Chicago liberals to move and start tipping that balance to where we are today.
Which points up the idea of the "I have it and you can't" approach taken by the wealthy libs that have grown tired of the world they built and are getting out of Dodge and contaminating the formerly clean areas. The is NO place in the world immune to that sort of infection. I mean, if we cannot seal a border between two nations, how the hell are we going to put up a wall between counties?
Now that is an interesting idea that I hope takes probably won't but I can hope and even help to spread the idea. I mean, if they can have 'Sanctuary Cities' for illegals (which is the most insane idea I have ever heard of) why not Sanctuary Cities for the Constitution...of course we already know the answer to that question but, nevertheless, we can hope and I do like the idea. @Thunder5Ranch "Farm tax equalization law. Basically raising the ag land tax...Then the property taxes started shooting up...Finally found a sucker to buy it and dump that tax burden." Now that is being smart and not beating your head against a wall hoping it will break. Fight the battles you can win, when you can't run away to fight another day. I see the same thing happening here in Northern Idaho. It's gorgeous here and loads of refugees from California, Oregon, you name it, are arriving daily. And, while I wouldn't call them Lefties, some folks with their own agenda or different agendas than what the rest of us want have got a good foothold in our County politics and they are well funded. Taxes are going up, every year since I have been here. I see the day soon when I will have to make the same choice - beat my head against the wall or pop smoke and leave for farther North.
cities and counties can declare themselves sanctuaries all they want >> they still answer to state laws ++++ and states answer to FED laws ... it's critical and a do or die future to get FED laws established pertaining to gun ownership & rights while the iron is hot >>>> SCOTUS needs to set down 2A Rights once & forever and POTUS Trump needs to sign in laws in conjunction .... CA type bypass lawsare going to continue to spread - the DNC NJ Gov is pushing a $550 gun tax in the state >>>> bankrupt gunowners into giving up their weapons ....
Any attempt to "Tax" ALL FireArms, will NOT pass Constitutional Muster, and will be struck down at the first Federal District Court Challenge.... This is why the NFA of 1934 was deemed Constitutional, way back when, as it was a "Tax" but only on specific FireArms, and not ALL FireArms... This principle has been Settled Law for almost 100 years, and IS part of Heller & McDonald, which is SCOTUS Precedent on the Subject... These dufus Politicos can try and Pass all the Crap Statutes that they want, but in Federal Court, is where things get sticky for them.... They know this, and yet they still Grandstand and Pontificate, to placate their Base....
@Illini Warrior "cities and counties can declare themselves sanctuaries all they want >> they still answer to state laws ++++ and states answer to FED laws …" Yeah, right, that's why they currently have all these Sanctuary Cities...which seems to me that the Federal government has not been able to do a damn thing about regardless if it is lawful or not.
Yup, and if the Fed were all powerful, why is it State law trumps the Fed? Why has I.C.E. been stopped by the States from doing it's job? Yup, States have preemption over Fed Law, only they try to preempt Constitutional law, which they cannot do, yet they try at every step, hoping to get enough through, and get away with it!