Git'er done,,,, One thing that sounded good, was the road added in , but what seemed off was being able to backfill that much dirt against the wall without added support . But I ain't no engineer .
Well, There's a solution for spent uranium rods and radioactive materials + a 4000 volt open wire running along the top.
I roll my eyes evertime I see on of these threads. 1) much of the border won't hold a concrete wall, you have rivers along the boarder, 2) the wall is built every where but AZ, there are areas in AZ that won't hold a wall because of the topography, the drug mules just walk thru the mountainous terrain 3) they went with metal panel walls for most of it so you could see thru but not scrape thru 4) that video was from back in 2017
You are quite right...."The Wall" is not so much about reality, but selling the comforting dream of 'security'......Donald is selling his version of 'The Emperor's amazingly fantastic and incredible New Clothes' and his MAGA zombie support base is buying it....bigly!
That seems very Stalinist.....Then again Comrade Donald has been doing a little purging lately...minus the piano wire and firing squads of course.
I think we should "Annex" everything down to the panama canal and build the wall there. Put the state owned oil company in Mexico on the NYSE and give everyone who lives in Mexico a few shares. Let trump build resorts up and down the coast and restore it as America's vacation destination. If we are not going to do that then a wall is the next best solution to protect us from the consequences of another failed quasi-socialist state.
Have returning troops patrol the border to wind down. Or take over Mexico and get rid of their horrible gov. and the drug cartels. Make Mexico another state.
Making Mexico another state??? More like an unincorporated territory of his Imperial Majesty Donald Trump's empire...A State would have representation in Congress and the Senate...and as we know...non white people always vote Democrat....what the hell ya thinkin' Ron?
You should keep that racist filth to yourself. I know you are joking (or pretending to be joking) but it is still racist garbage and most of us conservatives are tired of people like you trying to keep the hate alive in order to justify your political positions.
Perhaps you may wish to exercise your umbrage assiduously with those fellow monkeys who actually hold to that belief. It's not as if that notion hasn't been expressed here before in earnest. As far as keeping hate alive, conservatives are fierce competitors with their more 'liberal' opponents in that regard. Fear, distrust and anxiety are key components of the present administration's policy strategies....most effectively used against their tribal enemies.
It took me a minute to figure out what yall were talking about until I remembered I blocked that Aussie guy...... Pay him no mind, he has no skin in the game.......easy to belittle someone else's problem when you're half a world away.
@chelloveck the physical wall is real, and there are other forms of Wall, they have huge electronic surveillance resources. My point was the physical wall is not possible along the whole boarder.